The Holy Quran

in south Arabia is illegal for women to drive a car they put awomen in jail if they drive a car around. There is not a Christian country taking away the women rights, not a single one. My mother is 82 and she is still running her business she bought herself a house two years ago and she is going to change her car next year. My father is dead now. Is Just wonderful to live in a Christian based country let me tell you "Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty" II cor. 3/17 The muslim cult and the Koran do not give any freedom not even if you have testicles. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES. The only religion giving you freedom, happiness and hope is the Christian Religion and Christ teachings. NO ONE ELSE. Christ is the only God i know dying for you,His His apostles have power over sickness and life and death. No other religion teach us something like that. Mohamed had no son, GOd had a son living among us, becoming one of us and coming down this earth. No other religion shows you so much beauty. And He put things very simple for us, we only believe in Christ we only believe he is the Son of God and God himself and that is the only thing you need to believe to be save and in heaven. You dont need to blow yourself up killing innocent children and women jut to go to paradise. You just have to believe in Christ and that Christ is GOD that's all. You dont even have to read the bible.
The oldest Koran I know is written in kufic script, and this did not happened after two hundred years after the death of the Mohammad.
@greenboy --

There is not a Christian country taking away the women rights, not a single one.

Correction, there is not a christian country taking away the rights of women anymore. And the reason there aren't anymore has nothing to do with the bible or inherent christian values, it's because christian countries happened by chance to be the seat of the Enlightenment, you know where values like equality and freedom came from.
There is not a Christian country taking away the women rights, not a single one.

Is Just wonderful to live in a Christian based country

Christ is the only God i know dying for you,His His apostles have power over sickness and life and death. No other religion teach us something like that.

Mohamed had no son, GOd had a son living among us, becoming one of us and coming down this earth. No other religion shows you so much beauty.

You dont need to blow yourself up killing innocent children and women jut to go to paradise.

You just have to believe in Christ and that Christ is GOD that's all. You dont even have to read the bible.

I think the millions of people in the US who are not Christian would be alarmed by this view.

Women in this country only recently gained some of their rights, despite the strong influence Christianity had in forming the laws back then.

Christians are known to be just as cruel and violent as any other group. Consider what the Serbians did to the Bosnians, the Germans to the Jews, and what the Europeans (and later, Americans) did to the Native Americans.

The foundations of Islam include a lot of material imported from Christianity. If you denounce Islam in general, you are also denouncing the Christian principles woven into it.

Murder is not a tenet of islam. The people who are doing it are twisting their religion, no differently than the Irish or any other Christian group has done.

Exceptions might be the pacifists - Quakers, Amish, Mennonites.

The US slaughtered countless innocent men, women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and wiped out entire cities in Japan and Germany, countless villages in Vietnam and the bordering states, and invaded dozens of sovereign nations, killed people and took their land and resources in the last century.

And before that we waged one the bloodiest wars among ourselves because we could not manage our country according to basic Christian principles of equality, freedom and justice for all.

In this regard, I wouldn't use the US as a model for Christian principles of loving your neighbor.