The Holy Quran

Just saying "Hello" again, Chi, before you disappear (I must be a 'prophet'). See you in some other threads, perhaps. Carry on.
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how can one ask about something they do not know?

good..explain why they were not,

explain how/why you believe this to be true.

Seriously.. I have said it very nicely since the start of this thread, to have a debate with me or to actualy understand what we are talking abouthere you need to Completely readthe quran.

I can't keep repeating myself,howcan you all honestly expectto even discuss something you havent evenr ead?, you ask all these questions that are not really insightfull and still dont even read the entire quran.

If you all started reading it when the thread was started you couldhave finished it 10 times over by now and have a compex grasp of it in detail.

If your prof just handed you a new science textbook and said the answers are on page 50-65 would you then ask him 20 millions tupid questions or just shut up and go and read the book.

Seriously.. I have said it very nicely since the start of this thread, to have a debate with me or to actualy understand what we are talking abouthere you need to Completely readthe quran.

there is the are not speaking with scholars, you are speaking with average ppl.
there is the are not speaking with scholars, you are speaking with average ppl.

Then tey need to come to me as that of a student and not with some arrogant stance mostlikely due to my young age. But it's funny that i never have this attitude given to me when debating real exspert's or real scholars, or even real scientists. If I knew nothing about a subject and somebody was offering free teaachings (like I am) and free area to debate aand fly questions, I would approachthem with manners and ask them nicely to share the information.

I am offereng discussion, teachings, debates and all things surrounding,but that does not mean somebody with no understanding of the subject at hand can just waltz in and start running their mouths in such rude ways.

Ifyou know your hadith and you know your Surahs then you cand ebate withme and we can discuss the deeper meanings and unravel some metaphors together. But if you have not even read the Quran (Let alone fully grasped it) then dont come here acting likesome know it all jerk just becauseyou don't believe in god like they do. they didnt comehere to debate the Quran and you know it, theyu come here to wage war on the most high.

Then tey need to come to me as that of a student and not with some arrogant stance mostlikely due to my young age.
1, you are coming to them.
2,how old are you?

But it's funny that i never have this attitude given to me when debating real exspert's or real scholars, or even real scientists.
this is my point chi..most users here are not any of those,the few that are know enough to stay out of the discussion.

If I knew nothing about a subject and somebody was offering free teaachings (like I am) and free area to debate aand fly questions, I would approachthem with manners and ask them nicely to share the information.
we have been asking you all sorts of questions, you evade all of them.

I am offereng discussion, teachings, debates and all things surrounding,but that does not mean somebody with no understanding of the subject at hand can just waltz in and start running their mouths in such rude ways.
this is where a discussion board differs from reality, any one can post.
and is why i say remember your audience.

Ifyou know your hadith and you know your Surahs then you cand ebate withme
you have still yet to establish your knowledge/expertise/authority.
am i am not talking about citing everything you have read, there is more to it than that.
again i am only speaking of this venue of discourse.

and we can discuss the deeper meanings and unravel some metaphors together.
we can still discuss deeper meanings and metaphors, one doesn't need to understand the quran to understand what god wants.

then dont come here acting likesome know it all jerk just becauseyou don't believe in god like they do.
um..there it is..listen to yourself chi..
'don't come here like some know it all jerk just because they don't believe in god like you do.'

do not take offense, i have only used your own words (i don't think you are a jerk) take your own advice.
to thine own self be true.

they didnt comehere to debate the Quran and you know it, theyu come here to wage war on the most high.
God does not fight with weapons, fear or intimidation, he fights with understanding, compassion and wisdom.
to fight as they do, makes you just like them.
your impatience shows your true motivations.
I am so thankful that my God allows me to eat pork sandwiches, she didn't use to,but she has become very tolerant as of late due to not being unclean for 7 days!
1, you are coming to them.
2,how old are you?

this is my point chi..most users here are not any of those,the few that are know enough to stay out of the discussion.

we have been asking you all sorts of questions, you evade all of them.

this is where a discussion board differs from reality, any one can post.
and is why i say remember your audience.

you have still yet to establish your knowledge/expertise/authority.
am i am not talking about citing everything you have read, there is more to it than that.
again i am only speaking of this venue of discourse.

we can still discuss deeper meanings and metaphors, one doesn't need to understand the quran to understand what god wants.

um..there it is..listen to yourself chi..
'don't come here like some know it all jerk just because they don't believe in god like you do.'

do not take offense, i have only used your own words (i don't think you are a jerk) take your own advice.
to thine own self be true.

God does not fight with weapons, fear or intimidation, he fights with understanding, compassion and wisdom.
to fight as they do, makes you just like them.
your impatience shows your true motivations.

Thatsnot fair squirrel, I was banned for 7 days, 15 pages have accumilated How am i supposedto go through and reply in truth and accuracy to all of this in so short amount of time?

Also I did not come to each of these people and tellthemt o post int his thread, I have offered my tutoring here on the quran, I have offered debateson surah and hadith, i have offered generaldiscussions. They allchose to come and post here, the ones whohave liottleunderstanding I have toldthemt o go and read the quran and then return and discuss it, is this some sort of wierd request to ask somebody to read the subject source?.

Alsomy age is on my profile or page or whateveryou want to call it, But I have been postinghere since i was a teenager and I tell you some people won't accept teaching fromsomebody half thaeir age they are arrogant not I,even if I am arrogant it is only in the fact that I know God and his truth, it;s not arrogance it's confidence to be orecise on my part. Are you not confident in God?

Thatsnot fair squirrel, I was banned for 7 days, 15 pages have accumilated How am i supposedto go through and reply in truth and accuracy to all of this in so short amount of time?
i was referencing questions like where/when did the quran come to be, and your response of ' i don't have time to tell you'.
this is not a response of someone willing to teach or tutor..

I have told them to go and read the quran and then return and discuss it, is this some sort of wierd request to ask somebody to read the subject source?.
in a perfect world this is not an unreasonable request, and is perfectly valid for sciforums.
if this were not the religion forum you would be justified in your request.
understand the lack of knowledge considering the quran, (and by that lack,fear)
i would challenge you to speak from wisdom and experience about the quran
with patience and understanding.
not with 'this is the way it is', that may work outside sciforums, but not inside.
but by 'this is the way i understand it' and be ready to explain why/where/what/when and how that understanding came to be.

Also my age is on my profile or page or whatever you want to call it, But I have been posting here since i was a teenager and I tell you some people won't accept teaching from somebody half their age
this is a preconceived excuse..
truth knows no age.
and most users do not pay attention to what age you are.(unless you are sounding immature)
so you are basically saying 'they wont listen to me because..' of your own understanding, we have been trying to tell you why we aren't listening, you are not listening to not..
see where that gets us?

they are arrogant not I,even if I am arrogant it is only in the fact that I know God and his truth, it;s not arrogance it's confidence to be orecise on my part.
this tells me you are beginning to understand..accept your humanity and accept how it influences your understanding.

Are you not confident in God?
i am 100 percent confident in God..
being able to convince others to be 100 percent sure of God is another story.

do you truly believe that God gave us the ability to choose?
where does the quran back this up? (quotes please)

what right do we as believers have to take away that choice from others?
don't you think that God can utilize a person whether he believes or not?
maybe God needs them to be unbelievers for now..who are we to say that they have to believe? how arrogant of us to second guess God.
i was referencing questions like where/when did the quran come to be, and your response of ' i don't have time to tell you'.
this is not a response of someone willing to teach or tutor..

in a perfect world this is not an unreasonable request, and is perfectly valid for sciforums.
if this were not the religion forum you would be justified in your request.
understand the lack of knowledge considering the quran, (and by that lack,fear)
i would challenge you to speak from wisdom and experience about the quran
with patience and understanding.
not with 'this is the way it is', that may work outside sciforums, but not inside.
but by 'this is the way i understand it' and be ready to explain why/where/what/when and how that understanding came to be.

this is a preconceived excuse..
truth knows no age.
and most users do not pay attention to what age you are.(unless you are sounding immature)
so you are basically saying 'they wont listen to me because..' of your own understanding, we have been trying to tell you why we aren't listening, you are not listening to not..
see where that gets us?

this tells me you are beginning to understand..accept your humanity and accept how it influences your understanding.

i am 100 percent confident in God..
being able to convince others to be 100 percent sure of God is another story.

do you truly believe that God gave us the ability to choose?
where does the quran back this up? (quotes please)

what right do we as believers have to take away that choice from others?
don't you think that God can utilize a person whether he believes or not?
maybe God needs them to be unbelievers for now..who are we to say that they have to believe? how arrogant of us to second guess God.

Really? I said i don't have time to tell you? with a simple question like when and where the quran was written/about. ?

Hmm well in very short and no offence tot he prophets brief terms, this particular testamant staWould it be ok if I The scribes of his close companions wrote down all of his sayings which are called the Hadiths, ted in Mecca and ended in Madeena. Took place around 600-630ce. The Quran was written by his own scribes, the prophet peace be upon him. His eye witnesses and the Hadiths are direct sayings of the prophet. It's not like the bible where people 200 years after the prophet Isa's death wrote about him. These are direct historicalaccounts fromeye witnesses and his companions who werecommanded to write these things down word for word by the angel Gabriel (Jibrael) by God..

The quran is not just a book of story's the battlesand histirical events of mohammad pbuh are recordedin historyfor all to see. We hold lots of debates about these very things, I couldopen a history thread on mohhamad and it wouldn't get deleted because he is no mythical characterhe was a real man with plenty of evidence to back it up.

Also a interesting find that even many muslims and native arabs do not know of, a seal and document found with mohammads signature and witness statements of him agreeingthe safety to all christians and holy men of other religions and a truce.

Really? I said i don't have time to tell you? with a simple question like when and where the quran was written/about. ?

Hmm well in very short and no offence tot he prophets brief terms, this particular testamant staWould it be ok if I The scribes of his close companions wrote down all of his sayings which are called the Hadiths, ted in Mecca and ended in Madeena. Took place around 600-630ce. The Quran was written by his own scribes, the prophet peace be upon him. His eye witnesses and the Hadiths are direct sayings of the prophet. It's not like the bible where people 200 years after the prophet Isa's death wrote about him. These are direct historicalaccounts fromeye witnesses and his companions who werecommanded to write these things down word for word by the angel Gabriel (Jibrael) by God..

The quran is not just a book of story's the battlesand histirical events of mohammad pbuh are recordedin historyfor all to see. We hold lots of debates about these very things, I couldopen a history thread on mohhamad and it wouldn't get deleted because he is no mythical characterhe was a real man with plenty of evidence to back it up.

Also a interesting find that even many muslims and native arabs do not know of, a seal and document found with mohammads signature and witness statements of him agreeingthe safety to all christians and holy men of other religions and a truce.


Yeah I heard this before . When they would take over a city they would let all the native people worship the way they always did , but in the end like with the Jewish in Babylon the peoples would convert , or minimum adopt big swaths of beliefs
Hmm well in very short and no offence to the prophets brief terms, this particular testamant staWould it be ok if I The scribes of his close companions wrote down all of his sayings which are called the Hadiths, ted in Mecca and ended in Madeena. Took place around 600-630ce. The Quran was written by his own scribes, the prophet peace be upon him. His eye witnesses and the Hadiths are direct sayings of the prophet. It's not like the bible where people 200 years after the prophet Isa's death wrote about him. These are direct historicalaccounts from eye witnesses and his companions who were commanded to write these things down word for word by the angel Gabriel (Jibrael) by God..

The quran is not just a book of story's the battles and historical events of mohammad pbuh are recorded in history for all to see. We hold lots of debates about these very things, I could open a history thread on mohhamad and it wouldn't get deleted because he is no mythical character he was a real man with plenty of evidence to back it up.

Also a interesting find that even many muslims and native arabs do not know of, a seal and document found with mohammads signature and witness statements of him agreeing to the safety to all christians and holy men of other religions and a truce.

this is what i am talking about..informative,concise,educational. this increases understanding..thumbs up chi.:worship:
(except the part that is bolded..i understand it is a typo,but couldn't figure out what it was supposed to say..)

and why not start a thread on mohammed?
Yeah I heard this before . When they would take over a city they would let all the native people worship the way they always did , but in the end like with the Jewish in Babylon the peoples would convert , or minimum adopt big swaths of beliefs

Yes Islam spreads with (I want to say peace but i can't because>) Islam = peace, Translation.

Muslims can only defend not attack it's forbidden, Jihad may only be used to defend yourself or innocents. fighting oppression is allowed killing people without absolute need is forbidden. All of those suicide bombers are Haram you cannot blow yourself up and take out innocent people. Theyhave been brainwashed by extreamist crazy people because (like any type of people) There are bad muslims too. They quote a surah that permits you to sacrifice yourself to save another, Where the prophet would be spotten on thebattle-field enemy infantry wouldtry to strikle him with sword/spear/arrow's, his comrades would literaly jumpin harms way and even get killed for him to protect his words. This Hadith and Surah linked have been perverted by radicals, some of the qurans teachings are not for childrens mind's they don't understandit even if they can read some of it. it's too philosophical at times for youngkid's so they get fooled intot hinking it'sok to kill yourself forthe sake of islam, because promoting islam is also a rule (Promoting Peace and order).

These are often Cited as "Muslim Teachings" which they are not. Read the "Complete 40 Hadiths" along-side `Your Surah script.

Violence fetishes................?youhave not studied all of the historical battles in the middle east it looks like. The battlesof mohammad and other islamic leaders following himwere distinguished and very unique.

The first battle mohammedens fought outside of the arabian peninsula was the battle of Yarmuk, when they invaded Byzantium, yes invaded. After the victory they used 2 days to hunt down and slaughter the byzantine troops to a man. They killed every single soldier from the byzantine survivors 24,000 men. I agree this distinguished them from others in the region. And if you claim the Byzantines were romans in 632 then you know nothing.
Violence fetishes................?youhave not studied all of the historical battles in the middle east it looks like. The battlesof mohammad and other islamic leaders following himwere distinguished and very unique.

Goat herders?, Small skirmishes happen alongside greater balltes you know, every army encounters scout's and small skirmish flanks and raids. You would call the persian empires battles small because they hada few skirmishes?. or the Battlesof the roman empire small because they had a few small scale skirmish battlesin europe with tribes?. and why are you not mentioning the battle ethics of mohammad and his troops compared to theothers, funny you dont highlight the parts that make islam look civil.

You're the person who used "epic". There were NO epic battles fought by Muslims on the Arabian peninsula. Nothing has ever been recorded in contemporary literature suggesting that to be the case. As a matter of fact, the Byzantines only briefly mention one "warlord" who is "making mischief". That person MAY have been Mohammad. If so, he certainly wasn't engaging in "epic" battles Roman style. More like caravan hit-and-runs - as these would be the best pickings for raiders and vultures. The villages in and around that area were puny. Let's put it this way - a football stadium has 110,000 people on a full house. A typical small village would have had 5000 people tops. That's about the number of people at the hot dog stands - at any given time. Not many. And those people, they didn't have much in line of wealth.

Sorry, but history shows there were no "epic" battles led by Mohammad. As a matter of fact, I would like to see some contemporary evidence Mohammad even existed. Geeee, it should be a snap for you - right.
There is NO contemporary evidence. What there is evidence of is the "title" Mohammad MHMT being used for Christ. More than likely Mohammad never existed.

Secondly, let's pretend for the moment that Mohammad did lead raids on small villages and did smash up Arab polytheists religious relics and statues and places of worship - YOU'RE PROUD of THAT?!? Going in and vandalizing other people religious relics and temples makes you feel proud??? That's sick in the head. The idea someone could be proud a person who invades small peaceful towns, rapes the women, enslaves the men and smashes their religious artifacts is f*cking sick. I don't care if it's "relatively" a lesser evil comparably to how other lunatics did their raping and pillaging - it's sick. Geeesh, pull your head out.

Lastly, those "epic" battles you're so fond of. More than likely we'll find that the real battles were between the large well funded Persian Army and large well funded Byzantine mercenary armys. These so-called "Arab" commanders have names that bare striking resemblances to Persian Generals. It's called re-writing history and it was quite common. You might want to look into the usage of the word "Muslim" - as in WHEN it was used. Because it certainly wasn't contemporary.

SO that's TWO tasks for you.
(1) When was the Qur'an completed? Day, Month, Year. Peer-reviewed archeological journal citation thank you.
(2) What contemporary evidence is there of Mohammad's existence? Peer-reviewed archeological journal citation thank you.

Don't open the can of worms Chi, some might come out - and your brain wouldn't like that now would it?
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Then tey need to come to me as that of a student and not with some arrogant stance mostlikely due to my young age. But it's funny that i never have this attitude given to me when debating real exspert's or real scholars, or even real scientists. If I knew nothing about a subject and somebody was offering free teaachings (like I am) and free area to debate aand fly questions, I would approachthem with manners and ask them nicely to share the information.

Well, you don't seem to know anything about other religions, yet you comment on them quite freely.

This is your prerogative, but I don't agree with your description of your own position.
The first battle mohammedens fought outside of the arabian peninsula was the battle of Yarmuk, when they invaded Byzantium, yes invaded. After the victory they used 2 days to hunt down and slaughter the byzantine troops to a man. They killed every single soldier from the byzantine survivors 24,000 men. I agree this distinguished them from others in the region. And if you claim the Byzantines were romans in 632 then you know nothing.

When exactly did i say they were romans?, don't make things up.
You're the person who used "epic". There were NO epic battles fought by Muslims on the Arabian peninsula. Nothing has ever been recorded in contemporary literature suggesting that to be the case. As a matter of fact, the Byzantines only briefly mention one "warlord" who is "making mischief". That person MAY have been Mohammad. If so, he certainly wasn't engaging in "epic" battles Roman style. More like caravan hit-and-runs - as these would be the best pickings for raiders and vultures. The villages in and around that area were puny. Let's put it this way - a football stadium has 110,000 people on a full house. A typical small village would have had 5000 people tops. That's about the number of people at the hot dog stands - at any given time. Not many. And those people, they didn't have much in line of wealth.

Sorry, but history shows there were no "epic" battles led by Mohammad. As a matter of fact, I would like to see some contemporary evidence Mohammad even existed. Geeee, it should be a snap for you - right.
There is NO contemporary evidence. What there is evidence of is the "title" Mohammad MHMT being used for Christ. More than likely Mohammad never existed.

Secondly, let's pretend for the moment that Mohammad did lead raids on small villages and did smash up Arab polytheists religious relics and statues and places of worship - YOU'RE PROUD of THAT?!? Going in and vandalizing other people religious relics and temples makes you feel proud??? That's sick in the head. The idea someone could be proud a person who invades small peaceful towns, rapes the women, enslaves the men and smashes their religious artifacts is f*cking sick. I don't care if it's "relatively" a lesser evil comparably to how other lunatics did their raping and pillaging - it's sick. Geeesh, pull your head out.

Lastly, those "epic" battles you're so fond of. More than likely we'll find that the real battles were between the large well funded Persian Army and large well funded Byzantine mercenary armys. These so-called "Arab" commanders have names that bare striking resemblances to Persian Generals. It's called re-writing history and it was quite common. You might want to look into the usage of the word "Muslim" - as in WHEN it was used. Because it certainly wasn't contemporary.

SO that's TWO tasks for you.
(1) When was the Qur'an completed? Day, Month, Year. Peer-reviewed archeological journal citation thank you.
(2) What contemporary evidence is there of Mohammad's existence? Peer-reviewed archeological journal citation thank you.

Don't open the can of worms Chi, some might come out - and your brain wouldn't like that now would it?

So your entire post was debating the word epic, Well done what a great argument.

What evidence is their for mohammad? you have got to be joking, his grave site and the records of his life from eye witnesses.

Be cocky to me one more time and you will be on the block list aswell ok,

last chance.