The Holy Quran

I don't think you understood that simple sentence. Let me break it down for you, it seems you need help.

Are those who know, to be considered equal to those who do not know? Only prudent men reflect [on this]-Quran

Well, my religion also believes in the importance of good deeds, so...still yes.
Obviously. If you have read post 192 you should know that I told michael, if he needs something explained from The Quran, and not The Bible. I have not read The Bible so I am not qualified to answer your question.

My question is more about where the Quran fits into the entire storyline, as it does not propose to refute the Bible. I think that's even in there somewhere, isn't it?
Well, my religion also believes in the importance of good deeds, so...still yes.

I might think about answering your comments, when you quote my whole comment and not just the part you want people to see.
My question is more about where the Quran fits into the entire storyline, as it does not propose to refute the Bible. I think that's even in there somewhere, isn't it?

LOL! are you for real? How does this ^ equal to,"How is the Quran different from the Bible and why was it necessary to create it?" I digress.

Do you have a quote or something I can go by, to understand where you would get a question like that?
1. What was the date that it was completed? As in day, month, year. As this is a Science forum,

2. What was the name of the person or (more likely) people who wrote down Chapter 3?

3. How do you explain the similarity between Biblical stories and the Qur'an? Were the Bible stories simply copied down and inserted into a preexisting literature or were they the bases themselves? What is the archeological and secular significance of Biblical stories in the Qur'an?

these questions seem reasonable to me..
Google it. I am sure you will be more than satisfied with the answers. I don't waste my time on such things. is not a waste of time..
seeking knowledge is a godly attribute, not a sin.
it always amazes me the things ppl say to avoid saying ' I don't know'.. is not a waste of time..
seeking knowledge is a godly attribute, not a sin.
it always amazes me the things ppl say to avoid saying ' I don't know'..

I am here to explain quotes from The Quran. I am not here to waste my time searching google for answers, and posting them as my own. Plenty here that do that, no need for another one.

You are obviously trying to embarrass me, and make me doubt my beliefs. Read post 192, and it clearely states, that I said:"I do not know the answer to your bias questions."

You are wrong.
I am here to explain quotes from The Quran. I am not here to waste my time searching google for answers, and posting them as my own. Plenty here that do that, no need for another one.
valid point..

You are obviously trying to embarrass me,
and make me doubt my beliefs.
no..just making you question yourself as to whether you are preaching (no-one will listen) or teaching (some will listen)..
valid point..

no..just making you question yourself as to whether you are preaching (no-one will listen) or teaching (some will listen)..

I am not preaching at all. I have only posted one quote from The Quran here and I explained its meaning. Shortly after, I was attacked by a band of atheists (<-- lol ) with witty/smart comments.
I am not preaching at all.
if they are listening you are teaching, if they are not, you are preaching..

I have only posted one quote from The Quran here and I explained its meaning.
great focus on that..
Shortly after, I was attacked by a band of atheists (<-- lol ) with witty/smart comments.
truth will attend to itself..if you get distracted, how can you focus on the truth?
if they are listening you are teaching, if they are not, you are preaching..

great focus on that..

truth will attend to itself..if you get distracted, how can you focus on the truth?

If a teacher lectures a class and no one listens, is he not teaching? I just don't seem to grasp how you proceed things. Apologies.

Blame the atheists, they are the ones that took the discussion off topic, with their attacks and wise comments, remember?

I am not worried about truth attending to its self. Truth does not need attending. Wrong intentions need atending.
If a teacher lectures a class and no one listens, is he not teaching?
no he is not teaching...
teaching by its very nature means that someone has to learn..

I just don't seem to grasp how you proceed things. Apologies.
listen for god,not me..

Blame the atheists, they are the ones that took the discussion off topic, with their attacks and wise comments, remember?
ah yes..a problem that is inherent with this form of communication..
but that doesn't mean you have to be led astray..
wisdom requires patience.

I am not worried about truth attending to its self.
if the seeds fall upon fertile ground they will grow.

Wrong intentions need atending.

this also is true..
How is the Quran different from the Bible and why was it necessary to create it?
Good questions!

I suspect that part of the reason has to do with the concept of Trinity (and by extension the divinity of Jesus as Christ).

I think a clue as to your second question goes to the time it was created and what was going? I would love to know more, but there was Iconoclasm happening in Constantinople (730 and 787, when a change on the throne reversed the ban. The "Second Iconoclasm" was between 814 and 842) around that time and obviously the use of images in Islam somehow became a no no (although not so much to begin with) so perhaps some of that conflict spilled over into Syria and caused a schism? Also remember "Islam" didn't arrive until when? The 8th century? There were a LOT of different forms of Christianity and combination with Zoroastrianism (depending on the Persian Emperor's proclivity) and I imagine that when Persian/Syrian "Arabs" attempted to model their system after the Christians with an Islamic copy of the Pope and Christendom (Caliph and Caliphate) they needed to codify and solidify their religious doctrine - in order to aggregate and centralize their power (and start funneling in all the profits from the silk and spice trade route - which, in the end, is what all this came down to).
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I might think about answering your comments, when you quote my whole comment and not just the part you want people to see.

I quoted the part that was relevant to a fair and equanimous consideration of all forms of theistic belief and disbelief.

Bugger the rest of the farrago. Or else define your terms, blaggard.
no he is not teaching...
teaching by its very nature means that someone has to learn..

listen for god,not me..

ah yes..a problem that is inherent with this form of communication..
but that doesn't mean you have to be led astray..
wisdom requires patience.

if the seeds fall upon fertile ground they will grow.

this also is true..

I believe that is called learning. Learning and teaching are two different things on the opposite corners.

I know what I am dealing with. I am not the one that was so eager to point out the topics situation. Speak for yourself.

I believe seeds need water, don't forget that.

Ofcourse it is, why do you think I show up from time to time.
I quoted the part that was relevant to a fair and equanimous consideration of all forms of theistic belief and disbelief.

Bugger the rest of the farrago. Or else define your terms, blaggard.

Lol. You ignored my answer and came up with more nonsense. We are finished here.

My question is more about where the Quran fits into the entire storyline, as it does not propose to refute the Bible. I think that's even in there somewhere, isn't it?

i can't just simply tell you what's different, it needs a hall study, not reading an article or idk ;)