The flood has really taken place!

Maybe I'm just a hardcore skeptic, but I really don't believe that you believe the crap that comes out of your mouth visitor.
The famous iceman found in the mountains, near the border between Austria and Italy is turned out to be 5200 years old. The Bible infers Adam and his sons lived more than 1000 years, yet this man is totally not related to Adam's family.
Otzi? Aw yeah. Interesting thing: Otzi was murdered, not just dying in the middle of the cold. He had arrow bits in him, or so I hear. Also, he was, you know, neolithic, stone-age man, you know, about 5000 years ago...but he had a bronze ax with him. A bronze weapon...about a 1500 years before the bronze age began. That's cool.
The famous iceman found in the mountains, near the border between Austria and Italy is turned out to be 5200 years old.

C'mon Daktaklakpak, even you should know that all dating methods are fake, all science is fake and anything that disagrees with Visitor is fake. It's common knowledge. *end sarcasm*
There is no prove that life "evolved" in contrast to what the bible says; ....that God created life.
The prossess He used may look like evolution to the modern observer.
Each distinct life form was created seperatly and give a genetic code to reproduce of it's own kind.
There has never been any proof brought forth that any species has the ability on it's own to completely change or "evolve"into a completely different species.
They were given an ability to adapt to a certain degree for survival, but not changing into another species.
Two life forms mixing to form hybrids may also explain a lot of the findings mistook for so-called "evolution".
Please answer my earlier questions TheVisitor:

What gave you the idea that it (radiocarbon dating) had been proven false?

Please explain how these new mammals contradict this alleged atheist agenda?

Can you confirm your only evidence for this (humanity descended from Adam) is the Bible?

And would you also care to address my implicit question: where does it not say in The Book that the Universe is over 12 billion years old; that the Earth is over four billion years old; that life evolved into ever more complex forms over eons; that humans emerged within the last two hundred thousand years from apelike ancestors.
Ophiolite said:
Please answer my earlier questions TheVisitor:

What gave you the idea that it (radiocarbon dating) had been proven false?

Please explain how these new mammals contradict this alleged atheist agenda?

Can you confirm your only evidence for this (humanity descended from Adam) is the Bible?

And would you also care to address my implicit question: where does it not say in The Book that the Universe is over 12 billion years old; that the Earth is over four billion years old; that life evolved into ever more complex forms over eons; that humans emerged within the last two hundred thousand years from apelike ancestors.

Ok, ......radiocabon..........false readings where reported years ago.
I don't try and record mentally ever source or persons name that has a pertenent piece of info, .....just remember the info.
So much to little time, you know...?
The mammal is no real news "the jurasic beaver"........
Real news is dino's weren't destroyed millions of years ago.
They existed till the flood 4000 years ago.
Proof of that abounds everywhere.
You'll have to do the foot-work yourself on that.
If I do the work for every skeptic that won't listen anyway, I would be running in circles.
Trust me it's there,............ or don't trust me and look it up yourself.

Ok the "biggie" where does it "not" say....?
A. everywhrere
The bible is a locked book, or "sealed" as the ancients would say.
The answers are there plain for you to see ....."IF".... God wills you to see it.
Otherwise you never will no mater how hard you look.
Don't take that as a cheap esape..... I'm serious.
If your serious, you'll look again at the word of God as more than just words.
I don't try and record mentally ever source or persons name that has a pertenent piece of info, .....just remember the info.

So you're openly admitting that it could have been any uneducated halfwit on the planet?

You'll have to do the foot-work yourself on that.

That's all you guys can ever do when you make fantastical claims that you can't back up. So if we look and can't find anything, is that also god's will?

If your serious, you'll look again at the word of God as more than just words.

But that would be pointless. Why, you just said so yourself. It all comes down to whether god wills it or not. Silly boy.
TheVisitor said:
There is no prove that life "evolved" in contrast to what the bible says; ....that God created life.
Yeah there is. Bones of dead hominids have been dated to several million years ago. Looks like your "6000 year" hypothesis just got shot the fuck up.
SnakeLord said:
So you're openly admitting that it could have been any uneducated halfwit on the planet?.
Probably not, but a halfwit is prefered to an overeducated stuffed shirt.

SnakeLord said:
That's all you guys can ever do when you make fantastical claims that you can't back up. So if we look and can't find anything, is that also god's will?.
The fact you really have a heartfelt desire to look could mean it was God's will otherwise you would care less.

SnakeLord said:
But that would be pointless. Why, you just said so yourself. It all comes down to whether god wills it or not. Silly boy.
Shall the clay say to the potter; "why has thou made me thus"....?
Na, O man....who are you that you should rile against God.
This kind of applies.
The Word is God...if God reveals the Word to you, He reveals Himself.
He has hid Himself from mankind for a reason.
Lets think of one.

Lets say when this is all over....either our own lives individually, or the world with a big hydrogen bang, and God is the only one left to turn to for life.
He would be like a rich man, and what do we have we could offer Him in exchange for our souls...?
Or A rich man looking for a wife ......looking for real true love.
How many women will flock to a rich man for his
How can he be sure they love Him for who he is, and not for his money..?
This world creates a senario that lets Him find those who are atracted to Him The Word, not what He has, power, eternal life, ect....
Thats why the bible says "babylon(which is modern christainity) has become a cage...for every foul spirit, and hateful bird"
The riches have trapped the deceivers in their own deciet.
Only individuals will be called by Him personally..
"my sheep hear my voice", another's they won't follow.
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As you said, how could the rich know it's a true love or just money digging? He shouldn't reveal his richness at the first place. Same for god. Revealing his power is his mistake. Unless you agree that his word does not infer his power nor eternal life.
even if a flood did occur the idea of an ark containing so many animals for such a length of time is absolutely rediculous.
Probably not, but a halfwit is prefered to an overeducated stuffed shirt.

So it could have been either?

The fact you really have a heartfelt desire to look could mean it was God's will otherwise you would care less.

Heartfelt desire? Lol.. How about checking just see if people's claims are just more of the same sorry old bullshit that they usually come out with?

He would be like a rich man, and what do we have we could offer Him in exchange for our souls...?

But I thought he was "all-loving"? Why must anyone offer him anything?

Or A rich man looking for a wife ......looking for real true love.
How many women will flock to a rich man for his
How can he be sure they love Him for who he is, and not for his money..?

Admittedly it would be a hard call for that man to make.. Oh if only he was omniscient!

Your analogy sucks balls.

This world creates a senario that lets Him find those who are atracted to Him The Word, not what He has, power, eternal life, ect....

If you didn't quite grasp it from my last sentence, let me point it out again: god is omniscient. Yes? Thus he already knows.

Funnily enough, it also would mean that only atheists are going to get eternal life. Clearly no atheist is "attracted" to the word, (whatever that word is), or his power or eternal life considering that we don't even believe in gods. Further to that, I don't even want eternal life.. It sounds so incredibly boring.

You on the other hand do want eternal life, are attracted to the word and his power.

"my sheep hear my voice"

I wonder why if I called you a 'sheep', you'd probably be offended. Being called a sheep is not really a nice thing, and yet god seemingly says it frequently. Do you like being a sheep?
TheVisitor said:
Ok, ......radiocabon..........false readings where reported years ago.
I don't try and record mentally ever source or persons name that has a pertenent piece of info, .....just remember the info.
You are correct that in the early days of radiocarbon dating certian kinds of errors were identified. The methodology was developed to prevent and counter those errors. The process is wholly reliable. Your rejection of it flies in the face of reason. Will you now accept that rc dating is valid? Failing this, will you provide specific evidence on which you reject it? Failing that will you accept that you are a superstitious fool who will beleive only what they wish to believe?

TheVisitor said:
The mammal is no real news "the jurasic beaver"........
Please tell me how this Jurassic Beaver contradicts the alleged atheist agenda of scientists. That was the claim you made. Explain it, or withdraw it.

TheVisitor said:
Ok the "biggie" where does it "not" say....?
A. everywhrere
The bible is a locked book, or "sealed" as the ancients would say.
The answers are there plain for you to see ....."IF".... God wills you to see it.
Otherwise you never will no mater how hard you look.
Don't take that as a cheap esape..... I'm serious.
If your serious, you'll look again at the word of God as more than just words.
Ah. I see we have had a major misunderstanding. When I said The Book, you thought I meant The Bible. I was referring to the The Book written by the hand of God in the hills and valleys, the rocks and fossils, the mountains and the ocean deeps, of this world. This is where God has told his story, written it in exquisite detail, yet in such intricate patterns that we must use all our powers of intellect and passion to extract the story from that magnificent tapestry. Where, in that book, are any of your fanciful speculations revealed?

Yes, indeed, as you say, "The Word of God is more than just words". When will you have the courage to read what he has written?
Ah. I see we have had a major misunderstanding. When I said The Book, you thought I meant The Bible. I was referring to the The Book written by the hand of God in the hills and valleys, the rocks and fossils, the mountains and the ocean deeps, of this world. This is where God has told his story, written it in exquisite detail, yet in such intricate patterns that we must use all our powers of intellect and passion to extract the story from that magnificent tapestry. Where, in that book, are any of your fanciful speculations revealed?

Yes, indeed, as you say, "The Word of God is more than just words". When will you have the courage to read what he has written


No misunderstanding, the book of life is the bible...the true understanding of which is sealed like a scroll with seven seals. These seals have been loosed only recently for this last generation to understand.
Paul said "now we see in a glass darkly, then face to face".

But as for your using nature as a book, God has always done so with his people....
Nature reflects God, and is one of His greatest teaching tools......sure.
Everything in the natural has a type or shadow in the spiritual.
This "typology" is how God teaches many of His greatest truths to His people.
There is also a "law of opposites" from the natural to the spiritual: because of the fall.....The nature or spirit of man is at eminty or war with God.
What feels good to the physical senses, looks good to the eye, ect..., is sometimes bad for the soul. You must have wisdom from God to know where this applies.
But, the bible is the true book of life, the Word of God...sealed from the eyes of unbelief.
You take from this life your character, nothing else, and it is a victory not a gift.....molded from the firey trials worth more than fine gold.
Each son that come to God receives chastisment, good for your own correction and reproof, and if he won't accept it he is "bastard born", and not a son. There are two different groups God's dealing with as I've been saying.
Nature as a reflection of God who is the "book", could be considered also....sure it is.
But He gave his Word to the prophets for a reason also, He doesn't just repeat things for no reason.....if you look there is a reason, He has not fully revealed His plan untill this day, in nature or otherwise.
That doesn't mean it wasn't alway there, just not revealed. No new bible needed written.....only what was hidden there revealed, at the appropriate, or appointed time.
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I'll take four and a half billion years of history writ large upon the face of the planet by God, rather than six thousand years, writ small by the hand of man. To do otherwise would be an affront to God and a blasphemy.

Luke 8:6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.
There is no "either or" here.
If god did both, you'd better listen to both, if you want the whole story.
Why would you admit He did both and only take one as truth.
I admited God is reflected in nature...
Where does it say in your "book" of nature;...specifically, Rev10:7, or "In the days of the seventh angel...the mystery of God should be completed as He hath revealed it unto His servants the prophets."?
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There is no evidence that places the Bible above other Holy works. When seeking to distinguish between two of them, I would turn to the original work of God's hand, that of Nature. It is true and undiluted: not so the written works of ancient men.


Psalms 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.

His works, TheVisitor, are done in truth. His works - the panoply of the past as revealed in the record of the rocks, are not twisted lies, but truth. His word, as revealed in the record of the past, is true. It is not a lie, yet you peristently and consistently claim that it is.

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
Ophiolite said:
His word, as revealed in the record of the past, is true. It is not a lie, yet you peristently and consistently claim that it is.

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

You must be referring to my saying that geologists and scientists are incorrect in their evolution and millions of years findings.

I just lack the room to explain further...
The bible starts at this creation, I don't claim to say what was before...
It looks like the world was flooded before, because genesis starts with the spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters and the world is covered with water.

Maybe the earth is billions of years old.
But this creation and the history of Man as he is now is what is important.
The crossing of Eve with the serpent, the crossing of Adams linage with Cains daughters again before the flood, and the remenant of the serpents seed springing up again in the Anakim, are important to the molding of man as he is today.
God allowed all this for a reason and was never not in control.
He allowed a certain mixture to prevail in man, and ordered the termination of the wrong mixture....I.E. (the giants) all over the world.
The children of Esau killed them while Israel was captive in Egypt, Moses and Israel killed them on one side of the Jordan, Joshua and Israel killed them on the other.
David and his "mighty men"...finished the job in that area a thousand years later.

What is kind of an amazing thing to me I've just heard recently is the legend here in America of giants that were considered the mortal enemies of the indians, or native americans.
They were called the Se' Ti' Ca's.
People have "claimed" they found a 18' body buried under a rockslide in the grand canyon.
Burial pits all over the U.S. were "supposedly" uncovered in the 1800's and early 1900's while digging was done for constuction, and these pits supposedly contained mummified creatures with "double rows" of teeth and low sloping foreheads, 12' in legnth.
The Indians have a legend that all the tribes in the land, banded together for one purpose to rid the land of these beasts and exterminated them.
This part is purly second hand knowledge and I don't need it to "prove" the point. It mearly is interesting to add these details if indeed they are true.

I said they were "beasts" because the serpent was an animal used as a host for "the evil spirits"
Think now of the phrase...."mark of the beast"
The whole world is deceived and worship the image of the beast, whose names are not written on the "Lambs book of life" from before the foundation of the world.
It's the beast in the begining, thats the beast in the end...follow the trail of the serpent.
Cain was of his father the wicked one, but he was are his offspring starting religions without revelation from God. The bloodline is passed through the male, that is why the wife takes the husbands name, and so do the children.
"Beast" symbolically is a great power, government of man, ect...

God has controlled the creation of man as he is today to leave us the proper mix for the "testing"
The bible says; "the spirit in man is at emnity, or war with God."
It's the greatest battle ever fought, the devil in our flesh, warring with God in our the battlefield of our mind.
Satan was called "the prince of the power of the air"and Jesus said in this day he would neet us "in the air".
Your body is a type of the earth....made of the same 16 elements.
Your mind is a type of the air.
And your soul is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said;"the kingdom of God is within you"
I never said the past is a lie....just the way they take what they find of it to try and "prove" there is no God.
They have found nothing that proves one word of the bible false, only thier own false interpretation of the bible, they later say is false.
The facts taken into consideration, this of course is to be expected.
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TheVisitor said:
You must be referring to my saying that geologists and scientists are incorrect in their evolution and millions of years findings.
TheVisitor said:
I just lack the room to explain further...
I suggest you lack more than that: you lack the evidence, you lack the understanding, you lack scriptural support.
TheVisitor said:
The bible starts at this creation, I don't claim to say what was before...
It looks like the world was flooded before, because genesis starts with the spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters and the world is covered with water.
There is no evidence to support this contention. You are setting the Word of God as revealed in his Divine Creation against the word of God as misinterpreted by man in one of his (man's) attempts to understand that Creation.
Proverbs 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
TheVisitor said:
The crossing of Eve with the serpent, the crossing of Adams linage with Cains daughters again before the flood, and the remenant of the serpents seed springing up again in the Anakim, are important to the molding of man as he is today.
Please show me where these claims are validated in scripture. I do not believe they are, but am willing to be shown in error.
TheVisitor said:
God allowed all this for a reason and was never not in control.
He allowed a certain mixture to prevail in man, and ordered the termination of the wrong mixture
While you make an excellent case for God's Quality Control, you imply that his design process was flawed, else the termination of the wrong mixture would have been unnecessary.
TheVisitor said:
It mearly is interesting to add these details if indeed they are true.
With this you summed up a couple of pargraphs of reference to various alleged Indian legends and purported anthropological discoveries. I wonder who is the serpent here? You offer material that you characterise from the outset as 'questionable', yet make it very clear that it supports your view, while adding the caveat that it is not essential. This is intellectually dishonest and in the brand of Christianity I am most familiar with would be considered sinful.
However, I forgive you.
TheVisitor said:
I never said the past is a lie....just the way they take what they find of it to try and "prove" there is no God.
They have found nothing that proves one word of the bible false, only thier own false interpretation of the bible, they later say is false
I have never said there is no God. Many things prove the Bible to be false if you insist upon a literal interpretation. The proven age of the Earth is one. The origin of man is another.
It is your interpretation of the Bible, which set alongside the record of the rocks, shows the Bible to be false. Accept the Word of the Lord as revealed in the World, and the Bible then also becomes acceptable. Deny His Word and suffer the consequences.