The Holy Quran

It'd be nice if someone actually did, oh, I don't know, some Scientific investigations when posted a thread about the Qur'an.

I did use the word Sky-Daddy. What's wrong with Sky-Daddy? It seems apt enough to describe the mythical characters in various ancient mythologies. I mean, primitive people used to really believe that Zeus threw lightening and "Prophets" rode magical winged fairy creatures, etc.... The way this thread reads some people still believe in that bunk. Well, then go to a theist forum.

Lets see some Science in the Science forum.
O.K. give us the answer , or do we have to go digging for gold our selves . I like the Sky daddy thing. Don't sue Me when I use it, Oh and by the way look up at the blue section of the page you are on and tell Me what it says . I think I read something that says religion right after philosophy. Whether you like it or not religion is a lot of things to a lot of people. Dream state allegories for explanation included. I hope you are not one of those Mike's who think liberal arts is when you shove ones head in a toilet and gargle with the water. Mathematics is an art too butt breath. All in fun , don't hurt Me Please ! Mikes unite !! We will rule the world !! Amalgamate!
Sorry for thinking you were a young mother dear. You just seem so full of life that I assumed you where a young vibrant woman. I had no Idea you where a young vibrant Grand mother . Kiss, you know what I am talking about. Most Grand Parents do. Praise the child

considering..i am grandpa..:p

Strewn about this great panoramic realm of the one possibly conceivable at the helm are all of the unknowable fabrications often dreamt up via exaggerations by the human race of mammal sapiens. The realm of such pronouncements has come to be superposed at the furthest edge of reality, poised by the scope of some wishful thinking, by all those dreaming and wild supposing, who wish for such legends to be ever actualized and realized; however, these ideas have never ever made it into our observable realistic habitat in any way, they but remaining in the minds, joint, of the idea-beholders—even as widely varying viewpoints.

Without so much much as a word to say, I passed those to whom most no longer pray, nor believe in, but once did, namely, those of the graveyard tombstones now so unholy: astrology—the God of the stars that plod, eternally blazed and marbled in the sod, the monuments of Diana the moon God, Apollo the sun God, Baal, Zeus, Wotan, Aphrodite, Thor, Mithras, Isis, Amon, Poseidon, the druid gods, and on and on, anon.

Dream state is the soul of the artist . I would think you would know that . The edge of reality too. That is were great art lives . Small things in reality become big things with big meaning when the artist captures the essence of an event in a magical way . Dream a little dream of Me . The dual meaning of words become very important in this respect. I know you know this by the way you write . You left Me of the list this time. That hurt my feelings , Why you no love me no mo. Just joking all those are the same Me except Aphrodite . I dated her once though. I am thinking Atheism is a religion the way so many try so hard to sell it . The sell is just as hard as a friggin Christian or Muslim. Live and let live must not be a kind of thing people believe in anymore. I thought that was a pretty good social law . Right up there with Don't Ding the neighbors dog
mi ke gal said:
Atheism is a religion the way so many try so hard to sell it . The sell is just as hard as a friggin Christian or Muslim.

There's no doctrine, no creed, no organized body of believers at all that you've ever met.

Look at this thread. What have you ever seen that would correspond to what Chi is trying to do here, only with "atheism" as the beneficiary?
There's no doctrine, no creed, no organized body of believers at all that you've ever met.

Doctrine and creed = anytime someone mentions god, do everything to convince them that there is no them names and try to demean them if they do not conform to the atheist way.

There's no doctrine, no creed, no organized body of believers at all that you've ever met.

Look at this thread. What have you ever seen that would correspond to what Chi is trying to do here, only with "atheism" as the beneficiary?
I think a google search is in order so you can find that organized group you belong to. I believe there is an organized bunch of non believers trying to convince believers into non believing is what I believe. What was it Chi was doing again ?
considering..i am grandpa..:p

I come from a place that try's to be neither male or female , but human but my natural sex comes out sometimes . What is you best guess? I will tell you the truth , but first I think you should take a wild stab at it. You probably already know. You seem pretty astute for a squirrel. Squirrel sounds like a girls name if you ask Me , I have known a few guys that remind Me of squirrels though and not for feminine reasons either . ...
It seems reasonable to assume Islam was a product of "Arab" (whatever that is) Christian mythologies prevalent from around Syria - from people who didn't believe in the Trinity concept (which was fairly common at the time). The Qur'an was written much much later and is as much a political manifesto as anything else. The earliest use of the word Mohammad was as a title for Jesus and can be found on early Syrian coins.

So, the answer to the questions would be interesting to know - if only because so many people maintain the primitive superstitions of 2000 years ago.
I wonder

Why they use the moon Calendar....? maybe because...

It seems reasonable to assume Islam was a product of "Arab" (whatever that is) Christian mythologies prevalent from around Syria - from people who didn't believe in the Trinity concept (which was fairly common at the time). The Qur'an was written much much later and is as much a political manifesto as anything else. The earliest use of the word Mohammad was as a title for Jesus and can be found on early Syrian coins.

So, the answer to the questions would be interesting to know - if only because so many people maintain the primitive superstitions of 2000 years ago.
i would not be so quick to find offense with this thread dyw..

there is a lack of knowledge considering the quran, (less so than the bible)

to be scientificly responsible in any disscussion involving a book, one must study the book. (the phrase 'have you even read that book?' has entered into several discussions on this board)

as long as chi understands that it is just a study and not an opportunity to hammer his beliefs into others (IE argueing 'this means that' without consideration to other opinions)

i for one am interested in what is in the quran, not for any desire to change religions but to be more informed as to what the quran actually says.
(rather than relying on an opinion from someone else)

NM, are you a moderator?
If not, you should be. :)

No I posted Merely 2 Chapters to give the reader an idea of what the quran is and for an example of a verse somebody could quote for discussion.

I am permitted it states to quote articles for a few paragraphs, I didnt post like quater of the Quran or something it was 2 chapters and one of them was barely a verse.

you posted 2 chapters from your book of fairy tales and dont see it as preaching.. siforums help me my IQ is falling
The 30 Commandments From the 3 Tablets

1. Thou shalt have no strange gods or singing idols before Me, for I will be jealous of them.

2. Thou shalt not ever take the surname of thy Lord thy God [Dammit] in vain.

3. Remember thou to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and thus not even lift up a finger or do wholly the laundry.

4. Humor thy father and thy mother — never tell them where you’ve been!

5. Thou shalt not kill, except outlaws and in-laws.

6. Thou shalt not admit adultery.

7. Thou shalt not steal, except for office supplies and sundries from restaurants.

8. Thou shalt not bare falsies.

9. Covet Heavenly bodies and make love to thy neighbor.

10. Ever covet thy own ass — tie it to a tree.

11. Do one to others before they can do one to you.

12. I work in mysterious (crazy and insane) ways.

13. Don’t try to walk on water except during a very cold winter.

14. Fun is sin’s evil twin outside of the Sin-a-God.

15. You can have free will, but only if it matches My will.

16. Do not lie in court — let your lawyer do it for you!

17. Thou shalt only one spouse—this is called monotony! More than one spouse is called spice.

18. You are ever at fault for the sins of your ancestors.

19. Tell Me how darn great I am — or be tortured and burned in Hell forever.

20. I think I goofed — I made you in My own image!

21. Heaven is a wild place — you can do whatever you want!

22. You may commit horrible sins if you repent them.

23. I fully expect children not to touch something when I tell them not to.

24. I shall murder all mankind again anytime that I choose, but, not by flood, for I’ve promised not to, but by earthquake!

25. Preferential treatment is given to those who beg, grovel, and ask for favors to get ahead of others.

26. I use My higher level intelligence to throw tantrums and have emotional outbursts!

27. We have had the last supper — no more free meals.

28. I crap on the just and the unjust alike.

29. If someone kisses your ass, then turn the other cheek.

30. I am in your heart — in your mind — and in your end.

i LOLd thank you for this.. its so true its stunning
Why they use the moon Calendar....? maybe because...

Maybe because the Sun and Moon weight heaven on early mythologies - including Christianity.
As I am sure you are aware, most early "Christians" (especially those in Egypt - the cultural hub of the Roman world) didn't actually think Jesus was a person, but was an allegory.

Here's a very common Persian coin pre-Islam, note the crescent and star.

Yazdegerd I
was a Persian Emperor who initially supported the spread of Christianity in Persian and persecuted Zoroastrians and then later in life switched to persecuting Christians and supporting Zoroastrians - Islam could be thought of as the final product. The Qur'an being codified as a means of solidifying some sort of religious paradigm (with a Pope errr... Caliph on the top). Just like the Bible did to Christianity (which obviously predates the Bible).

It should be noted the hypothesis that Persian/Byzantine wars were rewritten changing the Persians names to Arab names and *poof* instant "glorious" early Islamic history. All made up of course, not that reality matters to anyone - we're talking about talking bushes, virgin births, splitting moons and your occasional Ferris Mohammad Bueller's Day Off exciting day-adventure on a winged horsey ... ....

Early pre-Christian Roman coin of crescent and star:

Early CHRISTIAN coin of the Byzantium Empire:
OMG have you ever been in a Church? It's filled wall to wall with idolatry. From decorated bible covers (usually the Priest has the most elegant) - even the script in the Bible is somewhat idolatrous. The windows, the walls, pews, all of it covered in forms of religious idolatry. Little crosses here and there, other small symbols, etc...