The flood has really taken place!

The bible is literal is some place and symbolic in others.
You will never figure it out on your own and it's meant to be that way.
It's a "sealed" book.
You must have it revealed to you by God.
There are no errors, or contridictions..
As I said this creation of man as he is today.....the origin of man, created in the garden and crossed with an animal is revealed in the scriptues.

John the baptist said;"ye generation of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come, to the religious leaders, because they lacked the ability to hear from God themselves.
Jesus called them..."of their father the devil"
Paul said; I fear as the serpent beguiled Eve ye should be also deceived and fall away from the truth left to them.
You see the truth of the origin was reveal to them.
There are two seperate groups...the wheat and the tares.
There is no error in the Word, only man's interpretation is in error.
Thats why He promised to come Himself in this day and make all things right.
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TheVisitor said:
This is intellectually dishonest and in the brand of Christianity I am most familiar with would be considered sinful.
However, I forgive you.

Do you think any of the thousands of brands of Christianity you're unfamiliar with would agree with you?

I have never said there is no God. Many things prove the Bible to be false if you insist upon a literal interpretation
The bible is literal is some place and symbolic in others.
You will never figure it out on your own and it's meant to be that way.
It's a "sealed" book.

Then, it is completely and utterly useless.

You must have it revealed to you by God.

And you have had it revealed to you by your god? Please explain in detail.

There are no errors, or contridictions..

Right after admitting that, "Many things prove the bible to be false?" Im going out on limb in stating that you have no idea the definition (or spelling) of contradiction.

There is no error in the Word, only man's interpretation is in error.

How is that useful to man?
While you make an excellent case for God's Quality Control, you imply that his design process was flawed, else the termination of the wrong mixture would have been unnecessary.


Well no, His process wasn't flawed and I didn't imply that, only you did.

All that were in the mind of God from the beggining of the world to be "Sons of God" his "atributes" will be manifested as planned.
None will slip from his hand.
This world has went as he purposed and nothing is out of place.
He is expressed as "saviour", Father, ect....

He is dealing with two groups remember....
To be redeamed means to be "brought back" to where one originaly was.
There is only one form of eternal life and thats God.
He only redeams His own, they hear His "Voice".

How is this usefull to man...?
why is it suposed to be usefull to the children of His enemy..?
It is usefull to HIS children, for the purpose He intended.....instuction, ect..
To the others they are not meant to "get it"
It's trying to read someone elses mail.
It wasn't meant for them.
They will continue in error to claim the bible is false and create their own contradictions based on their own false interpretations....till the end of their time.
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TheVisitor said:
While you make an excellent case for God's Quality Control, you imply that his design process was flawed...

The process may not have been flawed, but most certainly were the results.

All that were in the mind of God from the beggining of the world to be "Sons of God" his "atributes" will be manifested as planned.
None will slip from his hand.
This world has went ...

*taps on shoulder*

Sorry, you were 'slipping' in and out of consciousness just then, please continue.

How is this usefull to man...?

To the others they are not meant to "get it"
It's trying to read someone elses mail.
It wasn't meant for them.

There's that divide-and-alienate motif rearing its ugly head, again. It's those us-and-them and good-and-evil concepts I have trouble reconciling with reality. Checks and balances appear way off the expected mark.

They will continue in error to claim the bible is false and create their own contradictions based on their own false interpretations....till the end of their time.

I like endings that go out with a bang, especially those with good ole' fire and brimstone evangelism.
(Q) I shouldn't trouble yourself any further. It is clear to me that TheVisitor is doing the Devil's work and will receive his just reward.
Sorry if I caused anyone to stumble, on a more serious note.....
When they called Jesus a devil, He said He would forgive them then, but to do so when the son of man is come would not be forgiven in this world or the next...
The son of man has come today....thats what I've been trying to get across to anyone listening.
This doctrine is not mine, it's His....
I will take the blame for playing around with something that should be taken more serious....but I really have tryed my best to explain.
I never expected for someone to call me a devil, or about the "devils work"
I'm really sorry for you if thats all you can see......may God open your eyes.

There was no error in man's creation.
It was all part of the plan....don't worry.
God's got it all under control, and yet we all have our free will too.
What a balancing feat, it's a little hard to understand....for the "carnal" or human mind.
But to the spirit man......"what knoweth the things of God, but the spirit of God in man"?
Like Jesus said....To even begin to see the kingdom of God, "you must be born again"
Even for someone who is born again the things that have been revealed to you tend to fade from time to time....
It's easy to let this world and it's reality cloud your mind from the real world revealed by His spirit.
Good luck to's late, good night.
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TheVisitor said:
It's easy to let this world and it's reality cloud your mind from the real world revealed by His spirit.

Except, of course, for you, who has yet to let reality touch his mind. That's unfortunate you detest reality and would rather live in a fantasy world. Another mind gone to rot.
(Q) said:
Except, of course, for you, who has yet to let reality touch his mind. That's unfortunate you detest reality and would rather live in a fantasy world. Another mind gone to rot.

I'll let you have the last word Q, thats all I can offer someone in your condition, to ease the pain of the misery you are probably already in.
A little something on the flood----
Feb 10, 1961

" Now, the second thing He wrote, Enoch, in the times of the pyramid, down in Egypt. I've been there and perhaps many men in here and women has been there. You notice those pyramids, we couldn't reproduce them. They're too great, too gigantic. They're so geographically in the center of the earth, no matter where the sun is, there's never shade around them. And they got tons and tons and tons of boulders up there, that they argued about that once. We used to debate it in school, how they built it. Well, the fellow of my point said, "They rolled it up."
"Why," I said, "that's--that's... Why, they couldn't." I know you can't take a boxcar and unload it and set it out on the railroad track and put enough men around it to push it. It ain't unloaded, you can't do it. I've seen it tried too many times. You can only put one line of men. The next line has to push against the next man's back. How you going to push a--a boulder up yonder, a half a city block in the air that would weigh a thousand tons. What they had then was the atomic power, just like they got now, and they built it. And that's what they shook the world out of its orbit, 'cause away from the sun throwed it sideways and brought the rains and--and destroyed the world by water. This time they're going to throw the same thing right straight back into the sun and burn it up again. Just as perfect as it can be."
Mythbuster said:
1961 ?

I love eating nuts. :)
*crack a peanut*

That means.....
Nineteen hundred and sixty-one years after the death of christ.
Even your calendar testifies of your so-called "Myth"
TheVisitor said:
A little something on the flood----
Feb 10, 1961

" Now, the second thing He wrote, Enoch, in the times of the pyramid, down in Egypt. I've been there and perhaps many men in here and women has been there. You notice those pyramids, we couldn't reproduce them. They're too great, too gigantic. ."
Ever been to Las Vegas?

Anyway, it's obvious how the Egyptians made the pyramids, they had very powerful whips.
There is no proof the Egyptians made the great pyramid, they found it after the flood.
It was made by Enoch and the sons of God before the flood to testify of Gods plan of salvation....
The missing capstone was Christ, the stone the builders rejected.
Look at a dolar bill...........what is an egyptian pyramid doing on it..?
It's the great seal of God, the all-seeing eye.....and when Christ comes back the "head" returns to the "body".
It testifies of the greatest mystery of all time.
You notice those pyramids, we couldn't reproduce them. They're too great, too gigantic.

Given the time and people, we certainly could.

Let it be said that with the same amount of time and the same amount of people they wouldn't have managed to make kettles, let alone your "atomic bomb" nonsense.

there's never shade around them

An inaccurate statement. I have been to the pyramids and have some nice holiday snaps of the pyramids with shade around them.

How you going to push a--a boulder up yonder, a half a city block in the air that would weigh a thousand tons.

What's 1000 tonnes? A pyramid "boulder" does not weigh 1000 tonnes.

What they had then was the atomic power

And the author's evidence for this comes under the guise of the false claim that the "boulders" weigh 1000 tonnnes and that there's no shade?

No disrespect, but the author of that piece is an ignorant dick.
SnakeLord said:
Let it be said that with the same amount of time and the same amount of people they wouldn't have managed to make kettles, let alone your "atomic bomb" nonsense.

That wasn't supposed to be the proof........just a reference to the source of the idea.
They had atomic power, but you won't take any historical accounts as reference execpt your planet X false Sumerian stuff, little buddy......too bad.
Didn't that claim they nuked Sodom in Abrahams day, during the human "slave" rebellion.....I know it did.
What about the Indian texts, with the flying machines and bombs with the power of the sun....pretty imaginative for 5000 years ago don't you think.
How about Edgar Cayces vision of the energy colectors blowing up causing the tilt away from the Sun and the flood.....
Or how about Brown's dive of the Bermeda triange's Bimini walls in 1968, where he claims to have found an underwater pyramid.....and the roads to Atlantis.
Hey, I hear they just found a planet out past may be in luck yet still.
Your giant long lived aliens may get us all yet.....!
One question... are they green or gray..?
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That wasn't supposed to be the proof........just a reference to the source of the idea.

So why would you, if you were in your right mind, follow a 'source' that is clearly idiotic?

They had atomic power, but you won't take any historical accounts as reference execpt your planet X false Sumerian stuff, little buddy......too bad.

A) We ain't buddies. We ain't neighbours, we ain't friends.. hell, I don't even like you.

B) Planet X is unrelated.

C) I notice you use the term "false" with relation to planet X. How do you ascertain 'true' and 'false' in these instances? Clearly you think the rantings of some halfwitted penis from the 60's that clearly smoked too much weed are 'true'. Might I ask why? What evidence is there to support any of his ramblings, (especially as I've already pointed out several errors in his text)? Also what leads you to the conclusion that 'planet x' is false? Might I ask if you have read any of it, or done any study as far as the whole 'planet x' issue goes?

Didn't that claim they nuked Sodom in Abrahams day, during the human "slave" rebellion.....I know it did.

Now I know why you would label it 'false'. Clearly only a halfwit would think they had nukes back then. Right?

What about the Indian texts, with the flying machines and bombs with the power of the sun....pretty imaginative for 5000 years ago don't you think.

Not in the slightest. I thought the boy with the elephant head in the very same text was just as imaginative. Was that true too?

It's certainly no more imaginative than H.G Wells' Time Machine ideas, but does that mean H.G Wells had a time machine? Wakey wakey Visitor.

How about Edgar Cayces vision of the energy colectors blowing up causing the tilt away from the Sun and the flood.....

How about the thousands of visions that all saw the world ending by 2000? Dude, all kinds of dicks have visions - I guess they like the publicity. But just because one of these dicks turns round and says: "the planet tilted away from the sun which caused the flood", doesn't really amount to much.

Or how about Brown's dive of the Bermeda triange's Bimini walls in 1968, where he claims to have found an underwater pyramid.....and the roads to Atlantis.

How about Bob Jone's claim that he found the home of Lenny the leprechaun and the little leprechaun army.. and the roads to the Wizard of Oz?

Hey, I hear they just found a planet out past may be in luck yet still.

Uhh.. umm.. dude.. there's many planets past Pluto.. lol.
They were made by Enoch, and the sons of god before the great flood to testify of the coming saviour of mankind.
He is the stone the builders reject, the headstone, which is missing and was never installed on the great pyramid.