The mind of a creationist

SAM said:
The one who was left to the mercy of his parents expectations after a public fraternal suicide and the other who could not find a Buddhist teacher who accepted his version of Buddhism.

So it wasn't very far off my expectations, at least.
You had expectations of their biographical events? You didn't mention them.

btw: is that an example of the kind of thinking that resentment does not replace, in your pragmatic social milieu? In my less pragmatic one, it's called gossip, and you are correct - it does replace resentment, in discussions, sometimes. The two are often equated, in fact.
There are many kinds of gossip, usually the way to differentiate it from resentment is to note how people behave when push comes to shove. In my experience, being politically incorrect in opinion [and the ability to express out loud] is inversely correlated with a reluctance to help.
Here is an example of superstitious religious ignorance at its finest.

A 19 month Philadelphia boy, who was found dead inside a suitcase, was starved by religious group members, including his mother because he wouldn't pray after meals.

Where was God in all this, letting the innocent die young?

Lori thinks she has something different than that same God and "it" wouldn't cause something bad to happen to her.
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Here is an example of superstitious religious ignorance at its finest.

A 19 month Philadelphia boy, who was found dead inside a suitcase, was starved by religious group members, including his mother because he wouldn't pray after meals.

Where was God in all this, letting the innocent die young?

Lori thinks she has something different than that same God and "it" wouldn't cause something bad to happen to her.

ppl like that should be shot...

one of my points before is..
what if god had tapped someone to help prevent this incident.
what if that person chose not to get involved..
what if the parents did not listen to god...(obvious)
we still make our own choices..
why should we blame god if we make the bad choice?

its the ppls fault not gods..
We are not that far apart. Faith healers believe in their hocus pocus remedies. They use magic words such as "in the name of Jesus".

And doctors use sugar pills. Because even placebos work, if people have enough faith they will.

A father figure? Would you like me to spank you for being such a naughty little girl?

Thanks but no thanks, my father has never raised a hand to any of us.
ppl like that should be shot...

one of my points before is..
what if god had tapped someone to help prevent this incident.
what if that person chose not to get involved..
what if the parents did not listen to god...(obvious)
we still make our own choices..
why should we blame god if we make the bad choice?

its the ppls fault not gods..

Then prayer is worthless and God wouldn't intervene on behalf of anyone.

No excuses accepted.
And doctors use sugar pills. Because even placebos work, if people have enough faith they will.

Placebos are used in studies to check the results of real medicine in relationship to the fake sugar pills. Using this procedure real medicine establishes the actual effect comparatively against placebos. Placeabos work only temporarily.

edit add: faith healers have a placebo effect.
Placebos are used in studies to check the results of real medicine in relationship to the fake sugar pills. Using this procedure real medicine establishes the actual effect comparatively against placebos. Placeabos work only temporarily.

Thanks for that info.

Lets try again, from the top: doctors use placebos on their patients, because many of them believe they work. There are very few studies done on placebo use in actual clinical practice, but the one I linked above in my previous post shows that at almost half the doctors surveyed use it. I suspect the actual figure may be higher.
Here is an example of superstitious religious ignorance at its finest.

A 19 month Philadelphia boy, who was found dead inside a suitcase, was starved by religious group members, including his mother because he wouldn't pray after meals.

Where was God in all this, letting the innocent die young?

Lori thinks she has something different than that same God and "it" wouldn't cause something bad to happen to her.

no i don't. :confused:
This issue is about all religious, believers, creationists psyche. You ask them a simple question: How can we see a proof of God’s existence? I personally expect one of these two answers:

a) There is no proof. We just believe in it.
b) There is a proof, and it is this or that.

Somehow, an amazing thing happens and they don’t say any of these. They don’t say that there is no proof, yet they don’t show us what the proof is? You get various other comparisons but an answer to the original question:

-“Can you measure love, no, so God exist” (Comparing God with emotions);
-“What would happen if we remove the idea of creation; we would be doomed, rape, stealing and everything else would roar” (Threatening society with possible increase in crime);
-“Since you don’t believe in God, why do you ask this question and bothering those who believe in him?” (Trying to present this “believing in God” issue as if it was a harmless hobby).
-“Do you see universe, humans, complexity of everything, yes, they prove God exists…” (Using existent things as a reference for non-existent concept);
-“Science didn’t disprove that God doesn’t exist” (Expecting a scientific proof for non-existence).

Normally, when I get these sorts of answers I try to rephrase the question, in case if other party did not understand me as I expected. But other party does not help me. Because my question is not a simple question for them: I must be sounding like I am attacking to their religion when I ask for a proof of any kind. They will call me an “Atheist” and easily ignore the initial question.

So what should I do? What is the correct way of asking the proof of God’s existence? Is there any way on agreeing upon at least certain terminology such as what do we understand when we say “existence” or “proof”. Because one of us is in great delusion and I find this as a serious matter: Either I can not see the existence of God, or these people are under the grave illusion of their beliefs.

Can someone also illuminate me about what these people specifically understand when we say “proof” or “existence”? If they are understanding something different, I may try to find different words instead of them.

If you are looking for something specific - look within yourself.
You don't need to believe in God to believe in more then just the physical. For some, believing in God just makes the transition easier.

The problem with your questions are that not everyone understands their path, they just know they found their faith. So when you question their faith, they get deffensive if they can't answer the tough questions in a way that a logical thinker would find acceptable.
Many that find faith, assume their path was the right way, but the truth is their are many roads to salvation, and not all the roads require religious beliefs, however once you open your mind, you should be able to see the benefits that any spiritual guidance can have. This doesn't mean the problems aren't also still present, but their are 2 sides to the arguement, and you only see the obvious consequences, but you fail to see the obvious rewards. Both are present.

A few small things I've learned as I opened my mind:

1) Respect all of life. (This includes respecting peoples believes, even when they are different from your own).

2) Love unconditionally. (Too many feel the need to put conditions on Love. My love is free, and I give it to you all).

3) It is not our place to judge. (Maybe it's because so many don't respect others, and so many do put conditions on love, but for some reason we feel the need to pass judgement and look for blame - their is no blame, and we are not here to judge others. You don't have to judge a person, but when lack of respect puts someone in harms way we all have a right to intervene and/or to prevent his/her harmful actions).

4) Their is 2 sides to everything with alot of inbetween area. (We need the extremes to find comfort).

5) It can't always be good. (We all know that Love can cause pain, and I Love everything!! But we need to feel both sides if we want to rise from our falls - pain reminds me I'm alive).

As for creation - well again it depends on the person.
Evolution has many holes on its own when it comes to mans evolution.
Most creationist stories start with us - that doesn't mean the world didn't exist long before we did, and that other lifes lived here before us - it's just where the creation of man begins.
Evolution on it's own has not found any proof of the ellusive 'Missing Link' other then skeptisism and theories about some sort of half ape! The Missing Link could be many different things, as Darwins own words state Man, Monkey, and Ape have a common ancestor. He doesn't say man evolved from monkey because he couldn't proof it, even though his theories get presented that way because of some of his pictures.

Furthermore, evolution is a natural process in which environmental changes over an extended period of time required species to gradually adapt to the changing climate, or perish. But with Man, we seemed to evolve much more rapidly then any scietist can explain without using fictional theories. Not only did we 'evolve' more rapidly then all other evolution known to us, but all 3 Man, Monkey and Apes flourished - so what caused us to evolve if changes were not needed for survival?

I see half truth in all the theories, but none is complete, at least not when it comes to Mans evolution it isn't.
Creation of us could have involved a species more intelligent then us playing 'God' (maybe with good intentions, maybe with bad intentions, probably with both, good and bad intentions). Playing God just sped up our evolution. The reason they may have decided to do this, well quite simply, they explored the body of the universe enough that they knew what shape the universes life was beginning to take, so they made us in the image of the universe (you'd be amazed how much of our anatomy can be found in the universe made up of more complicated materials!)

The hubble has images of the universes Brain, the hour glass eye, even a body structure that is remarketably similuar to our anatomy!

Many possibilities that go beyond what science understands - don't be so quick to judge the things you can't see - some have been exposed to different things then just what we can see in the physical.
Thanks for that info.

Lets try again, from the top: doctors use placebos on their patients, because many of them believe they work. There are very few studies done on placebo use in actual clinical practice, but the one I linked above in my previous post shows that at almost half the doctors surveyed use it. I suspect the actual figure may be higher.

Okay, doctors do prescribe a placebo because they think there isn't anything wrong with their patient physically rather they have a mental problem so the doctor uses a sugar pill instead.

From Wikipedia,
placebo is a sham medical intervention. In one common placebo procedure, a patient is given an inert sugar pill, told that it may improve his/her condition, but not told that it is in fact inert. Such an intervention may cause the patient to believe the treatment will change his/her condition; and this belief does indeed sometimes have a therapeutic effect, causing the patient's condition to improve. This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect.
Placebos are widely used in medicine, and the placebo effect is a pervasive phenomenon; in fact, it is part of the response to any active medication. However, the deceptive nature of the placebo creates tension between the Hippocratic Oath and the honesty of the doctor-patient relationship. The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain's role in physical health.
Since the publication of Henry K. Beecher's The Powerful Placebo in 1955 the phenomenon has been considered to have clinically important effects. This view was notably challenged when in 2001 a systematic review of clinical trials concluded that there was no evidence of clinically important effects, except perhaps in the treatment of pain and continuous subjective outcomes. The article received a flurry of criticism, but the authors later published a Cochrane review with similar conclusions. Most studies have attributed the difference from baseline till the end of the trial to a placebo effect, but the reviewers examined studies which had both placebo and untreated groups in order to distinguish the placebo effect from the natural progression of the disease.

I see we don't agree, SAM.
ppl like that should be shot...

Is that what your god given morals and ethics have taught you or do you just like seeing people shot?

what if god had tapped someone to help prevent this incident.

Your god was either powerless to do anything or he wanted it to happen.

why should we blame god if we make the bad choice?

We should blame the people who propagate religion and who believe in these gods, people like YOU, for example.
Okay, doctors do prescribe a placebo because they think there isn't anything wrong with their patient physically rather they have a mental problem so the doctor uses a sugar pill instead.

I see we don't agree, SAM

So they've eliminated placebos from all clinical trials to ensure they are not getting a false positive result?
So they've eliminated placebos from all clinical trials to ensure they are not getting a false positive result?

No, the wiki article states doctors do use placebos. I ask why?
Clinical trials are very rigid and must account to the FDA explaining and showing actual results. If the medicine in question expects approval. Placebos are used in most if not all clinical trials to compare results with the medicine they are testing.

If a patient has a disease and the doctor misdiagnose that disease, the doctor can be sued by the patient or a family member if the patient dies.
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This issue is about all religious, believers, creationists psyche. You ask them a simple question: How can we see a proof of God’s existence? I personally expect one of these two answers:

a) There is no proof. We just believe in it.
b) There is a proof, and it is this or that.

Somehow, an amazing thing happens and they don’t say any of these. They don’t say that there is no proof, yet they don’t show us what the proof is? You get various other comparisons but an answer to the original question:

-“Can you measure love, no, so God exist” (Comparing God with emotions);
-“What would happen if we remove the idea of creation; we would be doomed, rape, stealing and everything else would roar” (Threatening society with possible increase in crime);
-“Since you don’t believe in God, why do you ask this question and bothering those who believe in him?” (Trying to present this “believing in God” issue as if it was a harmless hobby).
-“Do you see universe, humans, complexity of everything, yes, they prove God exists…” (Using existent things as a reference for non-existent concept);
-“Science didn’t disprove that God doesn’t exist” (Expecting a scientific proof for non-existence).

Normally, when I get these sorts of answers I try to rephrase the question, in case if other party did not understand me as I expected. But other party does not help me. Because my question is not a simple question for them: I must be sounding like I am attacking to their religion when I ask for a proof of any kind. They will call me an “Atheist” and easily ignore the initial question.

So what should I do? What is the correct way of asking the proof of God’s existence? Is there any way on agreeing upon at least certain terminology such as what do we understand when we say “existence” or “proof”. Because one of us is in great delusion and I find this as a serious matter: Either I can not see the existence of God, or these people are under the grave illusion of their beliefs.

Can someone also illuminate me about what these people specifically understand when we say “proof” or “existence”? If they are understanding something different, I may try to find different words instead of them.

I didnt read much of the forum just saw the title.. i cant really give my opinion on the subject but i recently ran across a youtube user that has alot on the subject. that stands someone on the middle ground of the issue and makes you think.. his user name is CDK007 definatly check out his channel

Its why doctors coined the term idiopathic. Thats medical slang for "I don't have a fricking clue". Its usually what they treat with placebos.

Its why doctors coined the term idiopathic. Thats medical slang for "I don't have a fricking clue". Its usually what they treat with placebos.

I wouldn't go to a doctor who wouldn't refer me to a specialist if he didn't have a fracking clue. There are quacks in the medical profession.