The Problem of Hell

Your wish may indeed be granted.

How can a baby be a catholic if it has not accepted the authority of the catholic authorities in all things doctrinal?

A human becomes a catholic only when it has done that.

All babies irrespective of their parentage have eternity with God. Baptism is not required.

So the baby in question has a 100% certainty of being with God in eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Ahhh. So then a Baby that spends just a few days on Earth and is never tempted nor does it have the opportunity of further sin, basically is given in effect a "free ride" to "Heaven".

Then there's the rest of us, here, argueing the semantics and details of what may or may not be truth. Some of us might even perscribe to your carefully calucated(over 1000s of years ago mind you) formulae to "get to Heaven", yet meet that one little she-devil that lead us astray(oh she was worth it let me tell you...). No Fair! Why did I have to live to the age of REASON or become old enough to be TEMPTED, yet this perfect baby, slain cruelly and uncaringly by infection is given "Heaven" without effort?

Would not a loving father then, indeed already damned, choose to slay his progeny upon birth? After all, even if he was not sure of his own souls future, he could at least guarantee(100% you say!) his children's...
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I think since there's no clear evidence that such places exists, heaven and hell are only ploys to manipulate. If the christian wants to believe in fairy tale about such places, they must realize they need to provide evidence other than just an ancient book says so!

When one dies, it's over, this is unfortunately a one way ticket, your heaven and hell are here while you live, when you die, you only seize to exist. To even postulate that another dimension of existence exists, is to deny this existence. This is the only existence that we are conscious of, when your consciousness seize to exist, there's no other form of existence. It's over. People need to come to grips with this, atheist and most secularist have, theist of any denomination, has the delusion that he/she will continue to live elsewhere after death, this is the delusion.

Many things have in the past exhisted and continued to exhist, despite our not seeing them. Our "visual" range is actually very small, even with our new science and technology.

Creation still remains a valid theory for the origin of the universe.

While I would personally be comforted by your version of death, I have a sinking feeling we will not get off so easy that way either...the universe is too imperfectly perfect.
Ahhh. So then a Baby that spends just a few days on Earth and is never tempted nor does it have the opportunity of further sin, basically is given in effect a "free ride" to "Heaven".

Yes and that’s how it should be. I agree with the will of God on this but you disagree with it. I find it beautiful and just, you see it as an injustice.

Then there's the rest of us, here, argueing the semantics and details of what may or may not be truth. Some of us might even perscribe to your carefully calucated(over 1000s of years ago mind you) formulae to "get to Heaven",

A truth revealed is revealed no matter how long ago it was revealed.

yet meet that one little she-devil that lead us astray(oh she was worth it let me tell you...).

Ummm say what? she-devil???? what are you talking about here.

No Fair! Why did I have to live to the age of REASON or become old enough to be TEMPTED, yet this perfect baby, slain cruelly and uncaringly by infection is given "Heaven" without effort?

You have been given a way to have eternity with God through the Messiah Jesus and it only takes believing Him. God has provided you a way so fairness is restored. You still think it is unfair then so be it.

Would not a loving father then, indeed already damned, choose to slay his progeny upon birth? After all, even if he was not sure of his own souls future, he could at least guarantee(100% you say!) his children's...

Well murder is against the Will of God. Therefore if the father believes God then He would never murder his children. See belief is a package when you take on God you take on all His will. (Well that’s the way it is supposed to be)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes and that’s how it should be. I agree with the will of God on this but you disagree with it. I find it beautiful and just, you see it as an injustice.

And this they call morality folks:rolleyes:

A truth revealed is revealed no matter how long ago it was revealed.

Actually we are still waiting for the truth to be revealed, we are just not deluded in thinking that an ancient manuscript reveals it, or that any freaking EVIDENCE has been presented! ;)

You have been given a way to have eternity with God through the Messiah Jesus and it only takes believing Him.

And your evidence is? :eek: