The Ineffability of God's Will

This, I find, is the core problem with most religious and spiritual paths: complete self-denial. Why take up any path at all then ...

coming from YOU? are you kidding me?! you don't know who you are! you don't even want to! :bugeye:
See, my thinking about the Christian God and sin is this: if God intends for us to be condemned for being as he made us-that is to say, flawed, weak, and needy...
Isn't it his fault in the end for making such a weak vessel as ourselves?

And what sort of a God tortures his own children for being as weak as he made them?

Doesn't fit my definition of good.

Then he sent a blood sacrifice to cleanse our pre-installed errors so he will love us. Wow, this gets better. Why it has to be blood, I don't know, but somebody else has to die for what I did wrong...and it will benefit me.
Meaning I don't have to pay for my own mistakes???

So...that sort of God seems grotesque and malevolent to me. And that's why I don't believe in that one anymore.

would you rather be some dumb animal who doesn't understand the difference between good and evil? would you rather be a puppet on a string?
he allows it to happen to give us reason to wake up and change the world. some of us will, and some of us won't.

The Biblical God is very twisited then. Really, the only way to wake people up is via tragedies and violence? Really?

Remember, one day your God my not intervene when it comes to you, your husband, your mother, your father, your child etc... and it will have all been for the world to learn a lesson. :rolleyes:

I just can't believe you think a God who could be so twisted could make the world "perfect".
The Biblical God is very twisited then. Really, the only way to wake people up is via tragedies and violence? Really?

some people don't wake up even then do they? otherwise it wouldn't continue to be the same ol' same ol' every day, that if i'm not mistaken, you and others are just fine with.

Remember, one day your God my not intervene when it comes to you, your husband, your mother, your father, your child etc... and it will have all been for the world to learn a lesson. :rolleyes:

yeah sorry, but i'm not one of the many who erroneously think that in the grand scheme of things those closest to me are more valuable than anyone else.

I just can't believe you think a God who could be so twisted could make the world "perfect".

you just watch then.
yes, i believe in something much better, and you're just fine with status quo.

Right now I think eating cheesecake is better than eating the horse poop you're trying to feed everyone regarding a perfect world and this perfect world that you desire doesn't even make sense. If you have it where people can do whatever they want, including not taking responsibility, nobody would do anything.
some people don't wake up even then do they? otherwise it wouldn't continue to be the same ol' same ol' every day, that if i'm not mistaken, you and others are just fine with.

Look, nobody in this thread has said they want rape and violence to continue. Not one. You think we want that simply because some of us watch porn. But just so we are clear: me or anyone who watches porn does NOT cause anyone to comit sick violent crimes.

yeah sorry, but i'm not one of the many who erroneously think that in the grand scheme of things those closest to me are more valuable than anyone else.

Bullshit. If that's true you would have shown more compassion for the girl that this violent crime happened to. Cause I'm telling you, if that were your daughter who you raised for 14 years and had a close mother daughter bond with, there's no way in hell you'd say, "well, better than for nothing" and shrug your shoulders and move on just like any other day and eat your breakfast.

you just watch then.

I don't do acid :D
nothing is impossible with god.

It was impossible for him to save the world without a blood scarifice, right? Otherwise, he's just a blood thristy god who's hard up for entertainment.

If you think that God can make the world "perfect" again, then how do you know it won't just get screwed up again like it did with A&E and again after the flood when he rid the world of all the "sinners"? You believe God planned Adam and Eve's fall to happen from the get really, what's the point? The Biblical God plays games and they aren't nice.
It was impossible for him to save the world without a blood scarifice, right? Otherwise, he's just a blood thristy god who's hard up for entertainment.

it's just the way it is heart. it's about a bloodline.

it seems very contradictory to me that you love this world so much, and then try to act like you're appalled by violence.

If you think that God can make the world "perfect" again, then how do you know it won't just get screwed up again like it did with A&E and again after the flood when he rid the world of all the "sinners"? You believe God planned Adam and Eve's fall to happen from the get really, what's the point? The Biblical God plays games and they aren't nice.

it's not a game. it's a learning experience, and some of us have learned the cure. adam and eve didn't even know there was a possibility of disease until they felt it.
Right now I think eating cheesecake is better than eating the horse poop you're trying to feed everyone regarding a perfect world and this perfect world that you desire doesn't even make sense. If you have it where people can do whatever they want, including not taking responsibility, nobody would do anything.

you don't get it. there wouldn't be any sloth. we will be cured. we will be perfect.
Look, nobody in this thread has said they want rape and violence to continue. Not one. You think we want that simply because some of us watch porn. But just so we are clear: me or anyone who watches porn does NOT cause anyone to comit sick violent crimes.

no, of course no one wants it to continue. they just aren't willing to sacrifice a damn thing to see that it doesn't.

Bullshit. If that's true you would have shown more compassion for the girl that this violent crime happened to. Cause I'm telling you, if that were your daughter who you raised for 14 years and had a close mother daughter bond with, there's no way in hell you'd say, "well, better than for nothing" and shrug your shoulders and move on just like any other day and eat your breakfast.

and what did you do heart? did you cry? did you mourn? did you have a vigil? of course it hurts worse the closer you are, for selfish reasons, not because your own family is truly any more valuable or precious then anyone elses. :confused:

Something about implications ....

Scifes said:

tiessa dropped out long ago eh?

Not so much dropped out as feeling simultaneously extraneous and transfixed.

There are also the points that—

you'd be god once you figure it out, you can't understand a language fully till till you know all the letters [omniscience], and since it's only god who knows all the letters, you're expected to come across some sentences which don't make sense to you.

—there is really not much to be said to that most excellent illustration of the problem; and—

what good can god achieve from having a girl raped and burned?
well simply[an example from my imagination], is that god by having such horriblr things happen, is lowering the standard for happiness, people get to value what they have[or haven't] more.
as for the girl herself, god will reward her tenfold in the afterlife.

—in truth, I haven't calculated the myriad dimensions of the most obvious considerations in that part.

To the first, consider the implications of what you have imagined for an example. If it was a human behaving that way, criminal would be among the softest of adjectives we would use to describe him. But it's God, so ... insert justification here, so to speak. Because it's God, the rules somehow change. We call it "good" or "just" or "wise" because it is God.

But if we do not redefine the value to God's specific credit, then what, really, does it say of God? Can we at least say it seems kind of a mean way to be?

As to the tenfold reward, that seems an outcome both inevitable and relative.

The reward is the reward. You don't get a "better" Heaven than the next person. I mean, sure, I suppose you can. In the Father's house there are many rooms. Kind of like a Motel 6. Or maybe it's the difference between booking Orbitz or Priceline or Kayak.

Such a specific experience, though, still leaves the ultimate reality both infinite and differentiated. And one can slap together the hodgepodge beliefs of, say, American Christians, and end up with the suggestion that Heaven is a place where we all get our physical bodies back, and we stand around singing hosanas unto God for eternity, and are perfectly happy to do so. And, you know, what's funny about that is all I could think of was a cousin of mine who endures Down's Syndrome, and wonder, "Will she still be retarded in Heaven?"

Or will we all be perfected, I wonder? To the one, it seems the consumer culture is The Way for that kind of Heaven, as it involves the happiness of mindless participation. And maybe people get to be unretarded, or a woman not trapped in a man's body, or thin, or beautiful, or whatever one feels he or she has the natural, God-given right to be.

There are always problems with differentiation when attempting to contextualize unity, totality, and infinity.

What if the reward is constant, and the proportion not only relative but, specifically, dependent on where one comes from?

Thus, her tenfold reward was because her human condition had been so reduced that she had ten times farther to climb in order to reach the same plateau.

At least, you know ....

What if?
it's not a game. it's a learning experience, and some of us have learned the cure. adam and eve didn't even know there was a possibility of disease until they felt it.
So they didn't have the concept of good and bad, right and wrong, and yet they (and all of us who supposedly followed) were punished.

Would you consider it a 'learning experience' if the police kicked down your door tomorrow and sentenced you and all of your descendants to punishment for you breaking a law which they passed in secret and didn't tell anyone about? No rational person would consider that just yet it is what the Abrahamic religions think your god did with Adam and Eve.

Perhaps a more apt example would be the mentally retarded. Mentally handicapped people often do not have sufficient grasp of the consequences of their actions to be held accountable for them in the same way a healthy person is, in the eyes of the law. Adam and Eve were the moral equivalent of mentally retarded, they had absolutely zero concept of right and wrong because that is what the 'fruit' was and god withheld it from them.

God deliberately didn't give Adam and Eve the tools to comprehend him and then he punishes them for not comprehending him? I really don't get how people can think the god of the Bible is super intelligent and created all the complex systems in the universe. He can't even get basic logic and morality right, to say nothing of his inability to communicate to people who he then condemns to eternal punishment when they don't heed his words. He repeatedly fails to communicate with people and then he punishes them. If a person acted like that he's be considered a jerk, even down right evil depending on the level of punishment he doles out. Considering your god supposedly provides infinite punishment for a finite 'crime', which is basically his fault, I'd say that makes him an evil jerk. It's like a father beating his children every day because they can't guess the number he's thinking of.

Even if his existence were provable if the bible is an accurate representation of him he obviously isn't worth worshipping.
Adam and eve weren't retarded, they were ignorant. There's a big difference. All they knew was good, not evil, and not why. Now we do.

Also, god communicates with me.

There's a way out, but it offends your ego.
how else do you propose we create a utopia? don't be so naive bells. the planet's going to hell whether you or i like it or not; it's just a given. the question is then, if you were part of a small remnant left to start over again, would you change the world, or would you do the same fool thing all over again and why? there's never been a time like now, for people like me, to think outside the box you're stuck in.

Your version of changing the world is to pray for the suffering and deaths of billions, Lori. And you seem to believe this makes you a better person and better than everyone else. And everything is about you you you... This girl was immolated and raped and you seem to think that God allowed it to happen so that you could confirm what you always believed. You want billions to die so you can have your utopia.

Let me tell you one of the things about "utopia". It is for the most part an ideal. Now your version of an ideal is to murder billions. Think about it Lori.

oh, you're a part of the injustice system? well that certainly explains your IQ and your personality.
You mean I have an IQ and a personality? There there, it's okay. Pray enough and you may get one too.

Injustice system? Tell me, do you think jailing Mr Hermogenes is an injustice?

Do you know what I used to do for a living? I used to be involved in the prosecution of sex and violent crimes against mostly women and children. I did it for years. Do you think jailing such individuals is an injustice? Or do you think they are doing God's work because they are thinning the herd to create your utopia?

not just me...everyone who wants better. i'm not the only one.
So you are not the only narcissistic, sociopathic, wannabe mass murderer out there?


excuse me but, do you not realize that everyone dies bells?
Yes they do.

However I do not think that everyone wants to die on your terms so you can have your "utopia".

and whether you want to believe it or not, physical death is not the end. to many it is a huge relief.
So the billions you want killed should be thanking you for praying for their deaths?

My, you are the gift that keeps on giving, aren't you?

i understand exactly what it means. it means that today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, atrocities as bad as the one in the op will continue to happen all over the world. i can see the future.
You mean there are more like Mr Hermogenes doing God's work so that you can feel vindicated and can confirm your beliefs?

why is a guy who just committed a crime like that alive, much less out and about on the streets playing church? is that supposed to make sense?
No. He is actually in prison. You know? The "injustice system" gave him a life sentence.

he allows it to happen to give us reason to wake up and change the world. some of us will, and some of us won't.
Yes. Some of you will go on to pray and want billions to die so that you can be happy and some of us will not go on to pray or want billions to die.