The Holy Quran

Areyou kidding me?,my "personal experience isn't valid, but your personal experience with Muslims is.

Well, it happens all the time on the forums. That's what I was referring to. I appreciate there is a massive and obscure body of discussion about it on the site, but the fact remains that it is there for those who care to look. As such, it's on the record, rather than being another assertion from a poster accustomed to making assertions.

Go and read the book first then come and address me properly dont act like children this isn't school.

Well then what exactly are you attacking other religions for? If it's not related to your argument, why do it except to demonize others?
Well, it happens all the time on the forums. That's what I was referring to. I appreciate there is a massive and obscure body of discussion about it on the site, but the fact remains that it is there for those who care to look. As such, it's on the record, rather than being another assertion from a poster accustomed to making assertions.

Well then what exactly are you attacking other religions for? If it's not related to your argument, why do it except to demonize others?

When have I attacked another religion in this thread that has nothing todo with islam. Islam has everything to do with christianity and judaism, We follow their prophets and read their book too, we have every right to debate and refute things.

Again you didge the simple fact that you have not even read the Quran yet you are debating with me. Im done with you aswell,my patience has gone for you Kaffir on're ignored from now on too like whats his name DW.

Im not going to entertain this ignorance you cannot debate something that you have no knowledge about and havenm't even studied.

May peace be with you
Joseph Smith was a false prophet, their have been over 120 thousand messengers in total. The five greatest prophets were in order Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, (pbuta). Mohammadwas the final prophet tocome with an exception of Jesus returning for the battle with the Dijjal (Antichrist). But he will not come bearing a new message he is returning for war so Mohammad is the last prophet to come with a Book of Law and Wisdom from the most high.

Actually, most Christians would regard Mohammad as a false Prophet. Considering the "Gharaniq incident" they have a point.


That's not really here nor there. Absurdities aside, the inherent intolerances of monotheisms, Islam being prime example (evidenced by many time and time again) is the point. People don't have to have intolerant superstitions, and yet still believe in magic and fairy tales. However, the superstition needs to be well thought out. It's plainly obvious the people who made up Islam weren't interested in thinking, but rather, controlling thought. Which it's doing an amazingly great job at controlling yours. You just happily denounced a religion of millions of Mormons. Intolerance at it's best.
Actually, most Christians would regard Mohammad as a false Prophet. Considering the "Gharaniq incident" they have a point.


That's not really here nor there. Absurdities aside, the inherent intolerances of monotheisms, Islam being prime example (evidenced by many time and time again) is the point. People don't have to have intolerant superstitions, and yet still believe in magic and fairy tales. However, the superstition needs to be well thought out. It's plainly obvious the people who made up Islam weren't interested in thinking, but rather, controlling thought. Which it's doing an amazingly great job at controlling yours. You just happily denounced a religion of millions of Mormons. Intolerance at it's best.

Sorry your picture didn't seem to show it just shows a "X" so Im confused about maybe that part of your post.

Have you read the Surahs and Hadithsregarding said incident,?. It was in times of war and the prophets army haveproven to be the most considerate and peacefullmilitary force to fight such epic scale battles and still be victorious.

The prophet and all armies that followed his laws are wellknown in the history books to have been immenselymorekindto the enemy, and they put 900 jews roughly to death because that's what the torah says the punishment should be.

Prophet mohammad pbuh Upon capturing the jewish tribe said "What doesthe torah say should be thesejews fate by their own laws" The reply came "The torah commands they be put to death" Prophet mohhamad said "So be it by the jewish law for the jewish people"

We all see pain and death
Which is a more just world. World #1 where it is IMPOSSIBLE for a child to have her face torn off by a lion, or, World #2 where it IS possible and actually happens to small innocent 5 year old girls who were feed to lions for sport.

See, God can do "anything" and as such, it is possible to create World #1 and yet have EVERYTHING and EVERY LESSON also possible. That's the thing about being able to do "anything". We must surprise that the God you worship is evil OR not all powerful OR doens't exist. Considering there is ZERO good evidence for Gods existing (let alone yours) I think that's the most logical. Alas, we live in a world where many people NEED to believe in Harry Potter to get by in life, so, all I ask is we create a superstition that's tolerant and non-violent. Preferably one that's not based on the morality of a 7th century goat herder barely living in the Bronze Age (much like today actually - tell you something doesn't it?).
Which is a more just world. World #1 where it is IMPOSSIBLE for a child to have her face torn off by a lion, or, World #2 where it IS possible and actually happens to small innocent 5 year old girls who were feed to lions for sport.

See, God can do "anything" and as such, it is possible to create World #1 and yet have EVERYTHING and EVERY LESSON also possible. That's the thing about being able to do "anything". We must surprise that the God you worship is evil OR not all powerful OR doens't exist. Considering there is ZERO good evidence for Gods existing (let alone yours) I think that's the most logical. Alas, we live in a world where many people NEED to believe in Harry Potter to get by in life, so, all I ask is we create a superstition that's tolerant and non-violent. Preferably one that's not based on the morality of a 7th century goat herder barely living in the Bronze Age (much like today actually - tell you something doesn't it?).

Wheres the fun in that, you wanna watch a movie where theres a guy and he just says. "I know everything the end"

Please be reminded that this is not a debate on gods existence please take that b****** to another thread. This is to discuss the holy quran.

From now on im not playing no apologetics with you guys im done, Im applying the rules that you make me stick too in other threads, so in this thread you stick to the Quran and dont get off topic,

It was in times of war and the prophets army haveproven to be the most considerate and peacefullmilitary force to fight such epic scale battles and still be victorious.
Such "epic" battles?



Violence fetishes aside, the Arabian peninsula was almost completed depopulated - with a few extremely small villages centered around small desert springs. I fail to see what's so "epic" about a few goat herders rushing in, burning, smashing and looting a bunch of peaceful Arabs polytheistic religious relics and temples and making off with their daughters to rape and enslaving the men. If anything it's f8cking disgusting and reminds me of those Taliban who used TNT to destroy the 2500 year old Buddhas - something I'm sure you're "epically" proud of.

how pathetic.
Im done with you aswell,my patience has gone for you Kaffir on're ignored from now on too like whats his name DW.
so if you don't wanna refine your technique, then why are you here?
you have no power here, you have no venom,your threats are useless (yess saying you will ignore someone is a threat, (allbeit an insignificant one)
you have little say as to what ppl post (specially when you order it to be done)

Im not going to entertain this ignorance you cannot debate something that you have no knowledge about and havenm't even studied.

um..hasn't that been my point all along chi?
give us something to study,not just your opinion of it.
quit posturing and start sharing, the members here do not care who you are,they only care about what you can contribute, and you are not contributing anything by telling everyone how worthless they are.

do you respect me enough to listen to me chi?
(read here)
consider this constructive advice from another believer.
there are lots here who want to hear what you have to say chi,i beg you please learn how to communicate here in this venue.
RE: Jihad

Did you ever find the month day and year that the "Qur'an" was completed? Care to reference a peer-reviewed archeological journal? Surely SOMEONE would have cared to write down the date when "God" finished "His" revelation and it was all completely written down. Oh, unless people just made it up - then I'm pretty sure obscurity would be the better route.
Such "epic" battles?



Violence fetishes aside, the Arabian peninsula was almost completed depopulated - with a few extremely small villages centered around small desert springs. I fail to see what's so "epic" about a few goat herders rushing in, burning, smashing and looting a bunch of peaceful Arabs polytheistic religious relics and temples and making off with their daughters to rape and enslaving the men. If anything it's f8cking disgusting and reminds me of those Taliban who used TNT to destroy the 2500 year old Buddhas - something I'm sure you're "epically" proud of.

how pathetic.

Violence fetishes................?youhave not studied all of the historical battles in the middle east it looks like. The battlesof mohammad and other islamic leaders following himwere distinguished and very unique.

Goat herders?, Small skirmishes happen alongside greater balltes you know, every army encounters scout's and small skirmish flanks and raids. You would call the persian empires battles small because they hada few skirmishes?. or the Battlesof the roman empire small because they had a few small scale skirmish battlesin europe with tribes?. and why are you not mentioning the battle ethics of mohammad and his troops compared to theothers, funny you dont highlight the parts that make islam look civil.

RE: Jihad

Did you ever find the month day and year that the "Qur'an" was completed? Care to reference a peer-reviewed archeological journal? Surely SOMEONE would have cared to write down the date when "God" finished "His" revelation and it was all completely written down. Oh, unless people just made it up - then I'm pretty sure obscurity would be the better route.

Erm do you wan't to pay me for compiling such an accurate and time consuming piece?. Pay me my regular hourly wage which is 150 ph and I will.

not studied all of the historical battles in the middle east it looks like
chi you gotta understand who your audience is,
you gotta assume that no one has study'd

The battlesof mohammad and other islamic leaders following himwere distinguished and very unique.
ok..this is a good were they distinguished and unique?

and why are you not mentioning the battle ethics of mohammad and his troops compared to theothers,
see first comment.

funny you dont highlight the parts that make islam look civil.
duh..aren't you supposed to be educating us on that part?

what does this mean to you?
most americans think this is the equivalent of saying 'F*ck You', IOW it puts them on the defensive and as a result will not listen.
Originally Posted by Michael
RE: Jihad

Did you ever find the month day and year that the "Qur'an" was completed? Care to reference a peer-reviewed archeological journal? Surely SOMEONE would have cared to write down the date when "God" finished "His" revelation and it was all completely written down. Oh, unless people just made it up - then I'm pretty sure obscurity would be the better route.

Erm do you wan't to pay me for compiling such an accurate and time consuming piece?. Pay me my regular hourly wage which is 150 ph and I will.

and you want ppl to listen to you?
you won't even answer a basic question, do you not know?
then why are you posturing like you are the only authority when it comes to the quran? your authority is yet to be established my friend,
it is statements like that that is undermining your own intentions.
What, are you serious?

When have I attacked another religion in this thread that has nothing todo with islam.

Er...does this ring a bell, perhaps?

From what I have seen most anti-Islamic Christians arenot well versed in the surah'snor the Hadiths, also Muslims seem to know the bible better than most Christians when debating it.

Strikes me as an insult, sorry. You also appear to contradict your assertion that you've never insulted anyone by demanding the right to insult them:

Islam has everything to do with christianity and judaism, We follow their prophets and read their book too, we have every right to debate and refute things.

First: you follow an alternate version of at least one of those prophets. You indeed have a right to debate things, but not really to make unsupported assertions about the followers of other faiths. If you want to debate the Quran with others on this thread, that's fine: but leave the others out of it, okay? This seems fair.

Again you didge the simple fact that you have not even read the Quran yet you are debating with me.

Excuse me: I have read the Quran, cover to cover, twice. Do not bring this foolish assertion up again, please and thankyou.

Im done with you aswell,my patience has gone for you Kaffir on're ignored from now on too like whats his name DW.

Do not use that word again on the forums, or I will file a report. "Kaffir", "filthy unbelievers" and the like are insults. You cannot expect me to believe you are actually stupid enough not to know this. So: enough. You're using English now, so whatever the assertions I'm expected to believe about the inflexibility of Arabic, you have no excuse for using it.

Finally, you may ignore my comments, but i) you do so at your peril and ii) you leave the field open for my uncontested counter-commenting, which is fine with me, as I will almost certainly make you look quite foolish, if you deserve to be so interpreted.

Peace be with you.
chi you gotta understand who your audience is,
you gotta assume that no one has study'd

ok..this is a good were they distinguished and unique?

see first comment.

duh..aren't you supposed to be educating us on that part?

what does this mean to you?
most americans think this is the equivalent of saying 'F*ck You', IOW it puts them on the defensive and as a result will not listen.

No squirrels top it. your just being apologetic im done with this i dont care who calls me a bigot.

If he wants to debate the battles of the middle east of 1800-1200 years ago then he better know his history, If he wants to know something about a certain battle he can always ask me to teach him about that particularbattle. or he can request a brief historicalquote that i can fetch for him to study.

But no im not going to accept some-thing like "oh they were just goat herders thebattles were meaningless and of no importance"

The fact is that the battles were so important they shaped the entire middle east, and effected the entire world look at islam it is the biggest and fastest growing religion soon to dominate the earth.

Er...does this ring a bell, perhaps?

Strikes me as an insult, sorry. You also appear to contradict your assertion that you've never insulted anyone by demanding the right to insult them:

First: you follow an alternate version of at least one of those prophets. You indeed have a right to debate things, but not really to make unsupported assertions about the followers of other faiths. If you want to debate the Quran with others on this thread, that's fine: but leave the others out of it, okay? This seems fair.

Excuse me: I have read the Quran, cover to cover, twice. Do not bring this foolish assertion up again, please and thankyou.

Do not use that word again on the forums, or I will file a report. "Kaffir", "filthy unbelievers" and the like are insults. You cannot expect me to believe you are actually stupid enough not to know this. So: enough. You're using English now, so whatever the assertions I'm expected to believe about the inflexibility of Arabic, you have no excuse for using it.

Finally, you may ignore my comments, but i) you do so at your peril and ii) you leave the field open for my uncontested counter-commenting, which is fine with me, as I will almost certainly make you look quite foolish, if you deserve to be so interpreted.

Peace be with you.

Ok now you can go away too last chance up, your blocked too kaffir.

That was not an insult it was a truthfull statement from my experience how does that even look like it was meant to be insulting.

If he wants to know something about a certain battle he can always ask me to teach him about that particularbattle.
how can one ask about something they do not know?

But no im not going to accept some-thing like "oh they were just goat herders thebattles were meaningless and of no importance"
good..explain why they were not,

The fact is that the battles were so important they shaped the entire middle east, and effected the entire world look at islam it is the biggest and fastest growing religion soon to dominate the earth.
explain how/why you believe this to be true.