The Muslim Black Box: Kaaba

Well I can see you have very little interest on this subject , as it could only be due to your lack of knowledge about the Kaaba stone itself!

Here is a little eductation for all you fundamentalists out there:

"Hadschar al Aswad" is the sacred "black stone" which moslems pay homage on their "Hadsch", their pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Hadsch is a rather strange ritual since Islam prohibits the worship and veneration of objects, but it seems that this tradition is much older than Islam itself. The Hadschar might be a true betyl, a real meteorite, since it is said to have a black crust and a light-gray interior.

However, it might also represent a rather large Wabar pearl, a meteorite related impact glass that is found in central Saudi Arabia, not that far from Mecca. It's a pity that scientists haven't solved the mystery surrounding this sacred stone, but for normal religious reasons it has not been allowed.

Wouldn't it be great to know that there is at least one ancient betyl left, and that it is still venerated after more than perhaps 2,000 years?

If I was gonna go around in circles dressed in a white robe around a covered box , at least I would like to know whats inside?
The Nazis used the swastika, do you think they were secretly Hindus? :D
They may not have secretly been Hindus but the symbol was appropriated from the Hindus. They acknowledge this.

So? About that moon given the utmost position above all else on the Muslim place of worship? You simply think it was to "remind" people they use the lunar calender? The lunar calendar that was in use from China to Rome? The lunar calender that all of the civilized people in the ME used. It's just one big fat coincidence that Allah was a moon God, that moon Gods were worshiped all over the ME and that the Persians took the crescent as a symbol of their authority and power.

One big coincidence.

Well, I suppose you really do believe that the voices Mohammad heard in his head were from a God so you'd probably believe it was to remind people that they use a lunar based calendar. Hey people in the ME worshiped Alexander for a thousands years, it really doesn't surprise me.

I was still interested in a secular archaeological reference though,

Thats because Islam has been stitched up with a mixture of judaism and paganism!
The second poster on this web page made an interesting point about the name of God.

In short the poster is saying: If Allah is not the name of God and is just the word "God" then why not translate the word as God and not retain Allah (say in the Qur'an)? The reason obviously is because Allah is the name of the God in the Qur'an. The question is, is it a Jewish God or an Arab God? Well, the name is only ever mentioned pre-Islam in Arab polytheism. Allah is the polytheistic-Arabs God not the Jew's Gods. Also, the Jews have a name for their desert God, a couple actually, these names are specific, yet they are not given to the Arabs God named Allah. Well obviously we talking about two different Gods.

It's painfully obvious the word Allah is the name of a specific Arab God appropriated by Muslims as they rewrote the Judaic mythos.

bla bla bla bla....
The second poster on this web page made an interesting point about the name of God.

In short the poster is saying: If Allah is not the name of God and is just the word "God" then why not translate the word as God and not retain Allah (say in the Qur'an)? The reason obviously is because Allah is the name of the God in the Qur'an. The question is, is it a Jewish God or an Arab God? Well, the name is only ever mentioned pre-Islam in Arab polytheism. Allah is the polytheistic-Arabs God not the Jew's Gods. Also, the Jews have a name for their desert God, a couple actually, these names are specific, yet they are not given to the Arabs God named Allah. Well obviously we talking about two different Gods.

It's painfully obvious the word Allah is the name of a specific Arab God appropriated by Muslims as they rewrote the Judaic mythos.

bla bla bla bla....

Mohammed's father's name was Abdullah (Servant of God).
Wasn't one of his relatives named Allah?

Is that so?

Various theories are proposed regarding the etymology of the word "Allah". One is that the word Allāh (الله) is derived from a contraction of the Arabic words al- (the) and ʾilāh (deity, masculine form) — al-ilāh meaning "the God", which is the most likely. Another theory traces the etymology of the word to the Aramaic Alāhā.[3]

Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic.[4]

Muslim and non-Muslim scholars often translate "Allāh" directly into English as "God"; and Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians refer to God using the Arabic word Allah. However, some Muslim scholars feel that "Allāh" should not be translated, because they perceive the Arabic word to express the uniqueness of "Allāh" more accurately than the word "god" for two reasons:

* The word "god" can take a plural form "gods", whereas the word "Allāh" has no plural form.
* The word "god" can have gender as male god or female god (called goddess) whereas the word "Allāh" does not have gender.[5]

This is a significant issue in translation of the Qur'an.

The word "Allāh" had been used in the Arabic tongue in the pre-Islamic period, which Muslims call Jāhilīyah; it occurs in Arabic classical poetry and was also used by Jews in certain regions (for cognate Hebrew Elōah).
* The word "god" can take a plural form "gods", whereas the word "Allāh" has no plural form.
* The word "god" can have gender as male god or female god (called goddess) whereas the word "Allāh" does not have gender.[5]
How about in Hindi? In Japanese it's translated as the direct pronunciation of the name Allah (アラー)、Whay about Mandarin? Korean, Russian, German, or the thousands of other languages? Many languages have their own specific word that has this meaning. But, when the Qur'an is translated into any of the other thousands of languages the translators use the word "Allah" because, much like "Michael", "Allah" is a name. The name of the Arabian God.

Look it really doesn't matter; all you need to know is that when Mohammad heard voices in his head it really was the voice of other worldly beings. Any evidence that suggests otherwise is the work of the devil trying to trick you. Continue to pray towards the Arabian peninsula and be safe in the knowledge you will live after your death.

IAC, That Jesus fish was a secret symbol used so that two Christians could identify themselves without getting caught and persecuted. Any evidence that suggests otherwise is the work of the devil trying to trick you. Continue to pray to Jesus be safe in the knowledge you will live after your death.

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How about in Hindi? In Japanese it's translated as the direct pronunciation of the name Allah (アラー)、Whay about Mandarin? Korean, Russian, German, or the thousands of other languages? Many languages have their own specific word that has this meaning. But, when the Qur'an is translated into any of the other thousands of languages the translators use the word "Allah" because, much like "Michael", "Allah" is a name. The name of the Arabian God.

Well its good that you can tell the Muslims about Arabic and their notion of God. What would they ever do otherwise?:rolleyes:

Look it really doesn't matter; all you need to know is that when Mohammad heard voices in his head it really was the voice of other worldly beings. Any evidence that suggests otherwise is the work of the devil trying to trick you. Continue to pray towards the Arabian peninsula and be safe in the knowledge you will live after your death.

See previous comment.
Well its good that you can tell the Muslims about Arabic and their notion of God. What would they ever do otherwise?:rolleyes:

See previous comment.
Sam, I am not telling "Muslims" anything.

I am having a debate on a Sciforums board. This debate seems to me to be relatively futile.

We are coming from this question at two different angles.

Me, I'm an atheist, I have no beleif in any of the God(s) and I think there should be a rational scientifically based answer.
You are a theist, you have a beleif in the Muslim God and maintain all other Gods are delusional. You are also a scientist and therefor think there should be a rational scientifically based answer.

However, without a double blind experiment our prejudices cloud the manner in which we interpret the archaeological data.

For example. You really think that the Qur'an is somehow the words of God that were put into Mohammad's head and came out of his mouth like a microphone. Me, I think the Qur'an, because it is 70% identical to an adjacent Middle Eastern tribe's book, it is simply a copy of that work blended with Arab myths.

This is a summary of how I seem to see things. Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I am stressed from working and it just seems this way but this is how it seems to me.

I said Slavery is wrong - you said it's fine if they are POWs.
I said war of aggression is wrong - you said it is justified.
I said murder is wrong and asked if Mohammad personally killed anyone, I didn't get an answer.
I asked: If the Qur'an really is so special then what's so novel and special?I didn't get an answer. (actually I got called an hypocritical hate monger prejudiced ass hole by one person - all for asking)
I asked when was the Qur'an written? I didn't get an answer.
I asked who were the people that wrote the Qur'an? I didn't get an answer.
I asked which parts where written by whom? I didn't get an answer.
I asked why the oldest Qur'an found are different than the modern Qur'an. I didn't get an answer.
I asked what happened to the Jewish tribes that were in KSA? I didn't get an answer although I think they were all converted by the sword or killed.

We also discussed our opinions on polygamy. I said it's sick. You seemed to agree. But, then religion kicked in and you said well Mohammad is different so it is actually OK.

To imagine how that poor young girl was married to a 50+ year old man who hears voices in his head, I said freaks me out, like a sick feeling and shutter, I said he could have adopted her you said it's fine he took her as another wife.

In an attempt to measure novelty and philosophy I compared the massive changes brought about by the Communist manifesto with those brought about by Mohammadism. Communism in a VERY short period of time eliminated polygamy, made slavery illegal and elevated women to the equal legal status of a man. In Mohammadism Slavery was institutionalized and practiced for 1400 years, polygamy is rife and women are not legally the same as a man in many, if not most, Islamic countries. To you this says nothing about the two life philosophies?

These debates roll like water off the back of a duck. The reasons are there is no reasoning. Your underlying premise is there is a God and he used a human named Mohammad as a loud speaker and that is that and mine is there is no God and Mohammad, if he even hear a voice, got someone to copy the nearby peoples religous beliefs and blend it with theres and that is that.

For now we are prejudiced and so some of these debates seem futile ..

I see things like this:

The Babylonians copied myths from the Sumerians.
The Jews copied myths from the Babylonians (ex Gilgamesh).
The Greeks copied myths from the Egyptians.
The Xians copied myths from the Greek Jews.
The Romans copied myths from the Greeks.
The Muslims copied myths from the Jews.
The Baha'i' copied myths from the Muslims.
The Buddhist copied myths from the Hindu.
The Zoroastrians copied myths from the Hindu.

You'd probably agree with everything except that the Muslims did not copy their myths. Mohammad heard a voice from an angle relaying a message from a God and this message was special because it cleared up all these copying mistakes and then somehow at sometime by whomever it became the perfect book and therefor I am not going to die but I get to live after I die.


Well, sometimes it's just seems we are going no where and I am probably pissing you off so I'd rather just say screw it than conitnue to make you peeved.


Lastly, for what it's worth - these are the answers I got from some ex-Muslim friends that are inclined to talk about religion and history.

Did Mohammad personally killed anyone? My buddy says yes he most definitely killed many people.

Is there anything at all that is novel in the Qur'an? My buddy said outside of saying Mohammad is the Last messenger no, it's copies of Zoroastrian, Xian, Jewish and Arabian myths - many parts of the Qur'an are older than the Qur'an.

When was the Qur'an written? My buddy said different parts where written by different people at different times.

Who wrote the Qur'an? My buddy said that most of it was written by a Persian Zoroastrian and Ethiopian Xian priest.

Which parts where written by whom? My buddy said that the classic Zoroastrians parts, such as the sun setting in a muddy spring, where copiled by the Persian while the Jewish and Christian parts where compiled by the Ethiopian though the different parts were written by different people are folk stories. They would ask Mohammad to memorize over and over specific passages and together all three would pretend it was a "revelation". Sometimes Mohammad would have to have a new revelation because he forgot a bit or they decided it would be better to say it a different way.

Why are the oldest Qur'an different than the modern Qur'an? My buddy said it is because the Qur'an has changed over time and thus are different but not by very mucyh. He mentioned that even modern Qur'an have a few different Arabic words depending on the country you buy it in (ex: Morocco versus Indonesia).

What happened to the Jewish tribes that were in KSA? My buddy said Mohammad led an army and killed them and he even took a Jews woman whose husband had just been murdered for sex. Kind of sad and sick to me, but I'm sure it's fine and I'm just weird like that.

Since your buddy is such an irrefutable source, its unclear why you even need another one.

Your buddy of course, bases all his opinions on factual evidence and an unbiased study of history and religion.
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Since your buddy is such an irrefutable source, its unclear why you even need another one.

Your buddy of course, bases all his opinions on factual evidence and an unbiased study of history and religion.

True sam, nowadays, many non-muslim experts of Islam told muslims (and the world) what Islam really is. And seems they are treated as more reliable and trustable sources instead of muslims (Islam practicians) themselves.

Like relying the technique of flying on other sources instead of birds. Even worse, those sources give lectures to birds on how to fly!
True sam, nowadays, many non-muslim experts of Islam told muslims (and the world) what Islam really is. And seems they are treated as more reliable and trustable sources instead of muslims (Islam practicians) themselves.

Like relying the technique of flying on other sources instead of birds. Even worse, those sources give lectures to birds on how to fly!

I've learned that education is no substitute for an open mind.
Since your buddy is such an irrefutable source, its unclear why you even need another one.

Your buddy of course, bases all his opinions on factual evidence and an unbiased study of history and religion.
Sam, I didn't say anything about irrefutable anything. Please feel free to answer those questions. I think they are even sitting on your Islam website.

Anyway, surely you'd agree a person who was Muslim and is not Muslim is in a unique position in regards to this material? The answers make sense. Don't you think?

If not then please feel free to answer them for me. Provide some secular archaeological based references and I will be happy to read them.


PS: Totally off topic but because this thread is dead I'll ask here.
In regards to your wiki website. Was it easy to create? I want to make something similar for studying some other stuff that has nothing to do with religion or politics or anything that Sciforums topics.

I'm not all that great at programing. I took fortran 10 years ago for 6 months and almost failed - if that says anything! But I thought if the software was more user friendly maybe I could do it now?!?
Provide some secular archaeological based references and I will be happy to read them.


I'm curious, did your "buddy" ever get asked this?

As for the wiki, you need to ask Plazma, its his wiki not mine.:p
True sam, nowadays, many non-muslim experts of Islam told muslims (and the world) what Islam really is. And seems they are treated as more reliable and trustable sources instead of muslims (Islam practicians) themselves.

Like relying the technique of flying on other sources instead of birds. Even worse, those sources give lectures to birds on how to fly!
You know, many Xians are God-smacked I could even suggest, little own advocate, that Jesus is pure allegory. That Jesus never ever lived. Yet, that's exactly what archeology suggests as well as what >50% of the earliest Christian communities then believed. Before they were cleansed by the Church for heresy.

The majority of people 1000 years ago thought the world was flat. To suggest anything other than this was "crazy" - like teaching a bird to fly. Everyone could see that the earth was flat. Nevermind was some Egyptian achedemic had to say about it! Similarly, Muslims teaching that Jesus was not the incarnation of God. Yet, any self-respecting Christian would think that's crazy bullshit and that Muslims obviously have no idea what their going on about. Their reasoning would go something like this:

many Muslim experts on Jesus told Xians (and the world) who Jesus really is. And seems they are treated as more reliable and trustable sources instead of Xians (Xian practicians) themselves.

Like relying the technique of flying on other sources instead of birds. Even worse, those sources give lectures to birds on how to fly!

Can you see the logical fallacy now?
Probably not,

Whatever, lets end this circle here LiveInFaith, feel free to specifically answer those questions. They are VERY straight foreword and you should therefor have no difficulties giving me very straightforward answerers just as my ex-Muslim buddies. If not then concede the point or your silence will admit you have no idea what you are talking about and that you really don't care to learn.

Going in circles with no answers is tiring to say the least.

As they say. put up or shut up.

I'm curious, did your "buddy" ever get asked this?p
Yes, he provided me the book which I have already posted. The Author is consider by many to be genius BUT I would also like to note - the author is a practicing Muslim!

One with apparently a very very open mind! So those answers are in part given from the Farsi reading of that Authors work.

I've learned that education is no substitute for an open mind.
OK, I'll bite.

1) Sam, is there a chance that Mohammad was just a man with schizophrenia and never had any conversations with any angels and the stories were simply plagiarized and blended?

2) Sam, is it possible that there is no God?

3) Sam, is it possible that the polytheistic Arab Gods were the true Gods and not the one God you worship?

4) Sam, is it possible that fundamental Christians are correct and you, along we me, will be in hell after we die?

5) Sam, is it possible that the 1 million million Shinto Gods of Japan are real?

6) Is it possible you are absolutely correct in all your religous beliefs?

How open is your mind?

I'll go first:
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) Yes
6) Yes
