The Ineffability of God's Will

Yeah blah blah blah.
What, exactly are YOU doing?

Don't blah blah me. Have you ever given birth? It's fucking painful. I damn near lost my mind over the sight that your blind ass refuses to see and the sorrow, frustration, and anger that your apathetic ass refuses to feel. And I have the balls and the faith to demand from god what you won't because you don't.
Don't blah blah me. Have you ever given birth?
I haven't. But I believe (perhaps erroneously) that a number of women other than you have done so.
So I'll ask again. What, exactly are YOU doing to bring about this "new world order"?
I see you whining at others for supposedly doing nothing to "relieve the situation" yet your own "contribution" doesn't appear to be special, unique or even unusual.

I damn near lost my mind over the sight that your blind ass refuses to see and the sorrow, frustration, and anger that your apathetic ass refuses to feel. And I have the balls and the faith to demand from god what you won't because you don't.
Yeah, blah blah blah. More whining and unsubstantiated claims.
I haven't. But I believe (perhaps erroneously) that a number of women other than you have done so.
So I'll ask again. What, exactly are YOU doing to bring about this "new world order"?
I see you whining at others for supposedly doing nothing to "relieve the situation" yet your own "contribution" doesn't appear to be special, unique or even unusual.

Yeah, blah blah blah. More whining and unsubstantiated claims.

I've told you some of what I've been through so far and it's been so unusual that you accused me of being delusional.
I've told you some of what I've been through so far and it's been so unusual that you accused me of being delusional.
Yup. And what are YOU doing to make things better for the world?
I feel I have to repeat the question because you seem to be avoiding answering it.
Yup. And what are YOU doing to make things better for the world?
I feel I have to repeat the question because you seem to be avoiding answering it.

I told god I wanted to help and availed myself and he put me through hell. That experience helped people and my testimony will save many. I am willing to stand for something that most people don't have the courage to believe in.
I told god I wanted to help and availed myself and he put me through hell. That experience helped people and my testimony will save many.
Yeah yeah. Still unsubstantiated claims.

I am willing to stand for something that most people don't have the courage to believe in.
Right. So basically you're not actually doing anything to help.
Got it.
Yeah yeah. Still unsubstantiated claims.

Right. So basically you're not actually doing anything to help.
Got it.

If you're not going to believe what I say then stop asking me questions.

Believing and availing yourself to god is doing something. I'd like to see you live through what I've been through.

I'm no better a person than most and yet because I was willing and believed he was able to use me to accomplish great things. The glory is to god, not me.
If you're not going to believe what I say then stop asking me questions.
You don't get it do you?
You make claims and chide others for supposedly doing nothing, yet you yourself aren't doing a damned thing either.

I'd like to see you live through what I've been through.
Yeah yeah.

I'm no better a person than most
Except that you obviously don't believe that, given your last comment.

The glory is to god, not me.
So you agree you're doing nothing. Just leaving it up to this fictional "god" character.
Way to go.
You don't get it do you?
You make claims and chide others for supposedly doing nothing, yet you yourself aren't doing a damned thing either.

Yeah yeah.

Except that you obviously don't believe that, given your last comment.

So you agree you're doing nothing. Just leaving it up to this fictional "god" character.
Way to go.

The proof is in the result.
That result, of course, being something we haven't got.

Yes. I've experienced and seen results that you're not able to just because I went through it, but gods not done yet and I don't think I am either.
Yes. I've experienced and seen results that you're not able to just because I went through it
The results?
Yet here we are, Earth still a sh*thole, as you keep claiming. Hardly a "result", hmm?

but gods not done yet
So you say. More reliance on your fictional invisible friend.

and I don't think I am either.
Yeah, that's the bit that brings me down. More inane prattling from you.
If you want to know what's coming your way then read revelations and watch the news. And don't fret, my prattling days won't last forever. Though you ask what I'm doing. I'm supposed to witness and testify. They call it singing, like the mcr song says. This is how I sing. Nobody likes my song.
If you want to know what's coming your way then read revelations
Oops. Again with the unsubstantiated claims.

Though you ask what I'm doing. I'm supposed to witness and testify.
Ah, so what you're doing to help is sitting there telling everyone that things are bad.
Way. To. Go.

They call it singing
Must a transatlantic language change thing. Over here we call it hypocritical whining.
Oops. Again with the unsubstantiated claims.

Ah, so what you're doing to help is sitting there telling everyone that things are bad.
Way. To. Go.

Must a transatlantic language change thing. Over here we call it hypocritical whining.

I'm telling you to repent and get yourself straight with god. I'm giving you warning. I'm not whining. I'm putting up with the shit. I've been out here saying the same thing since 97 I think. I'm doing my job.
because if you don't, you're not going to fit into my perfect world.

Your perfect world may not be the same as someone else's idea of perfect. Is there an option to opt out?

Not to say that this is your understanding of eternal heaven, but biblically, chanting "Holy, holy, holy" to god forever isn't my idea of perfect heaven. Any concept of eternity should have a safe word, I think. Otherwise it may become hell.