The Ineffability of God's Will

Supposition (That it's "sin").

well i don't really give a crap what you want to call it.

You think? Evidence please.

do you think? are you even conscious or do you just like to make me type stuff?

ok, we're born (usually) either a boy or a girl, and that's when it starts. if you're a boy/girl then you have to look a certain way, act a certain way, talk a certain way, wear particular clothes, like particular colors, enjoy particular activities, and if you don't, then you're gay (whether you like it or not). if you want to see conformity's finest dilemma, consider the hermaphrodite and the quandary it presents to most parents.

going forward it's do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, no you can't, yes you have to, because i said so, and then we ship them off to an institution, where they have a bunch of bullshit shoved down their throat in order to turn them into good little money-making, tax-paying slaves.

at age 18 we're expected to know what we "want" to do for at least 8 hours a day, at least 5 days a week, for the rest of our natural lives or until we're too old to do anything else, whichever comes first. and let's be clear that what we "want" to do better be to make money, otherwise we'll be forced to victimize people, die, or go to jail.

why do you think people look forward to their vacations so much? you know, that very short amount of time when they get to go wherever they are allowed to and can afford to go, and do whatever they're allowed to and can afford to do? HA!

if you're a particular gender, you're subject to respective conformity. if you live in a particular country or state, you're subject to respective conformity. if you join a particular religion, you're subject to respective conformity. if you're a particular race, if you have a particular job, and on and on and on...

Not what I'm saying.

then what are you saying exactly?

Another supposition. Any evidence for that one?

yeah, i've told you about it. and you arbitrarily choose not to believe me. :shrug:
if you're a particular gender, you're subject to respective conformity. if you live in a particular country or state, you're subject to respective conformity. if you join a particular religion, you're subject to respective conformity. if you're a particular race, if you have a particular job, and on and on and on...

hell you even have to conform to be a nonconformist.
well i don't really give a crap what you want to call it.
What I want to call it?

do you think?
I do: it's far from evident that you do.

ok, we're born (usually) either a boy or a girl, and that's when it starts. if you're a boy/girl then you have to look a certain way, act a certain way, talk a certain way, wear particular clothes, like particular colors, enjoy particular activities, and if you don't, then you're gay (whether you like it or not). if you want to see conformity's finest dilemma, consider the hermaphrodite and the quandary it presents to most parents.

going forward it's do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, no you can't, yes you have to, because i said so, and then we ship them off to an institution, where they have a bunch of bullshit shoved down their throat in order to turn them into good little money-making, tax-paying slaves.

at age 18 we're expected to know what we "want" to do for at least 8 hours a day, at least 5 days a week, for the rest of our natural lives or until we're too old to do anything else, whichever comes first. and let's be clear that what we "want" to do better be to make money, otherwise we'll be forced to victimize people, die, or go to jail.

why do you think people look forward to their vacations so much? you know, that very short amount of time when they get to go wherever they are allowed to and can afford to go, and do whatever they're allowed to and can afford to do? HA!

if you're a particular gender, you're subject to respective conformity. if you live in a particular country or state, you're subject to respective conformity. if you join a particular religion, you're subject to respective conformity. if you're a particular race, if you have a particular job, and on and on and on...
Er, I can see you making claims, but no evidence. How does this stop us being what we want to be? What do you think we "want" to be?

yeah, i've told you about it. and you arbitrarily choose not to believe me. :shrug:
Because, as usual, all you offer is your own claims. Not a single shred of evidence.
Now who's not thinking outside the box?

to be a nonconformist one has to have something to not conform to, the standards of that conformity determine what the nonconformist non-conforms to...confused yet?

in this society there are limits put on how much we can rebel against anything,
if caught they have to conform in prison (or is that where the nonconformist are?).. now i'm confused..
to be a nonconformist one has to have something to not conform to, the standards of that conformity determine what the nonconformist non-conforms to
Nope. "Non-conformist" is a label applied by others to people they think/ claim don't conform.
I couldn't give a damn one way or the other. Therefore I'm not conforming.

in this society there are limits put on how much we can rebel against anything, if caught they have to conform in prison (or is that where the nonconformist are?)
Incorrect. The limits are on how you "rebel", not "how much".
Er, I can see you making claims, but no evidence. How does this stop us being what we want to be? What do you think we "want" to be?

i don't know about the rest of you, but i want to be free.
well, let's go back and read it again (for the slow people)...

your excuse for not "believing in the possibility of something better (the end of suffering), demanding it, and being willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it."

could you please pay better attention because all of the repetition you require is irritating.

Your version of "better" is purging humans from the planet to create your utopia.

what the fuck are you talking about? honey nobody needs jonestown. there are quite enough wars, and toxins, and nuclear weapons, and wastes, and diseases, and murderers, and impending economic and environmental doom to take care of it all.

let me guess, you're in denial about that too? why yes, we can see by your next retarded question...
Denial no. I find it appalling personally.

You must find it wonderful as it is an answer to your prayers.

because you live in a world and are a part of a society in which atrocties like this and worse go on every day, and not only are you not willing to do a damn thing about it, you're not even willing to recognize how bad things really are.
Lori, my work involved putting people who committed such crimes in jail.

I don't pray for billions to die out of some selfish warped belief that it will be better for me.

Your version of doing something about it" is to thump your bible and blame lust and porn, while praying for the deaths of billions.

well since shit like this happens every single day i think it's safe to say it will continue to happen again and again and again and again every day in the future. it's called a pattern, or a trend. ever heard of that?
I do not think you quite understand what that means Lori.

and yet no one shot him in the head. go figure

Is this supposed to make sense?

humanity allows these crimes to happen every single day, again and again and again and again and again. and your ineffectual finger-pointing holier than thou ass isn't willing to do a damn thing about it.
No. Your God allows these crimes to happen and in your mind, he allowed it to happen so that you could confirm what you already knew.
Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
What exactly do you mean by "free"?

Lori said
i mean unencumbered.

See, my thinking about the Christian God and sin is this: if God intends for us to be condemned for being as he made us-that is to say, flawed, weak, and needy...
Isn't it his fault in the end for making such a weak vessel as ourselves?

And what sort of a God tortures his own children for being as weak as he made them?

Doesn't fit my definition of good.

Then he sent a blood sacrifice to cleanse our pre-installed errors so he will love us. Wow, this gets better. Why it has to be blood, I don't know, but somebody else has to die for what I did wrong...and it will benefit me.
Meaning I don't have to pay for my own mistakes???

So...that sort of God seems grotesque and malevolent to me. And that's why I don't believe in that one anymore.
Not bothered with responsibilities, eh? Impossible.

by "responsibilities" do you mean "bullshit"?

i certainly do not have a problem with responsibility. i hate that we live in a world now where passing the buck is as common as taking a breath.

i want to do whatever i want, whenever i want, all the time. i also want my desire to be righteous, correct, and according to the greater good, 100% of the time.

i absolutely believe that is possible. nothing is impossible with god.
You're living in some sort of dream world. You claim we're not free and subject to restrictions and your solution is to that is that we should

it's called the kingdom of christ.
Your version of "better" is purging humans from the planet to create your utopia.

Denial no. I find it appalling personally.

You must find it wonderful as it is an answer to your prayers.

how else do you propose we create a utopia? don't be so naive bells. the planet's going to hell whether you or i like it or not; it's just a given. the question is then, if you were part of a small remnant left to start over again, would you change the world, or would you do the same fool thing all over again and why? there's never been a time like now, for people like me, to think outside the box you're stuck in.

Lori, my work involved putting people who committed such crimes in jail.

oh, you're a part of the injustice system? well that certainly explains your IQ and your personality.

I don't pray for billions to die out of some selfish warped belief that it will be better for me.

not just me...everyone who wants better. i'm not the only one.

Your version of doing something about it" is to thump your bible and blame lust and porn, while praying for the deaths of billions.

excuse me but, do you not realize that everyone dies bells? :confused:

and whether you want to believe it or not, physical death is not the end. to many it is a huge relief.

I do not think you quite understand what that means Lori.

i understand exactly what it means. it means that today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, atrocities as bad as the one in the op will continue to happen all over the world. i can see the future. :eek:


Is this supposed to make sense?

why is a guy who just committed a crime like that alive, much less out and about on the streets playing church? is that supposed to make sense?

No. Your God allows these crimes to happen and in your mind, he allowed it to happen so that you could confirm what you already knew.

he allows it to happen to give us reason to wake up and change the world. some of us will, and some of us won't.