The Holy Quran

Well, you don't seem to know anything about other religions, yet you comment on them quite freely.

This is your prerogative, but I don't agree with your description of your own position.

Oh really would you please cite where i have been wrong about other religions. you dont have to agree and i dont care if you do,
this comment is not necessary chi.


He added rudeness in with his information, I am saying this to be clear, Either leave the rudeness out and sarcasm or I will not put effort into givng anyone a thought provoking reply.

Manners will get you respect, rudeness will get you nowhere.

He added rudeness in with his information, I am saying this to be clear, Either leave the rudeness out and sarcasm
valid comment, and i am not arguing about this part.

or I will not put effort into givng anyone a thought provoking reply.
invalid conclusion and a threat, simply because you are not just addressing that user,you are addressing all the users who read your posts, the ones who remain silent, and let others talk.
IOW would you let an atheist silence you, just because he insulted you?
then their mission has succeeded..

Manners will get you respect, rudeness will get you nowhere.
this is my point.focus on this..
your threat is rude,distracting,humanistic, and inaccurate (see comment about silence)
Sorry: thought you were ignoring me? Oh well.

Oh really would you please cite where i have been wrong about other religions.

What, the part where you attack Christians as not knowing as much about the Bible as Muslims? Come on.

you dont have to agree and i dont care if you do,

Great. But I'll keep giving my opinion. You don't have to like it, but you need it. I'm still waiting for your apology on accusing me of never having read the Quran.
valid comment, and i am not arguing about this part.

invalid conclusion and a threat, simply because you are not just addressing that user,you are addressing all the users who read your posts, the ones who remain silent, and let others talk.
IOW would you let an atheist silence you, just because he insulted you?
then their mission has succeeded..

this is my point.focus on this..
your threat is rude,distracting,humanistic, and inaccurate (see comment about silence)

True it maybe is rude and too blunt, I still do not wish to go into lengthy detailed replies with people who are not being genuine. I do not see classic improvement in alot of these guys (Geoff in this case) If they show me signs of improvement I will grow witht hem in sharing but if they remain closed nay I cannot bloom withthem it will be like giving them an over-sized key for a tiny lock.

Using the word threat doesn't seem right to me it's an aggressive word which has a subtle hint of "violence/diss-order" It is just the truth, I will put effort into replying but on certain conditions. If somebody were to be rude to you in public (maybe in a store) would you continue to take time to stansd around talking for hours witht hem if they repeatedly were sarcastic and rude to you?. I don't see why I am treating people special just because they are on sci-forums being an asshole is being an asshole no mater how sly or coy you are about it.

I just took the time to reply to you why?, because you are nice and I see a genuine classic improvement in you. You are not rude nor are you negative so you are worthy of detailed rebuttle.

Please refer to the standards and conduct of debates in the real world (not on the internet) These type of things are not aallowed in civil discussions or civil debates between scholarly peoples. So I am rejecting it here also from now on and not playing the role.

True it maybe is rude and too blunt, I still do not wish to go into lengthy detailed replies with people who are not being genuine. I do not see classic improvement in alot of these guys (Geoff in this case) .

No, I'm sorry, but you cannot tacit equal agreement with you as "improvement". You've already been talking a supremacist line on here; enough, already. My responses have been genuine throughout and your intellectual balance is declining.
No, I'm sorry, but you cannot tacit equal agreement with you as "improvement". You've already been talking a supremacist line on here; enough, already. My responses have been genuine throughout and your intellectual balance is declining.

I didn't even ask for your "agreement" I have asked you repeated times to read the quran before trying to debate specifics, look your not a stupid person obviously your intelligent so why can't you just stop this and read the source material for this thread.

You know full well im not just saying "Blindly believe me" im saying Read the Qur'an in full and the hadiths and then you can grasp the concepts. Would you debate about the Dao De Jing Without reading its 80+ verses?

My knowledge has increased, my tolerance for apologetics has declined.

I just took the time to reply to you why?, because you are nice and I see a genuine classic improvement in you.
Nice. You castigate others for being "rude" and blunt, but see no conflict when you display condescension toward Squirrel.
Using the word threat doesn't seem right to me it's an aggressive word which has a subtle hint of "violence/diss-order"
i use the term threat in your case as an indicator of negative consequence for not lining up with your beliefs.

It is just the truth, I will put effort into replying but on certain conditions. If somebody were to be rude to you in public (maybe in a store) would you continue to take time to stansd around talking for hours witht hem if they repeatedly were sarcastic and rude to you?.
lol..have you met my stubborn side??
i have actually made friends in this manner..
insults are a subconscience (some conscience) desire to stop the other person from talking, to distract the one being insulted from communicating a point that is difficult for the insulter to accept.
to me this is just a challenge to communicate such difficult concepts even more.
as believers,we are not supposed to make ppl feel worthless,i believe this goes against everything God teaches.

I don't see why I am treating people special just because they are on sci-forums being an asshole is being an asshole no mater how sly or coy you are about it.
again its about not letting them distract you.(look how easily you can be distracted by an insult)

I just took the time to reply to you why?, because you are nice and I see a genuine classic improvement in you. You are not rude nor are you negative so you are worthy of detailed rebuttle
i try my best to communicate things without making the other feel worthless.
this i believe is the key to increasing understanding, delete all the distractions to your point, give them NO reason to not focus on the message. by interlacing your message with insults you give others an opportunity to not listen to your message and focus on the insult rather than the message.

Please refer to the standards and conduct of debates in the real world (not on the internet) These type of things are not aallowed in civil discussions or civil debates between scholarly peoples. So I am rejecting it here also from now on and not playing the role.
that is the ideal.
i have tried this argument i have even started a thread about rules of debate,
but the truth of the matter is this is not a professional discussion board (open only to professionals) this board is open to everyone, so of course there is gonna be more unprofessional attitudes here.
frustrating, yes
opportunity to teach, yes
excuse to not

remember chis this board is an opportunity to refine your technique,
this board challenges you,are you gonna step up to the challenge or give up?
you tend to prefer to give up..
Nice. You castigate others for being "rude" and blunt, but see no conflict when you display condescension toward Squirrel.

I mean no ill manner or offence when I have spoken to squirrel, if i have said anything blunt it is simply that blunt-ness and honesty. If I have been wrong or said anything un-true of him and he told me it was un true I would accept it and say sorry and believe him.

I mean no ill manner or offence when I have spoken to squirrel, if i have said anything blunt it is simply that blunt-ness and honesty. If I have been wrong or said anything un-true of him and he told me it was un true I would accept it and say sorry and believe him.

see comment about how i take it as a challenge..
also chi..
although reading the quran is honorable to your points..

most users here won't even read the bible to discuss against in context,it is not reasonable to expect the users here to read the quran, your only hope is to tease them into reading it (bring points of the quran into focus in a way that encourages them to read it.)
see comment about how i take it as a challenge..
also chi..
although reading the quran is honorable to your points..

most users here won't even read the bible to discuss against in context,it is not reasonable to expect the users here to read the quran, your only hope is to tease them into reading it (bring points of the quran into focus in a way that encourages them to read it.)

debating something before knowing about it.... There is something wrong with that hmm wonder what lol.

Reading the Quran is essential when debating the quran :bugeye: God isn't letting them read it, he is covering their eyes and letting them walk in darkness.

Even if a blindman has a key howlong will it take him before he can find the door and open it?

debating something before knowing about it.... There is something wrong with that hmm wonder what lol.
lol..emotional focus..
i believe americans are way too focused on their emotional state of being.

Reading the Quran is essential when debating the quran :bugeye: God isn't letting them read it, he is covering their eyes and letting them walk in darkness.
this only brings up the argument of why are you trying to circumvent god?
lol..emotional focus..
i believe americans are way too focused on their emotional state of being.

this only brings up the argument of why are you trying to circumvent god?

I do not have much personal experience with multitudes of americans.

Why would I Bypass god?. lol how can you even get around God? everything always comes back to god.

I didn't even ask for your "agreement"

I don't care. I was simply pointing out that you don't get to make unfounded, broad assertions. You don't. Sorry 'bout that.

I have asked you repeated times to read the quran before trying to debate specifics

I have read the Quran. Twice. So read my posts. Thanks.

My knowledge has increased, my tolerance for apologetics has declined.

Precisely my own stance, actually.


Reading not your strong point?

He certainly thinks it's not my strong point. Let's see what the next round of non-discussion holds. My bet is that he won't change his tune.
Tunes often cannot change when they really get stuck in the head, ever playing on, and that is the fine conclusion to be brought forth here.
So your entire post was debating the word epic, Well done what a great argument.
Well, I don't know. What do you think about those Epic Crusaders when they crushed Muslims in the Middle East? By the Christian God they crushed those weak infidel. It was so soo sooo Epic! Or how about when the Europeans came back and crushed them again in during the Age of Colonization. I mean, was that Epic or what?

WoW, so Epic....

What evidence is their for mohammad? you have got to be joking, his grave site and the records of his life from eye witnesses.
It's not cocky to ask for peer-reviewed archeological evidence. You make it sound like it's readily available - so, post it.

Please include a citation of the peer-reviewed journal.
This thread is about the Qur'an.

I have two VERY simple questions.
(1) What date was it completed? Day, month and year.
(2) Regarding the supposed author, a fellow named Mohammad I believe, is there any contemporary evidence of his existence?

As this is a scholarly site, please include the peer-reviewed Journal reference so we can all go back and have a read of the evidence.