The Ineffability of God's Will

Weiner on a Roll

Every once in a while ....

Zach Weiner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, June 30, 2011

Every once in a while, it just sort of works out. Weiner's on a roll this week.
it seems very contradictory to me that you love this world so much, and then try to act like you're appalled by violence.

And yet - your own God, too, loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son - and He, too, was appalled by violence.

God can love the world and be appalled by violence - but humans may not?

If it was a human behaving that way, criminal would be among the softest of adjectives we would use to describe him. But it's God, so ... insert justification here, so to speak. Because it's God, the rules somehow change. We call it "good" or "just" or "wise" because it is God.
simple, as i said, because he's GOD, he may have done it for reasons we don't know or can't comprehend, that's the whole premise. while of course, if a human did it, there isn't a reason such that he can't explain it to us, the domain of his reasoning is the same as ours, so we can judge him as criminal by our own reasoning, god isn't. it's like a child labeling adults as good and evil according to his reasoning, since all of us have been there and saw how with increasing knowledge what was good becomes evil and what was evil becomes good, most people can understand that god doing evil things may be actually good for us, that is why people don't have a hard time accepting it from him, and not from a human [criminal].

i'm reminded of Ozymandis from "the Watchers".

Such a specific experience, though, still leaves the ultimate reality both infinite and differentiated. And one can slap together the hodgepodge beliefs of, say, American Christians, and end up with the suggestion that Heaven is a place where we all get our physical bodies back, and we stand around singing hosanas unto God for eternity, and are perfectly happy to do so. And, you know, what's funny about that is all I could think of was a cousin of mine who endures Down's Syndrome, and wonder, "Will she still be retarded in Heaven?"
the key phrase is "and are happy to do so", that's what heaven is all about, even if it's sitting down on white papers and scribbling with crayons for eternity, it's a place where' you're eternally happy, even if scribbling with crayons now sounds stupid, it wouldn't then.

Thus, her tenfold reward was because her human condition had been so reduced that she had ten times farther to climb in order to reach the same plateau.
that seems unfair, to make a reward dependent on a human condition you had no hand in, what i meant by tenfold is relative to the other guy, like you said about hotel rooms.
the whole point of getting it tenfold is to compensate for the human condition, not be dependent on it.
in islam there's a hadith that says when those of hard luck see what god has prepared for them in heaven for their unfortunes, they wish their skins were whipped.

as for the three table thing, i didn't understand the relation between shortening each leg and what's written under(free will, god has more concerns, etc)..
simple, as i said, because he's GOD, he may have done it for freasons we don't know or can't comprehend, that's the whole premise.
as for the three table thing, i didn't understand the relation between shortening each leg and what's written under(free will, god has more concerns, etc)..

Referring to "God works in mysterious ways" is fine and well - as long as a person or a group of people does not rise up and less or more violently suppress another in the name of God.

Yet in interpersonal relationships and social interactions in general, theists often do precisely that, as implicitly or explicitly try to pull rank against other people, on account that they are theists while the others are not.

Making claims in the name of God comes with great responsibility.

In fact, it just occured to me that the fact that there is a lively opposition to those who claim to know God's will, suggests there is some universal awareness of this responsibility - that people in fact do not simply get away with claiming to know God's will.
would you rather be some dumb animal who doesn't understand the difference between good and evil? would you rather be a puppet on a string?

Why would these have to be the only two choices - namely, being made flawed from the onset and then blamed for it; or being an animal or robot?
Aye. Lori, what would I do without you to define my world for me, like every good bully does? :yay:

oh that's right, duh! i was basing that response on all of your posts of course, but i keep forgetting that you're a liar. :rolleyes:
Why would these have to be the only two choices - namely, being made flawed from the onset and then blamed for it; or being an animal or robot?

surely you've read genesis. we weren't flawed from the onset; we were just ignorant, which is why we didn't know what a lie was until we fell for one, and which is why we wouldn't know what evil is and the consequences of it, until we experienced it.
And yet - your own God, too, loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son - and He, too, was appalled by violence.

God can love the world and be appalled by violence - but humans may not?

god's doing something about it. what are you doing about it besides finger pointing and bitching and playing a victim?
god's doing something about it.
According to you anyway.

what are you doing about it besides finger pointing and bitching and playing a victim?
Equally to the point: what are you doing? Other than posting inane delusions and making claims you can't substantiate?
Your version of changing the world is to pray for the suffering and deaths of billions, Lori. And you seem to believe this makes you a better person and better than everyone else. And everything is about you you you... This girl was immolated and raped and you seem to think that God allowed it to happen so that you could confirm what you always believed. You want billions to die so you can have your utopia.

Let me tell you one of the things about "utopia". It is for the most part an ideal. Now your version of an ideal is to murder billions. Think about it Lori.

i'm actually praying for an end to all suffering. you can't possibly be naive enough not to realize what has to happen to achieve that can you? there is no doubt whatsoever that things are going to get really bad before they're ever going to get better. if you don't see that you must have your head stuck in the sand.

Injustice system? Tell me, do you think jailing Mr Hermogenes is an injustice?

Do you know what I used to do for a living? I used to be involved in the prosecution of sex and violent crimes against mostly women and children. I did it for years. Do you think jailing such individuals is an injustice? Or do you think they are doing God's work because they are thinning the herd to create your utopia?

well congratulations on being on the payroll bells. that's terrific. and while our tax dollars are paying your salary, and the other hundreds of people who are getting paid to jail this guy, and paying to take care of him better than a lot of people on the outside get taken care of, if you're stupid fucking system wasn't in the way, we could have taken care of him immediately and once and for all for the cost of a bullet.

i'm surprised you found any room for him in the prisons with all of the minorities that are locked up for marijuana possession. :rolleyes:

So you are not the only narcissistic, sociopathic, wannabe mass murderer out there?


i'm not the only person out there that gives a shit, wants to end suffering for all of us, and doesn't care what sacrifice has to be made to achieve it. there's a few of us amidst the drones, yes.

Yes they do.

However I do not think that everyone wants to die on your terms so you can have your "utopia".

144,000 will. and to the rest, well, too fucking bad.

So the billions you want killed should be thanking you for praying for their deaths?

if they're not evil, yes.

My, you are the gift that keeps on giving, aren't you?

yes i am.

You mean there are more like Mr Hermogenes doing God's work so that you can feel vindicated and can confirm your beliefs?

this isn't about my ego bells, it's about yours. this is reality. the reality you don't give a rat's ass about.

No. He is actually in prison. You know? The "injustice system" gave him a life sentence.

and i'm sure he's sleeping just fine at night just like you do, knowing the same shit's going to happen to someone else tomorrow. you know what that means...another paycheck! yay!

Yes. Some of you will go on to pray and want billions to die so that you can be happy and some of us will not go on to pray or want billions to die.

bells, the four horsemen are on the move right now. bottom line is, you and the others who love this nasty world so much better get a clue and get right with god right now, or you'll be damned. those are your only two choices.
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i told them corey. XO

goodbye! :wave:

Oh, save us all again from a cynic's Armageddon.
When your mind didn't want to break, your rusty mouth consented.
I think you're all afraid -- Too afraid to admit pollution.
Now there's no easy way to avoid such a hard solution.

Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?

Here we go again with a brilliant overreaction.
My advice isn't going to change -- Dysfunction over fashion.
I think you're all ashamed -- Too ashamed to admit your faults.
No daylight in the bunker -- Just darkness in the vaults.

Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?

There's only one way out of this

But do we have the nerve to try?
'Cause there is no way out of this
If all our answers say goodbye.

Goodbye -- There's only one way out of this
But do we have the nerve to try?
'Cause there is no way out of this
If all our answers say goodbye.

Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Digital -- Did you tell the word today that we would say goodbye?
Differentiating Unity, and Other Notes

Scifes said:

simple, as i said, because he's GOD, he may have done it for reasons we don't know or can't comprehend, that's the whole premise.

Don't expect me to disagree with that. God's will is, as I understand it, ineffable.

the key phrase is "and are happy to do so", that's what heaven is all about, even if it's sitting down on white papers and scribbling with crayons for eternity, it's a place where' you're eternally happy, even if scribbling with crayons now sounds stupid, it wouldn't then.

It is still a differentiated condition, which presents certain metaphysical problems in considering something so timeless as to be Alpha and Omega (i.e., infinite).

that seems unfair, to make a reward dependent on a human condition you had no hand in, what i meant by tenfold is relative to the other guy, like you said about hotel rooms.
the whole point of getting it tenfold is to compensate for the human condition, not be dependent on it.

Well, right, but it also seems strange that one person's reward might be a bean-sprout sandwich while another gets an ice cream cone. If everybody gets the bean sprouts, it is true that the hungry soul will find a greater reward.


in islam there's a hadith that says when those of hard luck see what god has prepared for them in heaven for their unfortunes, they wish their skins were whipped.

—therein lies the problem. Is God deaf and blind to the yearnings of a man's heart? Can God be conned into handing out bigger rewards? Can one cajole God by deliberately setting themselves up to suffer? It seems at some point one risks offending God's sensibilities.

as for the three table thing, i didn't understand the relation between shortening each leg and what's written under(free will, god has more concerns, etc)..

Each is the fundamental flaw in holding these statements to be absolute. Omniscience breaks in the face of free will. Omnipotence comes with the catch that God has bigger things to do, which is why He will leave any given individual to suffer. God's benevolence is difficult to reconcile when compared to the fact that evil flourishes. This latter is, of course, the primary metaphysical conflict of the present thread, but the problem of theodicy is that people assert for God what can only be true according to different terms than humanity understands either intellectually or viscerally.

In the cases we've explored thus far, the problem primarily pertains to Christian theology. While there are forms of Islamic theodicy, they necessarily attend different boundaries. But there are certain underlying commonalities; one must be careful when and how they attribute demonic or other nefarious influence. One must be cautious when translating God's divine will into mundane and mortal action.
Er, right.
How, exactly?

It's complicated. I'm not the only one involved and I don't quite understand it all myself but you can read a brief cryptic synopsis of it in revelation ch 12. I was told I was that woman.
It's complicated. I'm not the only one involved and I don't quite understand it all myself but you can read a brief cryptic synopsis of it in revelation ch 12. I was told I was that woman.
Yeah blah blah blah.
What, exactly are YOU doing?