The Ineffability of God's Will

All I can tell you is life is what you make it. Does that mean things are always fair? No. Does that mean that someone will never suffer loss? No. But you can take two different people and if they have two different perspectives it can make a world of difference. One will be able to fight, adapt, learn and move on...the other drowns in their own hopelessness.

What I can tell you is that you have to believe in something better in order to achieve something better.
Sorry. I don't meet a lot of people with your condition and my spell check didn't correct me.
Oh dear, two more mistakes.
1) I don't have Tourette's
2) "turrets" IS a correct spelling - if you're talking about castles/ tanks/ battleships.

Explain to me why we would need money if we lived in a world like the one I described above.
And another mistake: you made the initial claim - support it. But, for reference, money is way of keeping track of who did what and for how long. If you make X and share them out equally what good is me getting a share if I don't like X? Why should I do any work for you if you're going to "pay" me with what you do? Hence, money was invented as measure of value received/ worked for, a medium that you can give to me as payment that I can go spend elsewhere on something I do like.
It is, at base, nothing more than a mutually agreed-upon accounting system.
And as for your contention
things would be created for their intrinsic value alone, and for the greater good, not for a fucking profit.
that's also flawed: people DO make things for their "intrinsic value" - that's why they sell - because the purchaser values them. :rolleyes:
People wouldn't work to get paid, they would work for the greater good, to accomplish what we all need and want. You can't even imagine no greed, no sloth, no pride. People would have what they want and no one would want things for the wrong reasons, and no one would want to have more or better than anyone else.
People wouldn't work to get paid, they would work for the greater good, to accomplish what we all need and want.
You still don't understand it do you?
The greater good is all well and good but how do we live? What do we eat? Yes, everyone gets fair shares of everything. So what? Not everyone likes the same things so what f*cking good does my share of X do for me? Oh, I know, I'll swap it to someone who doesn't like Z. But is my share of X worth the same, more, or less than their share of Z? And so we start... what's needed is an accounting system. let's give it a name, call it "money".

You can't even imagine no greed, no sloth, no pride. People would have what they want and no one would want things for the wrong reasons, and no one would want to have more or better than anyone else.
And you're rambling inanely. Making grandiose claims and failing to understand the ramifications.
If we have a perfect world then what greater good do we need to accomplish, for a start?
You people are brain dead. You're like fucking zombies or robots or something. I can't believe how blind people are. It's unbelievable to me.

Then how brain dead you yourself must be, to try to reason with people you yourself consider brain dead.

People wouldn't work to get paid, they would work for the greater good, to accomplish what we all need and want. You can't even imagine no greed, no sloth, no pride. People would have what they want and no one would want things for the wrong reasons, and no one would want to have more or better than anyone else.
Unfortunately, someone has to clean the toilets. Who gets stuck with the shitty jobs?
You still don't understand it do you?
The greater good is all well and good but how do we live? What do we eat? Yes, everyone gets fair shares of everything. So what? Not everyone likes the same things so what f*cking good does my share of X do for me? Oh, I know, I'll swap it to someone who doesn't like Z. But is my share of X worth the same, more, or less than their share of Z? And so we start... what's needed is an accounting system. let's give it a name, call it "money".

wow, it's amazing what conditioning can do. think outside the box dy.

you live in absolute freedom, and in love, and in peace and communion with your fellow humans. you eat what the good lord gives you to eat. you know, this planet was bountiful before we went about mowing it down. how about eating something that's not inundated with chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and artificial flavors and colors, and high fructose corn syrup, and nitrates, and hormones, and neurotoxins, and genetically modified crap? how about eating something that won't make you obese, or give you cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or adhd? and how about eating these things without polluting the planet in the process?

and you don't even have to say it. i can read the minds of the majority of you thinking, "well that doesn't sound like any fun".

and we're not talking about socialism, we're talking about freedom. nobody get's an equal share of everything. people don't want the same things. people would get what they want, they just wouldn't want something at the expense of someone else or the greater good.

And you're rambling inanely. Making grandiose claims and failing to understand the ramifications.
If we have a perfect world then what greater good do we need to accomplish, for a start?

this is taking place after the apocalypse you know. and what ramifications? the elimination of suffering and hate and lies and violence? oh dear! what will we do without those precious things?!

in communion with god and each other, we will inherently and instinctually be inclined to act in accordance with the greater good in all of our thoughts and endeavors.
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Unfortunately, someone has to clean the toilets. Who gets stuck with the shitty jobs?

i'd rather shit in a hole in the ground and bury it. that way we'll have clean rivers and streams to drink from.

but to answer your question people would do hard work because they want to, as it benefits the whole and therefore themselves, not because they're forced to, as slaves to the federal reserve like we all are now.
how about eating something that's not inundated with chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and artificial flavors and colors, and high fructose corn syrup, and nitrates, and hormones, and neurotoxins, and genetically modified crap? how about eating something that won't make you obese, or give you cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or adhd? and how about eating these things without polluting the planet in the process?
Way to completely miss my point. :rolleyes:

in communion with god and each other, we will inherently and instinctually be inclined to act in accordance with the greater good in all of our thoughts and endeavors.
In other words: no longer ourselves. Nice.
Way to completely miss my point. :rolleyes:

In other words: no longer ourselves. Nice.

You dont have a point.

And we would finally be free to be exactly who we are. Free from the chains of sin which currently enslave us all.
“ in communion with god and each other, we will inherently and instinctually be inclined to act in accordance with the greater good in all of our thoughts and endeavors. ”

In other words: no longer ourselves. Nice.

Another way to look at that is by making use of the team concept. For a team to excel you can't have all the members going their own way trying to be unique. That is the formula for team failure.

The team is an entity that can become greater than the sum of its parts. But the parts of the team need to mess or there is loss of efficiency. But when they do mesh the team gets stronger. If this leads to victory and the championship, it provides an unique experience in life, that the ourself can not generate on its own except in fantasy.

If we look at team human, to make it a champion and not a loser, we need the teammates to put the team first. If this came naturally, it would be so much easier. As the team human becomes better than the sum of its parts, the parts gain glory they could only dream of, alone.

I think this image of the team is more masculine than feminine. The males will compete for the championship and therefore need to make the team stronger and stronger since their competitor will be doing that. The females and liberals want everyone to be a winner, so nobody gets hurt feelings. But this means all the teams need to suck as much as the worse. Under those condtions it is better for most individuials to remain unique, so you are not put on team tha is less than the sum of the parts.

This may be where there is a gap in the meeting of the minds. Religion tends to think in terms of the masculine team approach. The modern liberal culture thinks in the opposite way ,causing many to stay individual rather than play on a sucky team. Both are right at the same time.
I see your blind spot has grown.


This thread is about victimization. We are subject to all kinds of conformities and downright slavery because of sin. Just take greed alone. Nobody in this society gets to do whatever they want whenever they want. Quite the opposite. You're not free to be who you really are or want to be in this world. Not even close.

Are you saying you have a problem with the idea of everyone truly loving each other? You have a problem with the idea of always desiring the greater good? Well that's too bad. Some of us do desire true love and peace and freedom and the greater good, and we're going to get it.
We are subject to all kinds of conformities and downright slavery because of sin.
Supposition (That it's "sin").

You're not free to be who you really are or want to be in this world. Not even close.
You think? Evidence please.

Are you saying you have a problem with the idea of everyone truly loving each other? You have a problem with the idea of always desiring the greater good?
Not what I'm saying.

and we're going to get it.
Another supposition. Any evidence for that one?
i'd rather shit in a hole in the ground and bury it. that way we'll have clean rivers and streams to drink from.

but to answer your question people would do hard work because they want to, as it benefits the whole and therefore themselves, not because they're forced to, as slaves to the federal reserve like we all are now.
So you're saying that you'll volunteer to keep the toilets clean out of love for your fellow man.

Why wait until after the apocalypse. You could do that now...
Theologically, however, such outcomes do God a great service of some sort. I'm trying to figure out what it is.
you'de be god once you figure it out, you can't understand a language fully till till you know all the letters[omniscience], and since it's only god who knows all the letters, you're expected to come across some sentences which don't make sense to you.

what good can god achieve from having a girl raped and burned?
well simply[an example from my imagination], is that god by having such horriblr things happen, is lowering the standard for happiness, people get to value what they have[or haven't] more.
as for the girl herself, god will reward her tenfold in the afterlife.
So you're saying that you'll volunteer to keep the toilets clean out of love for your fellow man.

Why wait until after the apocalypse. You could do that now...

and yet we don't.