The flood has really taken place!

Says me......substantiate?

Yes Visitor.. substantiate. You know, provide something that supports your claims?

If I said to you I had just stumbled upon a leprechaun carrying a pot of gold and expected you to believe me, surely I would need to substantiate my claim with some credible evidence?

Yet here you are making claim after claim after claim without anything to support what you're saying - all the while expecting everyone to just believe you for the mere sake of it.

What if I make your monitor go "poof" right in front of you, is that what you want ...?

Not specifically no, but I'll pay you £1 billion if you can do it right now.

He has a way, and He'll give you plenty of "sustantiation"....but on an individual basis only.

So why are you here preaching? Surely that would be the world's biggest waste of time given your own statement?
So why are you here preaching? Surely that would be the world's biggest waste of time given your own statement?

I'm not preaching anything, I'm not a preacher, but thanks for the compliment.

Organized religion is a trap..."Babylon has become the hold of foul spirits, a cage for every hateful and unclean bird."
The serpent's offspring have no real revealation, yet are religious.
The tares are bound in buddles to be burned....see, because the people who accept anything for truth in those false denominations....think there is "safety" in numbers.
By their fruits you shall know them....fruits are teachings.
"All the world shall be deceived, and worship the image of the beast, who's names are not in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of the world"
How do you kill a spirit?.....God knows.
Those people that haven't taken "the mark".....that false revelation in the "forehead" of their mind....doing the false churches work with the "right hand" of fellowship, where do you think they likely would be found...?
Well on an atheist sci-fi board is a good place for starters.
"Nominal Christains" usually won't hear the truth.....they've already been marked. Their ears are closed.
I'm not saying their all lost in there...many may be good people, I'm not against the people, just the system. God will have to sort that out with his does the seperating.
Maybe thats why God's directed me here...I don't really know for sure.
I know one thing...your better off than those that are already deveived by the false religions and have taken that mark on their souls.
Your skeptism has keep you alive...spiritually.
Be careful though, don't call the spirit of God a un-holy thing.
A real son of God won't accept anything but the truth, and until they hear it they will remain leary....thats a good thing, a supernatural defence mechanism to protect your soul.
"A whore is a wide ditch", and the blind lead the blind into it.
Didn't Jesus say of the religious leaders of 2000 years ago.
Let the dead bury their dead.
So keep them ears open, listening for the truth that rings true to your soul.
If there is a deep that calls to the'll know.
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I'm not preaching anything

"Organized religion is a trap..."Babylon has become the hold of foul spirits, a cage for every hateful and unclean bird." <-- preaching.

"By their fruits you shall know them....fruits are teachings.
"All the world shall be deceived, and worship the image of the beast, who's names are not in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of the world" <---- preaching.

I really need not continue.

Be careful though, don't call the spirit of God a un-holy thing.

The spirit of god is an unholy thing.

Oops.. did I just make a boo-boo?

Anyway, enough of your preaching. I did notice you swiftly ignored my £1 billion offer. Strange really.
I don't think you really have a billion pounds.
I know Randi offers a million dollars and I turned that down.
You can't take it with you....and like I said;

"off into the sunset like the western heroes do"

It's just miracles out of nowhere.
I don't think you really have a billion pounds.


Now hopefully you'll understand why I don't just accept every silly sentence you come up with? I shall repeat my former statement:

"surely I would need to substantiate my claim with some credible evidence?

Yet here you are making claim after claim after claim without anything to support what you're saying - all the while expecting everyone to just believe you for the mere sake of it."

And yet there you were almost laughing because I ask for evidence, for some substance to your claims.

You were all.. "substantiate?" as if I was asking for something that nobody in their right mind would ask for - now here you are one page later answering your own question.

But I tell you what Visitor, I am going to conduct things the way you do...

Trust me, I have £1 billion. In fact I have a mass fortune of £7578585858585 billion gazillion mujillion. I will substantiate that to you individually when you show you have the required faith in my claim. Once I realise you believe that I have that amount, I will prove it to you.

Good enough?
It's always here, it's always there......
I didn't make the rules, He did.
It's a fine line, but they're not some crazy stories,
I've been thinking of an old kind of relates.
Were like exchanging letters in the old days.....snail mail you know.
There is no way to make you accept the truth, especially when you won't accept words as proof...
Tell me...what made you that way?
Tell me...what made you that way?


As an interesting story, you know.. most people probably have two parents telling them for the majority of their young life what is and what isn't. By and large children will accept what their parents tell them.

I was adopted, and prior to that was fostered around 7 times. Now, they weren't all the same religion of course, so what would happen is that for the 6 months or whatever that I was at the first place, I would be told about a certain god, a certain religion, a certain belief. I would then move on and hear something completely different. After seven times of this, always hearing a different story, a different "truth", (c), I actually realised that they were all full of shit. Much like you people here, going round spouting your own version of 'truth'. "Eve bonked a serpent" says visitor, "satantists chop up virgins and priests" says woody, "god hands out testicle cream" says lori, "evolution doesn't exist" says jan.

Seriously.. sort yourselves out.
On a loosely related subject, I hit a kid today when he said that he said that "Evolution's not real". It was fun. :D

P.S)Don't worry, I won't get in trouble, 'twas after school.
On a crystal morning I can see the dewdrops falling
Down from a gleaming heaven, I can hear the voices call
When you comin' home now, son, the World is not for you
Tell me what's your point of view

Hey there Mister Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know
Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show
Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away
Tell me what made you that way

Here I am just waiting for a sign
Asking questions, learning all the time
It's always here, it's always there
It's just love, and miracles out of nowhere

Tell me now dear Mother, what's it like to be so old
Children grown and leavin', seems the world is growin' cold
And though your body's ailin' you, your mind is just like new
Tell me where you're goin' to

It's so simple right before your eyes
If you'll look through this disguise
It's always here, it's always there
It's just love and miracles out of nowhere

Sang this song a hundred, maybe a thousand years ago
No one ever listens, I just play and then I go
Off into the sunset like the western heroes do
Tell me what you going to do

Hey, ....I just like the song :rolleyes:
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