The Holy Quran

I have the Koran on my fiction shelf of mythful wishes, next to the Bible, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Ovid's Metamorphosis (sp?), and have read parts of it.

Oh doyou remember allof the surahs and their points would youlike to quote me someof the verses you find helpfullor beneficial.

No, please, no.

I take it you have not studied the topic you are currently debating.

I asked you to debate the quran and discussthe quran in a thread titled The Holy Quran which you are taking part in. What do you want to discuss here if not the Qur'an?.

Please don't troll
I won't troll. Was only giving you a welcome back.

Idon't think you notice what kind of person you are, the same type as spidergoat. im not saying your bad people but you are obsessed with religion and yet you dont believe you are walking down the wrong path and it will not lead you to any progress i tell you truly.

You guys jump into a debate before even studying the subject if you did that in a physics class the prof would justlook at you like you are some clown. Think about that for a second, and if you say "oh it's only a myth" then if it's only a myth it does not require your constant mulling over and ponderings of obsessions.

Youthink I cannot see into the heartsof people once i have discussed life with them? allof you agnostics deep down have a glipse of hope inside you, and you want to be able to live longer than 1 human life span, you ant to see your family and friends after death and religion still is there in your mind saying what if its true.

I tell you truly god is the truth andthemore time you spend fighting god the less time you haveleft to learn his ways and live them,


Evidence?, you mean google searching?

:confused: Is that what you consider 'evidence'? I would hope not. It would be better to read their works of religious scripture, frankly, Chi. I can't recommend your strategy as applied.

I debate people nearly every day of the week and visit churches and other places of worship all over Europe. I have alot of personal contact with many types of religious people and random people on the street also.

It isn't a strange perspective when you encounter it on a regular basis.

Sorry; it's just that I don't really believe in your scenario - or at least, not that Jews and/or Christians are particularly prone to it. It takes nothing to find some rare, little-known passages in almost any book and confront others with them, particularly when such passages have little to do with their philosophy. By contrast, I regular find that most Muslims don't seem to know - or say they don't know - much about their religion when one starts digging at the scriptural basis for Islamic religious imperialism. Inevitably, apologists for this sort of thing bow a) quietly out of the debate, b) start on tu quoque irrespective of the solidity of the parallels they apply or c) simply resort to accusations of bias or bigotry or whatever else they think might stick. It's very disappointing.
:confused: Is that what you consider 'evidence'? I would hope not. .

I regular find that most Muslims don't seem to know .

Areyou kidding me?,my "personal experience isn't valid, but your personal experience with Muslims is.

What do you wan't to discuss about the Quran, im going to have a 0 Tolerance for off topic remarks and if you guys have not event aken the time to read the quaran after all these weeks of posting then you have no business debating it with me on my level.

Go and read the book first then come and address me properly dont act like children this isn't school.

Idon't think you notice what kind of person you are, the same type as spidergoat. im not saying your bad people but you are obsessed with religion and yet you dont believe you are walking down the wrong path and it will not lead you to any progress i tell you truly.



I can't get past the first paragraph of the Quran. Any suggestions? Maybe wrap it around something? :m: But I have it on my Kindle :( .
I can't get past the first paragraph of the Quran. Any suggestions? Maybe wrap it around something? :m: But I have it on my Kindle :( .

Seewhat I mean you and alot of others are disgusting debators, you talk about scientific methods, applications of study and correct use of evidences, yet you lack the abilityto read a single book which is the source subject of what you're debating.

Im not entertaining these type of posts anymore either talk about Hadith meanings and reasoning,or Surah versesor you shall be ignored.
Idon't think you notice what kind of person you are, the same type as spidergoat. im not saying your bad people but you are obsessed with religion and yet you dont believe you are walking down the wrong path and it will not lead you to any progress i tell you truly.

You guys jump into a debate before even studying the subject if you did that in a physics class the prof would justlook at you like you are some clown. Think about that for a second, and if you say "oh it's only a myth" then if it's only a myth it does not require your constant mulling over and ponderings of obsessions.

Youthink I cannot see into the heartsof people once i have discussed life with them? allof you agnostics deep down have a glipse of hope inside you, and you want to be able to live longer than 1 human life span, you ant to see your family and friends after death and religion still is there in your mind saying what if its true.

I tell you truly god is the truth andthemore time you spend fighting god the less time you haveleft to learn his ways and live them,



Chi, you shouldn't engage 'trolls' to make them part of the discussion if you don't want that. Science arguments can be sharpened for cosmology and more by discussing religious views, no to mention clearer thinking practices, and while you were gone, God was firmly and twice refuted in the science/religion thread, plus the origin of all was figured out both there and in the "Why Does Anything Exist" thread. So, yes, great progress, indeed, over just some myths made by ancient mammals.
Chi, you shouldn't engage 'trolls' to make them part of the discussion if you don't want that. Science arguments can be sharpened for cosmology and more by discussing religious views, no to mention clearer thinking practices, and while you were gone, God was firmly and twice refuted in the science/religion thread, plus the origin of all was figured out both there and in the "Why Does Anything Exist" thread. So, yes, great progress, indeed, over just some myths made by ancient mammals.

Sci are you going to read the Quran or not..... imnot here to argue semantics and pointless-ness.
I can read the words, but they disgust me, it's hard to make any progress. How can one ignore the simpering submissive attitude, the stupid violent rhetoric, the unscientific ignorance? I can see how that might influence some sand Jawas, but is it really suitable for modern philosophical debate?
I can read the words, but they disgust me, it's hard to make any progress. How can one ignore the simpering submissive attitude, the stupid violent rhetoric, the unscientific ignorance? I can see how that might influence some sand Jawas, but is it really suitable for modern philosophical debate?

Please quote and reference the verses you are refering to. (Type into google evilquran sayings and quote an anti islamic christian site? or do you know these hadith and surah byhearthmm)
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

OK, there's a guy named Allah, and he's merciful. Good start.

[All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds -

Wait, what?
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

OK, there's a guy named Allah, and he's merciful. Good start.

[All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds -

Wait, what?

What is "disgusting"or wrong with this exactly?.and his name is not allah.... you can't say "God's name is allah" in translation without transliteration you are then saying "Gods name is God" your using a transliterate word in place with a translated word of the same meaning it makes no sense.

Allah is Arabic for "God" which comes from the Aramaic Alaha, which if the father language of both modern Hebrew and Arabic. God has 99 names that he prefers you call him and they are all listed in the Quran, one of his mostglorious names is YHWH which is a Hebrew word. Meaning "The SelfSufficient, SelfSustaining Great I Am" You can research what that is in arabic if you like.

I can't get past the God part, or calling him merciful. Ever see people born with a condition that causes their skin to peel off? There is no God, and if there was, he is not merciful. i guess I don't like that they assume there is right away, and that I'm supposed to buy into it. I don't even like that they call the quran "Holy", I can't get past the title. I'll be the judge if it's holy or not, just tell me the story.
I can't get past the God part, or calling him merciful. Ever see people born with a condition that causes their skin to peel off? There is no God, and if there was, he is not merciful. i guess I don't like that they assume there is right away, and that I'm supposed to buy into it. I don't even like that they call the quran "Holy", I can't get past the title. I'll be the judge if it's holy or not, just tell me the story.

We all see pain and death spider, this is just a brief time no longer than 120 years now in good health. Eternity is a long time SG you do realise you are but a sappling a tadpole who hasnt even come out of its spawn.

People reach adult-hood and believe they understand, no you do not understand Iknow of 10 yearolds who understand more truth. you would be wise to humble yourself and learn forgive-ness.

It;s just a short test don't worry about ti so much, you are still earching that's why your here, please listen to me when show you the truth, you need to stop being an adult and thinking your wise and that you over-stand anything, stop listening to all these random facts and clear your mind for once.

Youcan't come to him like your some form of authority your a speck of a candle flame to god with simple emotions he isnt just like a human he is much more dont judge him by our standards understand his plan and see what he is trying tocreatehere, can;t you see his great systems and universe of laws and variation of energy types?.

You have all got shades on your eyes trust me you can't see.

No you see that's the problem, my mind is clear and I can see through the bullshit, that's why I can't watch TV anymore, I can't take the lies. You are the one who isn't humble, who has adopted a narrative that places you among the infinite. As appealing as that might be, I know the universe doesn't give a damn, we are temporal alignments of particles that will go on to have other careers. That is it's beauty.
No you see that's the problem, my mind is clear and I can see through the bullshit, that's why I can't watch TV anymore, I can't take the lies. You are the one who isn't humble, who has adopted a narrative that places you among the infinite. As appealing as that might be, I know the universe doesn't give a damn, we are temporal alignments of particles that will go on to have other careers. That is it's beauty.

Look how hard your heartis and bitter your inner self is, such innerhatred but you makethe effortto be polite alotof the time whichis good.

May the Most High Give you one of the keys Inshalaha