truth is..it is a fine line between preaching and teaching..i guess the real difference being if anyone is learning..
(teaching accepts questions, preaching does not.)
infact, in islam, you HAVE to ask, not just listen, because you cannot beleive in a relegion that you are not convinced with.
anyway preaching yeah, like in mosques, on friday (the day when muslims have to pray at the mosque, because the other days you can just pray at home if you want), like i said, in mosques in friday, the imam preach, and if you don't like what he is saying, you can just leave, and when he finish preaching, you can discuss it with your friends or who is with you or whatever, so i think yeah during the preaching you can't interrupt ot ask)
um one..i am not an atheist..i am theist..
second i was not attacking your choice,
i can respect your choice of religion, my point was not to disrespect your religion but help you to validate it for others.(maybe validate is not the correct word)
ah ok i see
i am a contractor,in order for me to get work i must sell myself, to do that i cannot come into someones home and just preach to them of my good points, i have to answer their questions in order for them to believe i am the best person for the job. once i have answered their questions to their satisfaction, then they tend to grant me a certain amount of authority to do their work.
there's a difference between, preaching and teaching, teaching, when you talk about, what the others don't know, and, to make them learn, and as i said, in islam, you HAVE to ask in order to be convinced, while in preaching, it's more like, choose a subject that the people knows, and are interrested in, and, like to make, a poet for example, the poet is heard and not discussed when you are hearing it
you cannot rely on 'because i said so' as an answer.
this is the worst thing to do especially on a science forum. to get respected on a science forum you have to show you have thought about it alot and not are just parroting what you have been told, (which is what i have noticed is the majority of the conversations here).
i agree, and that's not only when it is about relegion too
if your belief is strong enough it will withstand a little scrutiny.
don't let the hard questions derail your beliefs, take it as a challenge to confirm it.
yeah, (an rare exception: but, when i get answered the same question again and again, by the same person, who keeps turning in sicles, you can't discuss your point to someone who refuse it before you say it, means, not waiting to discuss it with you seriously, and keep bringing back arguments, that i already answered everything about it and with proofs, anyway, some, i don't know how to explain it, means, i think you faced that kind who keep turning you in circles, and answer on the same argument many many times, etc... that's when i give up and i know it is useless, because i will just, copy and past an older post)