The Ineffability of God's Will


what I can't understand is why god did not anticipate Eve's biting of the apple of the tree of knowledge

why is that , god being god ?

what I can't understand is why god did not anticipate Eve's biting of the apple of the tree of knowledge

why is that , god being god ?

He knew what he was doing, the Biblical God is a dick- Just ask her.
To actually become an intelligent machine, it needs to do something that is not in the programming. That is the litmus test. If the program says right, but it suddenly goes left, we are onto something. This unprogrammed or unsolicited contrary nature makes it obvious, it is alive.
the program said 'do not eat the apple'...

What do you do? Do you reprogram the machine to go right and eliminate this embryotic intelligence anomaly? Or do you leave the programming as it and let the anomolgy evolve, even if it is not yet satisfying the secondary aspect of the project; good machine. Since the AI is the most difficult aspect of this entire research project, I would opt for letting the anomaly get more and more autonomous no matter where it wants to go. I will program it to go up, hoping it goes down to demonstrate some further AI anomaly. This is not the final dual-machine, but the AI is improving.
noninterference as policy?

After many years the AI anomaly has gotten very good. Now it is time to get this intelligent machine to chose to use its intelligence to figure out how it best fits into the factory design. But I can't just force it with any program, out of fear of losing the very suble AI I have achieved.
first it has to realize it has a design.then it has to struggle with what that design does it recognize what is program and what is not?
Do you believe that God is not in control?
there is a difference between in control and controlling..

You are a deist?
labels limit my beliefs.

Do you believe that the way things happen in this world - anything from your digestion to tsunamis - is happening on its own, without God having anything to do or any say in it?
yes these things happen on their own, this does not mean God has no influence over them, Why would God create a system he couldn't influence?

why would God make a high maintenance system? it doesn't make sense to me that he would personally oversee each and every event in the universe, he created it to exist on its own, including us humans, we make our own decisions, humanities default is to take credit for the good decisions and blame someone else for the bad decisions.

With that, you are also implying that nobody who claims to speak about God and who claims to be doing God's will is actually doing so.
too generic a statement..more of not ALL who say they the verse says 'not all who says lord,lord, speaks for me' (paraphrased,closer to meaning).

In other words, you are implying that there is no revelation from or of God - and that all the knowledge that people claim to be about God, is merely man-made. claim man has corrupted God with religion.
God is and always will be there,whether we believe in him or not, God still likes some who do not believe.
Man has made it about his own ego, (if enough ppl believe as i do, then i am not worthless), look in the bible and see how many times ego comes into play.

as far as revelations from God, can come to ANYONE God chooses, not just the believers.

That pretty much makes you an atheist, you know ...
why do ppl have to 'just' a person...(he is 'just' an atheist,he is 'just' a theist,they are 'just' idiots...) there is alot more to ppl than 'just'.

It does say something about God's character that things in this world happen as they do. This is not the same as exclusively blaming God.

it is blaming God..things happen in the world the way they do because MAN has screwed it up..not God!..God made man to make his own decisions, then God let Man make his own decisions, and stupid Man being man blames God when those decisions suck.IE why does God allow 'suffering'?..MAN allows suffering,Man causes suffering.

If God exists, and rape etc. happen, then God is permitting rape etc. to happen.
God as cop?

this is humanity trying to get God to jump through hoops.IE if God exists he would <insert wish here>..
why do we need punishment to do what is good?

It seems like you are resorting to (some kind of) deism in order to avoid some repugnant conclusions about God's character.
close..trying to avoid ANY conclusion about Gods character..God is more than we could conclude.
Really? 87 times, huh? You've got such an amazing memory. It must be all the chemicals I've eaten or perhaps the *cover your ears* cheesecake I indulge in every now and then, but I don't recall having this conversation about mental illness with you once let alone 87 times.
I have no doubts that Lori has had discussions on mental illness many times.

what I can't understand is why god did not anticipate Eve's biting of the apple of the tree of knowledge

why is that , god being god ?

If god is omniscient which I believe god to be, not subject to the constraints of time, then he did anticipate it. I think it's worth it and part of the plan. It seems that in the garden we did what was correct instinctually but had no understanding of why it was correct or just how wrong things could be if we rejected god and his law. Now some of us understand.

what I can't understand is why god did not anticipate Eve's biting of the apple of the tree of knowledge

why is that , god being god ?
Woman is the fall guy . That is why . Has to do with the Man ruler-ship. It was the taking of supreme power of the will of humanity . Man seized power and made a Man God by Taking the Woman Worship of child barring and making it a small thing in the indoctrination of male supremacist . Woman had to be made evil for this to happen . I think it all steams from hunter gatherers being displaced by agriculture. Man gave up hunting for high production gardening . It was probably originally woman's work and man took the task as a male dominate industry, Which the battle still goes on in third worlds . Hells bells anyway there is a sect that still thinks wheat is the devil . Where did they get this notion past down through there heritage?
Yeah this is what I think . Woman controlled Agriculture and everyone worshiped Gods that controlled the harvest. It was the way they explained failure and success by back seat driving. Humans still do that by the way.
So woman was a god and then man became a god when he took control of the Agriculture Industry . He then controlled the warehouse of goods . That gave supreme power to the male figure head . I tell I think that one scientist is right that said Agriculture was the one destructive element that caused degradation of everything. Except I ain't all Ted Kazensky on anybody's butt like those guys . I think if we bring back Mother worship things will work them selves out.

O.K. lets analysis Me . Why would Me make bold statements about Mother Worship. This is where Me hedges his bets . Cause He knows People in High Positions that set policy of human activities has already set in motion the exoneration of Woman and woman is to be praised instead of vilified. (I read it in there minutes about population decline ) Its all on the internet . So now when it happens Me will look like he could SEE The FUtuRE. Hedging bets in a gambling type world .
God I am funny Ha Ha Ha
Really? 87 times, huh? You've got such an amazing memory. It must be all the chemicals I've eaten or perhaps the *cover your ears* cheesecake I indulge in every now and then, but I don't recall having this conversation about mental illness with you once let alone 87 times.

Yes, well, there was a reason I had asked you. Because you are playing the blame game. You are blaming everyone that watches porn or anyone who has ever lusted -for the tragedy that happened to this girl by a man, that I'd bet, nobody on this forum has any dealings with. I can just see it now on the news...
"Serial rapists and killers are running around the cities committing their crimes due to an increase in the populations masturbation and porn watching. Please, we urge you all to cease masturbating and watching porn to stop this madness. Once you do this, then these murderers and rapists will cease committing these crimes. We know this to be fact because Lori says so. Good day."

There are all kinds of examples of mental illness, Lori. I know it's probably useless giving you a link which requires reading, but they do have them sectioned with various headings to make it easier to scroll down and just skim the pages. Forgive me if I didn't discuss those with you during one of our 87 times we talked about mental illness.

Oh, you mean your favorite bedtime story?

Well, bless your little heart

Is that what I said? That my shit didn't stink or did I say I find it a little illogical that my watching porn automatically makes people run about raping and physically harming people?

Well, please, tell me Lori, how is it that you do the above correctly? Perhaps I should read your posts for examples?

bottom line is, humanity is fucked up and suffering, can not and will not do a damn thing to fix it, and you don't really give a shit as long as you get to eat your cheesecake and watch your porn. isn't that right?

and the last time i checked, the pronoun "we" included me. the human race and/or humanity also includes me. people who post out here aren't stupid enough not to know that. people learn that very early in elementary school, and so it really pisses me off when people insist on acting like they've somehow forgotten that lesson when they're responding to my posts. please don't do that again.
bottom line is, humanity is fucked up and suffering, can not and will not do a damn thing to fix it,

You have said repeatedly throughout this thread how everyone who lusts is responsible for what happened to this girl. Now, I very much apologize if I misunderstood what you meant by that. So If I have please clear this up for me? So if it's not by stopping watching porn, how is it we are to fix humanity? Is your only answer annihilation?

and you don't really give a shit as long as you get to eat your cheesecake and watch your porn. isn't that right?

No, I never said that. Not once. I just refuse to take responsibility for something some sick person did who I don't even know. How is it you give a shit again? By not watching porn and praying for annihilation?

and the last time i checked, the pronoun "we" included me. the human race and/or humanity also includes me. people who post out here aren't stupid enough not to know that. people learn that very early in elementary school, and so it really pisses me off when people insist on acting like they've somehow forgotten that lesson when they're responding to my posts. please don't do that again.

Get off your high horse, Lori. You have sat here and pointed your fingers at all of us who watch porn and then further blamed what this youth minister did on all of the people who watch porn. Do YOU watch porn? No, you made that very clear. The reason I put it like that is because even though you are the only one in this thread who proclaims to be a "sinner" you at the same time tell everyone here that and I quote:

"and for all of those motherfuckers who want to argue with me about lust being ok, and pornography is ok, well fuck you, and may you rot in hell where you belong. "

And you get upset because I didn't include you in a pronoun when you spit out stuff like that above? Also, you sit here and dog on me because I eat cheesecake and watch porn every now and then when it was not until recently you were smoking cigarettes- is smoking a pack of cigarettes a day really better than eating cheesecake every once in awhile?
Heart it's about a realization. Realizing that there's something wrong implies that there is a right. Realizing that WE are not perfect implies the the possibility of perfection. Realizing that I can not perfect myself implies that I need divine intervention. The only reason I know what's wrong with the world is because I know what's wrong with myself. So who's on a high horse? In the decades I've known you I have never heard you admit to ever doing anything wrong or having anything wrong with you. All I've ever heard is an assload of denial.
Lori -

Your thought process is very twisted. I know very well that I do things wrong or I can do things better but how does it apply to humanity or the collective WE?

Realizing that WE are not perfect implies the the possibility of perfection

By who's standards?

Realizing that I can not perfect myself implies that I need divine intervention.

Depends on your definition of perfect I guess, but still in no way does it imply that. That is just an assertion that you made and that you have to live with.

The only reason I know what's wrong with the world is because I know what's wrong with myself.

You are worthy, don't pity yourself or the rest of humanity for that matter.
Heart it's about a realization. Realizing that there's something wrong implies that there is a right. Realizing that WE are not perfect implies the the possibility of perfection. Realizing that I can not perfect myself implies that I need divine intervention. The only reason I know what's wrong with the world is because I know what's wrong with myself. So who's on a high horse? In the decades I've known you I have never heard you admit to ever doing anything wrong or having anything wrong with you. All I've ever heard is an assload of denial.

If something is wrong with you
then you cannot know what would be good for you
and thus cannot make choices that would lead to your becoming perfect.

If something is wrong with you
then you cannot know what would be good for you
and thus cannot make choices that would lead to your becoming perfect.
does that mean if you do not know what is good for you, there is something wrong with you?

chasing perfect is as bad as chasing money..
Heart it's about a realization. Realizing that there's something wrong implies that there is a right. Realizing that WE are not perfect implies the the possibility of perfection. Realizing that I can not perfect myself implies that I need divine intervention.

What about blaming others for something they haven't done? I did nothing to cause what this youth minister did, and that's not me being on my high horse, that's me not taking responsibility for something someone who I DO NOT know did! If that is a "sin" in your eyes, well then throw me in hell.

The only reason I know what's wrong with the world is because I know what's wrong with myself

So everyone is alike? How boring.

In the decades I've known you I have never heard you admit to ever doing anything wrong or having anything wrong with you. All I've ever heard is an assload of denial.

Then you truly do not know me- and it's been a decade- not decades. My partner will be the very first to tell you how I admit to stuff I've f'd up all the time. I have no beef with admitting my wrongs. Just because I do not agree with you about telling me and others that watching porn causes someone to commit a crime, does not mean I haven't ever admitted to doing anything wrong in my life. I admit to my wrongs quite often. You are not the only person I talk to in life, Lori- there is no way of you knowing what I have admitted to in my lifetime or not.