The flood has really taken place!

What do you want to know...S.L.? (my rides coming call them "saucers' or "pockets")
The lights at night.....
Did you ever stop to wonder why an advanced race would fly around at night with their lights on so everybody could see them?
Investigating angels, like before the destruction of Sodom.
Theophonic life form...spoken-word created bodies capable of interdimensional travel, fast as a thought.
The science of man will never even get close to it, it's so far beyond.
Remember when Jesus was transfigued on the mount with Peter, James and John....
His body was as brilliant as the sun.
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What do you want to know...S.L.? (my rides coming call them "saucers' or "pockets")

Scroll back and you'd know the answer to your question.

Did you ever stop to wonder why an advanced race would fly around at night with their lights on so everybody could see them?

So they can see where they're going? Space is quite dark you know.. especially at night.. :bugeye:

To be honest visitor, I haven't given it a great deal of thought. I'm not really into that whole scene. Nor am I really into your "nuclear bomb" crap so kindly give it a rest.

The science of man will never even get close to it, it's so far beyond.

You really don't put much stock in humans do you?

Remember when Jesus was transfigued on the mount with Peter, James and John....

Remember when Frodo got the ring?

His body was as brilliant as the sun.

Your brain is as brilliant as mashed potato.
SnakeLord said:
You really don't put much stock in humans do you?

Actually, the question of "Human stock" is at the heart of the issue here.

Real humans were created by God to be like Him in every way and reflect His attributes in this physical dimension.
Scientists that beleive they "evolved' from apes really aren't that far off....
I'm sure you know what I mean by that.
Also there's this in the scriptures.
"As a man thinketh, is he"
TheVisitor said:
What do you want to know...S.L.? (my rides coming call them "saucers' or "pockets") The lights at night..... Did you ever stop to wonder why an advanced race would fly around at night with their lights on so everybody could see them? Investigating angels, like before the destruction of Sodom. Theophonic life form...spoken-word created bodies capable of interdimensional travel, fast as a thought. The science of man will never even get close to it, it's so far beyond. Remember when Jesus was transfigued on the mount with Peter, James and John.... His body was as brilliant as the sun.

M*W: Close, but no cigar. His body was the sun, you idiot!
Actually, the question of "Human stock" is at the heart of the issue here.

Seemingly you didn't understand the question. Try again.

Scientists that beleive they "evolved' from apes really aren't that far off....

It's unlikely you'll find many "scientists" that 'believe' they "evolved from apes". Try again.

I'm sure you know what I mean by that.

All I can gather is that you have a piss poor understanding of the whole issue otherwise you wouldn't have made your previous statement. Try again.

Also there's this in the scriptures.
"As a man thinketh, is he"

And this is from LotR:

"And Frodo Baggins took the ring..."

Must we keep sharing silly book quotes?
I don't know why you guys keep interacting with "The Visitor." Clearly he/she is a sockpuppet from one of the skeptical crowd here at sciforums. Nobody is that stupid or zealous. Personally, I think it's really (Q) or Snakelord.
SnakeLord said:
Must we keep sharing silly book quotes?
"Silly book quotes"...........My qoutes aren't silly, they have real power.
This isn't a game, the word of God has life, the only real life there is.

On another subject......
What is a "sock-puppet"........I don't think I like "sock-puppet".
What is a "sock-puppet"........I don't think I like "sock-puppet".

Why you asking me? I never used the word.

Wakey wakey Visitor.

"Silly book quotes"...........My qoutes aren't silly, they have real power.

They're not your quotes visitor. They come from a book written by an ancient shepherd. There's no 'power' there.
TheVisitor said:
"Silly book quotes"...........My qoutes aren't silly, they have real power. This isn't a game, the word of God has life, the only real life there is.

On another subject...... What is a "sock-puppet"........I don't think I like "sock-puppet".

M*W: The only power your quotes (and that is "quotes" not "qoutes") have is in your mind. And the "game" that you deny is called "reality" which seems to elude your mind.

A "sock puppet" is where you take an old sock, even one with holes in it is acceptable, and put it over your fist all the way down to the toe of the sock. Move the thumb opposing the bent index finger in a mouth-like talking motion. Then, the sock puppet will automatically start talking about anything you want it to. It's like magic! Amazingly, this is how christianity spread throughout the world, which does in fact make it a miracle, because Jesus didn't actually wear socks with his sandals.
They come from a book written by an ancient shepherd. There's no 'power' there. [\QUOTE]


That can be true if you want it to be to yourself, only in the vaccum that is your mind.

and; I knew what a sock puppet was .....I just wanted to see you type for a while explaining it.
I'm all better now.
That can be true if you want it to be to yourself, only in the vaccum that is your mind.

Fine. So tell me what 'power' there is in the words of ancient shepherds and why those words are anymore 'powerful' than word from any other ancient shepherds.

and; I knew what a sock puppet was .....I just wanted to see you type for a while explaining it.
I'm all better now.

The strangest apology for fucking up I have seen in a long while. Why are you "christians" such cowards? There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, we all do it.. It's how you handle it that counts.
SnakeLord said:
Fine. So tell me what 'power' there is in the words of ancient shepherds and why those words are anymore 'powerful' than word from any other ancient shepherds.

The strangest apology for fucking up I have seen in a long while. Why are you "christians" such cowards? There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, we all do it.. It's how you handle it that counts.

Come on, "sock puppet" I was enjoying the humor of the momemt.
Don't always be so'll burn out to early.
There's a long race to be run here and laughter's the best medicene remember?

That was no ancient was God, the same one that created the universe and you and I.
John 1:1-14 , God is the word made flesh....He spoke it and stepped into it.
Thats the power of His word, and His people when they mature to the point of adoption receive power with Him as sons,
If, ....and this is a big one, you can get your self....(theres the catch) out of the way...He can operate through you.
Thats what He does with his people, it's a love affair though, of a father for his children and the love children have when they realize his correction has all along been for their benefit through his love for them.
I have wrote this as a serious explanation of the question you asked.
I hope it's accepted as such.
Come on, "sock puppet" I was enjoying the humor of the momemt.
Don't always be so'll burn out to early.

... Again, why you telling me all this? I'm really not interested in what you find funny. Take your humour out on the person that used the term sock puppet.

That was no ancient was God

Says who and how do they substantiate the claim?

the same one that created the universe and you and I

Yes yes, along with pubic lice, leukemia and starving ethiopians.
That was no ancient was God
SnakeLord said:
Says who and how do they substantiate the claim?.

Says me......substantiate?
What if I make your monitor go "poof" right in front of you, is that what you want ...?
Sorry, that is a cheap magicians trick, as would be any other proof of that kind.
That's not God's provided way for today....
He has a way, and He'll give you plenty of "sustantiation"....but on an individual basis only.
Then you try to "prove" it to someone else.
That would be justice....
TheVisitor said:
What if I make your monitor go "poof" right in front of you, is that what you want ...?
Sorry, that is a cheap magicians trick, as would be any other proof of that kind.
How would that be any proof at all of God?

The Visitor said:
That's not God's provided way for today....
He has a way, and He'll give you plenty of "sustantiation"....but on an individual basis only.
Then you try to "prove" it to someone else.
That would be justice....
Evidence please? That's all we ask.
Sarkus said:
How would that be any proof at all of God?

Evidence please? That's all we ask.
Who's "we"..?
There's usually no we.....when God gives his evidence.
Like I said, it's shown to individuals this day.
He shows you in a way you'll receive it, that may not be me on a screen with a keyboard and some link, sorry.
It's revealed by revealation from the father to an individual.
Let's take an example - Jesus said to Peter;"who do you say that I am"
Peter said;"thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God"
Jesus said to Peter;"flesh and blood hath not "revealed", this to you, but the Father in heaven hath "revealed" it.
Thats how your personal evidence's revealed to you.
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TheVisitor said:
Who's "we"..?
There's usually no we.....when God gives his evidence.
Like I said, it's shown to individuals this day.
He shows you in a way you'll receive it, that may not be me on a screen with a keyboard and some link, sorry.
So I have to wait for him to "reveal" himself to me?
And until then?
What if he never does?
What if we don't receive it - or don't recognise it when he transmits it?
And if we miss our slot, does he come back? Or is it a one-time show only?
How do I know what to look for?

And "we" are obviously all those that have yet to have this "evidence" revealed to us.