The Holy Quran

Oh well another one

What happened when Christ our Lord was killed, at the same moment, the curtain of the Temple tore. It tore from its top, down to the ground. This curtain protected the most important part of the Temple (Matthew 27:51). This shows us that we can now be close to God. God loves us like a father does. We can now be his children. Jesus made this possible. When Jesus died, he paid for our *sin.Also at this moment, the whole earth shook. Many ancient *prophets became alive again. Many people saw them. So this was witnessed by a lot of people was not an isolated experience. HE is God and He love you anyways... And I learn from Him to love you, so I love you bro

The way that Jesus behaved in court and on the *cross, was wonderful. When the Roman officer there saw this, and the other events, he said, ‘Surely, this man was the Son of God.’

Also at this moment, the whole earth shook. Many ancient *prophets became alive again. Many people saw them.

The way that Jesus behaved in court and on the *cross, was wonderful. When the Roman officer there saw this, and the other events, he said, ‘Surely, this man was the Son of God.’

Jesus wasnt killed on the cross, He was one of the great 5 prophets, Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohhamad. (pbut)

Judas was the one who sacrificed his life to the romans and jews, God sent the holy spirit into jesus but jesus was not God in human form.

Many ancient *prophets became alive again. Many people saw them. So this was witnessed by a lot of people was not an isolated experience.

... Many people have claimed to see elvis

HE is God and He love you anyways... And I learn from Him to love you, so I love you bro
Except for the general neglect on his part, not to mention his certain ... Sociopathic tendencies.
Our ten commandments

which is our God Revelation in the Old testament and is the base for our American-Christian Culture. No other Religion have a god dying for your sins and dying for you.

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
... Many people have claimed to see elvis

Except for the general neglect on his part, not to mention his certain ... Sociopathic tendencies.
The 30 Commandments From the 3 Tablets

1. Thou shalt have no strange gods or singing idols before Me, for I will be jealous of them.

2. Thou shalt not ever take the surname of thy Lord thy God [Dammit] in vain.

3. Remember thou to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and thus not even lift up a finger or do wholly the laundry.

4. Humor thy father and thy mother — never tell them where you’ve been!

5. Thou shalt not kill, except outlaws and in-laws.

6. Thou shalt not admit adultery.

7. Thou shalt not steal, except for office supplies and sundries from restaurants.

8. Thou shalt not bare falsies.

9. Covet Heavenly bodies and make love to thy neighbor.

10. Ever covet thy own ass — tie it to a tree.

11. Do one to others before they can do one to you.

12. I work in mysterious (crazy and insane) ways.

13. Don’t try to walk on water except during a very cold winter.

14. Fun is sin’s evil twin outside of the Sin-a-God.

15. You can have free will, but only if it matches My will.

16. Do not lie in court — let your lawyer do it for you!

17. Thou shalt only one spouse—this is called monotony! More than one spouse is called spice.

18. You are ever at fault for the sins of your ancestors.

19. Tell Me how darn great I am — or be tortured and burned in Hell forever.

20. I think I goofed — I made you in My own image!

21. Heaven is a wild place — you can do whatever you want!

22. You may commit horrible sins if you repent them.

23. I fully expect children not to touch something when I tell them not to.

24. I shall murder all mankind again anytime that I choose, but, not by flood, for I’ve promised not to, but by earthquake!

25. Preferential treatment is given to those who beg, grovel, and ask for favors to get ahead of others.

26. I use My higher level intelligence to throw tantrums and have emotional outbursts!

27. We have had the last supper — no more free meals.

28. I crap on the just and the unjust alike.

29. If someone kisses your ass, then turn the other cheek.

30. I am in your heart — in your mind — and in your end.
Oh good, I've had a few questions about the Qur'an I wanted to clear up for some time now.

1. What was the date that it was completed? As in day, month, year. As this is a Science forum, hence the name, please include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

2. What was the name of the person or people who wrote down Chapter 3? What date did they write this on? Also include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

3. How do you explain the similarity between Biblical stories and the Qur'an? Were Bible stories copied down and inserted into a preexisting literature or were they the bases themselves? What is the archeological and secular significance of Biblical stories in the Qur'an? Oh, and please be sure to ONLY answer this question without the use of magical sky-daddies, flying magical horses and invisible talking angels. I AM interested in the history of the Qur'an, but, PLEASE leave the Harry Potter crap with the kiddies. We're adults here interested in truth.

Many thanks,
which is our God Revelation in the Old testament and is the base for our American-Christian Culture. No other Religion have a god dying for your sins and dying for you.

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

Chi, Chi come over here Chi , Look at this . Now I am thought some what confessed by some people . Look at that first commandment. Anything look familiar there buddy. With all your esoteric books you have have you come across the Holy Me's of Ur? How about the Mlk designation ? Think hard buddy you will see the light. I have a little bone to pick on another subject. I saw it on this thread and I can't just let it go for I feel you didn't understand the full implications of a child looking up to there parent. Kids will not Just be Kids. Kids are a reflection of there parents and family life. What you tell them is what they are. You and the squirrel girl have one more year left to shape the life of your child and then it is next to impossible to alter there behavior. Use that year wisely! If it was Me I would praise every thing and anytime you can " TO THERE FACE" anyway good look the window is closing
Oh good, I've had a few questions about the Qur'an I wanted to clear up for some time now.

1. What was the date that it was completed? As in day, month, year. As this is a Science forum, hence the name, please include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

2. What was the name of the person or people who wrote down Chapter 3? What date did they write this on? Also include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

3. How do you explain the similarity between Biblical stories and the Qur'an? Were Bible stories copied down and inserted into a preexisting literature or were they the bases themselves? What is the archeological and secular significance of Biblical stories in the Qur'an? Oh, and please be sure to ONLY answer this question without the use of magical sky-daddies, flying magical horses and invisible talking angels. I AM interested in the history of the Qur'an, but, PLEASE leave the Harry Potter crap with the kiddies. We're adults here interested in truth.

Many thanks,

What is this a quiz . You sound like you know the answer . Why not tell us instead of being an offensive personality. Michael you mother is calling . Answer the phone . I don't know about that magical Sky Daddy. I kind of like it. I think I am going to remember that phrase. Don't sue Me if I use it Michael and Call Your Mother .
You and the squirrel girl have one more year left to shape the life of your child and then it is next to impossible to alter there behavior.

are you referring to me or my daughter? (my granddaughter is four, my daughter is 23)

Strewn about this great panoramic realm of the one possibly conceivable at the helm are all of the unknowable fabrications often dreamt up via exaggerations by the human race of mammal sapiens. The realm of such pronouncements has come to be superposed at the furthest edge of reality, poised by the scope of some wishful thinking, by all those dreaming and wild supposing, who wish for such legends to be ever actualized and realized; however, these ideas have never ever made it into our observable realistic habitat in any way, they but remaining in the minds, joint, of the idea-beholders—even as widely varying viewpoints.

Without so much much as a word to say, I passed those to whom most no longer pray, nor believe in, but once did, namely, those of the graveyard tombstones now so unholy: astrology—the God of the stars that plod, eternally blazed and marbled in the sod, the monuments of Diana the moon God, Apollo the sun God, Baal, Zeus, Wotan, Aphrodite, Thor, Mithras, Isis, Amon, Poseidon, the druid gods, and on and on, anon.
a Plea to Chi..

please do better at conforming to the site rules..i like reading your stuff.
i would hate to see you banned for life...
What is this a quiz . You sound like you know the answer . Why not tell us instead of being an offensive personality. Michael you mother is calling . Answer the phone . I don't know about that magical Sky Daddy. I kind of like it. I think I am going to remember that phrase. Don't sue Me if I use it Michael and Call Your Mother .
It'd be nice if someone actually did, oh, I don't know, some Scientific investigations when posted a thread about the Qur'an.

I did use the word Sky-Daddy. What's wrong with Sky-Daddy? It seems apt enough to describe the mythical characters in various ancient mythologies. I mean, primitive people used to really believe that Zeus threw lightening and "Prophets" rode magical winged fairy creatures, etc.... The way this thread reads some people still believe in that bunk. Well, then go to a theist forum.

Lets see some Science in the Science forum.
are you referring to me or my daughter? (my granddaughter is four, my daughter is 23)
Sorry for thinking you were a young mother dear. You just seem so full of life that I assumed you where a young vibrant woman. I had no Idea you where a young vibrant Grand mother . Kiss, you know what I am talking about. Most Grand Parents do. Praise the child