The Holy Quran

Are those who know, to be considered equal to those who do not know? Only prudent men reflect [on this]-Quran.

I think not and I have reflected on it.

Chi, why do you waste your time on them?

Maybe he knows it's all bullshit deep down inside and needs someone to walk him through rational thought?
Muslims on the other hand had a made-up "glorious" history whereby some crank called Mohammad instructed a bunch of thugs to destroy Arab polytheist temples. Sadly, Muslims don't see this as horribly but as wonderful. How pathetic. You know, just like the Muslims who destroyed those 2500 year old Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. You do know that to many Buddhist those were the equivalent of Mecca to Muslims. Of course, Muslims don't give two shits about those statues and were probably happy to see them destroyed. So, no, Islam is definitely NOT for everyone. It's ONLY for Muslims.

I said no Harry Potter.
I asked for peer-reviewed and you post "" propaganda?

i duscussedwith you many times about all this, so i'll just say, peace.
Are those who know, to be considered equal to those who do not know? Only prudent men reflect [on this]-Quran.
Feel free to educate us.

The Thread is supposedly about a book, the Qur'an. I have some question about said book.

1. What was the date that it was completed? As in day, month, year. As this is a Science forum, please include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

2. What was the name of the person or (more likely) people who wrote down Chapter 3? Include peer-reviewed citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

3. How do you explain the similarity between Biblical stories and the Qur'an? Were the Bible stories simply copied down and inserted into a preexisting literature or were they the bases themselves? What is the archeological and secular significance of Biblical stories in the Qur'an?

So far we have this for an answer: God did it.

That's the extent of Muslim archeological scholarly research and academic pursuit. God did it.
How did the Universe form? God did it.
How do complex structures like the eye develop? God did it.

and etc...

Why are most Muslims in Pakistan illiterate and living in mud huts? God did it.
Why 9/11?

Allah did it.

Why Burkas?

Allah has an interest in women's clothing.

Why 72 virgins?

Allah has an interest.
Yes, in fact: they are, with respect to religion.

I don't think you understood that simple sentence. Let me break it down for you, it seems you need help.

Are those who know, to be considered equal to those who do not know? Only prudent men reflect [on this]-Quran

(Are those do good equal to those that do evil? The reward for the after is slightly different, so if you "in fact" believe what you just posted, you do not know.)
Feel free to educate us.

The Thread is supposedly about a book, the Qur'an. I have some question about said book.

1. What was the date that it was completed? As in day, month, year. As this is a Science forum, please include a few citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

2. What was the name of the person or (more likely) people who wrote down Chapter 3? Include peer-reviewed citations from reputable peer-reviewed archeological journals, primary sources as well as one which should be a review.

3. How do you explain the similarity between Biblical stories and the Qur'an? Were the Bible stories simply copied down and inserted into a preexisting literature or were they the bases themselves? What is the archeological and secular significance of Biblical stories in the Qur'an?

So far we have this for an answer: God did it.

That's the extent of Muslim archeological scholarly research and academic pursuit. God did it.
How did the Universe form? God did it.
How do complex structures like the eye develop? God did it.

and etc...

Why are most Muslims in Pakistan illiterate and living in mud huts? God did it.

I don't know the answer to your bias questions, however if you need something explained from the Quran I might give in and try to explain it to you.
I heard the word virgins was mistranslated, it really just means grapes.
White raisins actually.


You get 72 of them little suckers - wow! :D

Why Allah doesn't like Black raisins is beyond me :shrug:
I don't know the answer to your bias questions, however if you need something explained from the Quran I might give in and try to explain it to you.
The questions are not biased. It's called education. These questions are basic scientific research questions. The notion that such simple, basic, fundamental questions, would be bias is why most people in Pakistan are illiterate, live in mud dwellings and are led around by the nose by which ever Imam happens to be the local town crackpot.

This is a "Science" forums. Not a theistic forum. Thus, we're interested in the real History of the Qur'an, not Mohammad Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Xenu did it, crap.

Reasonable enough?
The questions are not biased. It's called education. These questions are basic scientific research questions. The notion that such simple, basic, fundamental questions, would be bias is why most people in Pakistan are illiterate, live in mud dwellings and are led around by the nose by which ever Imam happens to be the local town crackpot.

This is a "Science" forums. Not a theistic forum. Thus, we're interested in the real History of the Qur'an, not Mohammad Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Xenu did it, crap.

Reasonable enough?

Thank you for clarifying my point. History section is under the section "World." Go there and post your questions, if you want your questions answered.
How is the Quran different from the Bible and why was it necessary to create it?

I see, how hard is it to understand the most basic and simple type of words? Read post 192, the second part to the end. If this question was towards someone else disregard this.
It's not a history question, it's a religious one.

Obviously. If you have read post 192 you should know that I told michael, if he needs something explained from The Quran, and not The Bible. I have not read The Bible so I am not qualified to answer your question.