The flood has really taken place!

I'm afraid I must echo Ophiolite's request for evidence, though I predict it will be the argumentum ad ignorantiam response that woo-woo's like yourself are fond of: "what am I, your research assistant?; Do your own research;" etc.
TheVisitor said:
is clearly an astrological reference. Basically, everything you cite refers to astrology, but you can't even see it.
Sorry, no astrology, witchcraft, vodoo, crystal balls, ect..
The people in the new testament, burned all the books of the "black arts", at Gods request.

M*W: I realize your statement was one of ignorance. When did I associate astrology with witchcraft, voodoo or crystal balls, etc.? Never, so that is your ignorant assumption. From the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelations, the Bible is an astrological book. What you call "black arts" was created by christianity. Astrology, however, was considered to be a science back in ancient Egypt. Judaism and Islam were based on astrology (just another name for monotheism). Read your bible. There are astrological references throughout.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I realize your statement was one of ignorance. When did I associate astrology with witchcraft, voodoo or crystal balls, etc.? Never, so that is your ignorant assumption. From the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelations, the Bible is an astrological book. What you call "black arts" was created by christianity. Astrology, however, was considered to be a science back in ancient Egypt. Judaism and Islam were based on astrology (just another name for monotheism). Read your bible. There are astrological references throughout.

The one that wrote the bible also created the stars and set them in order.
No doubt they will testify of Him...
The coming sacrifice...the Ram
Born of a virgin...Virgo
Returning as the Judge of the earth,the lion of the tribe of Juda....Leo

Yes these things testify of Him, but the bible is not just a book of Astrology, you move where the importance lies that way.
The Bible is the book of life.
Every word of it is God, and He is the word, and He is the only form of
eternal life there is.
The one that wrote the bible also created the stars and set them in order.
No doubt they will testify of Him...

The Hebrews? Paul? Constantine? King James?
TheVisitor said:
The one that wrote the bible also created the stars and set them in order. No doubt they will testify of Him... The coming sacrifice...the Ram
Born of a virgin...Virgo Returning as the Judge of the earth,the lion of the tribe of Juda....Leo

Yes these things testify of Him, but the bible is not just a book of Astrology, you move where the importance lies that way. The Bible is the book of life. Every word of it is God, and He is the word, and He is the only form of
eternal life there is.

M*W: There wasn't any god who wrote the bible. Wherever you heard that has lied to you. There is no god. The bible is an ancient astrology book written by men. The zodiac is everlasting. The alpha and the omega. There is no end only new beginnings. We're approaching the Age of Aquarius after having been in the Age of Pisces for more than 2000 years. Your god is Solomon or the Sun of Man. Man created this god he called "Sol." Go read your bible again. There is no such thing as Christianity only astrology.
Astrology is even stupider than Christianity, but the resemblance is just superficial. Older symbols tend to be usurped by new religions all the time.
TheVisitor said:
No, the flood stories are a remarkable, if distorted recollection of the last time the planet suffered serious rises in sea level as a result of glacial melting.


The water level was recorded above the peaks of the tallest mountains in the world for one year.

Yeah, it's tough being the only believer around in a snake's nest of doubters.

Here's some food for thought:

According to the bible it did not rain on the earth until the time of the flood, and the earth's atmosphere was different from what it is today. According to Genesis this is what it was like before man came along:

Gen 2:5 & 6
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

This scenario would imply a much thicker atmosphere that would insulate the earth and make most of the earth's climate mild to tropical.

The flood could correspond with the ice ages in which a huge amount of water vapor could have condensed out of the air.

One estimate of global water volume, in cubic miles is:

326 million cubic miles of water

Source: Gleick, P. H., 1996: Water resources. In Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, ed. by S. H. Schneider, Oxford University Press, New York, vol. 2, pp.817-823.

The earth is 3,032 miles in diameter

So the earth's surface area is 4*pi*r^2 = 28.9 million square miles

So if the earth was relatively flat it would be covered how deep?

depth ~ 326/28.9 == 11.3 miles of water depth assuming the earth is flat.

mount everest is about 30,000 feet which is 5.68 miles above sea level.

So it is possible that the tallest mountain could be covered by as much as 6 miles of water assuming the earth had a different topography than it has today.

This was not glacial melting, but a tilt in the worlds axis to the sun of 23 1\3 degrees causing water vapor in earths atmosphere at tropical "paradise" levels to be reduced to seasonal levels we have today.
The world was thrown of it's "axis" by a large nuclear explosion, aprox. 4500 years ago

The tilting of the axis could possibly occur from an asteroid collision. Consider the case for Wormwood

The damage caused by a collision with a 1 mile wide asteroid would be phenomenal by anyone's standards. How about an asteroid 50 to 130 miles in diameter?

As old as the earth is proposed to be, this is a likely event sooner or later. The bible oriented scientists seem to agree that a 5 mile diameter asteroid would do the damage caused by the "star" called wormwood in the book of revelations. (They didn't have a word for "asteroid" 2,000 years ago). The climatic changes in Revelations could very reasonably occur with an event of this magnitude. The scenario of events checks out anyway.


As far as the age of the earth goes -- I don't think 60 million years is an unreasonable estimate. Many scientists claim 4+ billion years in age. I could also agree with that. The age of the earth isn't a show stopper for me.
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Our collective memory doesn't tend to go back very far. I would say the flood myth arises either from the Black Sea flood, or the tsunami that sank a part of Crete and gave rise to another myth, that of Atlantis. Tsunamis happen pretty often, and the most recent one also gave rise to the belief that it was some kind of punishment from the big sky dude.
PetriFB said:
Certain people who believe in the theory of evolution and do not believe that the Flood had ever taken place have often regarded the Flood as a mere legend.

However, it is good to ask whether the Flood really did take place. If we were to make practical observations of the ground and the fossils found therein, and traditional folklore, they would refer quite often to the Flood..
Of course there was a large-scale flood. They're called "tsunamis" and "tidal waves", depending on the cause. It is simply that the floods that occured were no where near the scale depicted in the bible- it's a physical impossibility.
But, the existance of large floodings don't disprove evolution or any other scientific findings.
TheVisitor said:
There was so much water vapor in the air that when the earth was knocked off it's axis by a large nuclear explosion, it rained for 40 days striaght.....thats why they find mammoths with fern leaves still in their mouths frozen in solid ice.... the axis of the earth changed so quick.
ROFL ...thanx dood, I needed a good laugh today! :)
TheVisitor said:
The journal is straight from Gods mouthpiece to my ears.
since you comunicate with god so easily maybe you could provide me with next week winning lottery numbers,eh? ;)

or isnt god all knowing?
Woody said:
According to the bible it did not rain on the earth until the time of the flood, and the earth's atmosphere was different from what it is today.

This is a reason why this book of mythology is a poor source for finding meaningful answers. The evidence in geology indicates that in the 150,000-200,000 years that H. sapiens have been on the Earth as a species, rain has occurred. Indeed, there is evidence of rain going back hundreds of millions of years. Moreover, there is very clear evidence of atmospheric composition long before the existence of man.

Woody said:
The flood could correspond with the ice ages in which a huge amount of water vapor could have condensed out of the air.

One estimate of global water volume, in cubic miles is:

326 million cubic miles of water [...]

So if the earth was relatively flat it would be covered how deep?

depth ~ 326/28.9 == 11.3 miles of water depth assuming the earth is flat.

mount everest is about 30,000 feet which is 5.68 miles above sea level.

So it is possible that the tallest mountain could be covered by as much as 6 miles of water assuming the earth had a different topography than it has today.

Except geologic evidence clearly indicates otherwise. The Earth was not "relatively flat" during the time of man (which is the time the flood myth is situated). Creationist nutters will grab at any straw to promote their superstitious beliefs. They succeed only in demonstrating their ignorance and providing the educated a source of occasional amusement. In other words, the ignorant and backwards creationist nutter is the laughing stock of the educated world.
Originally Posted by Woody
According to the bible it did not rain on the earth until the time of the flood, and the earth's atmosphere was different from what it is today


Good for you................finnally some one who actually reads the bible before they post.
Carbon dating has been proved false and today in the news they just found pre-historic mammals that contradict scientist's atheist agenda veiws.
Humans desended from Adam's linage have only been here 6000 years.
Apes and serpent apes and their desendants....i.e. scientists....maybe a different mater.
God created the animals before man.
Read the book.
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Who found the prehistoric mammals? Scientists. Some "views" they can be more sure about than others. No one was insisting it was a fact that early mammals were only small shrew-like creatures, it was just what the evidence so far implied. Scientists contradict each other all the time, it doesn't mean evolution isn't happening.

Carbon dating isn't false, but it's just one of many methods used to establish dates. Dude, there are some living trees older than 6000 years.
Dude, there are some living trees older than 6000 years.

The plants and the animals were created before Adam according to the bible, hence they would be older.
The serpent was a humaniod species that was created with the animals before man which was a lower life form and unfit for habitation of the spirit of God, but was a host to the fallen spirits.
Man i.e.Adam (Man in the day he was created), was created as a vessel
for the Spirit of God and was placed here later.
6000 years ago.
Does it make sense to you now...?
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TheVisitor said:
The world was thrown of it's "axis" by a large nuclear explosion, aprox. 4500 years ago.
What kind of nuke that can knock Earth off its axis without leaving a mark? Do you know how much material the Earth need to eject into the space in order to have enough reaction to make itself tilt? Try the size of the moon, it would be a good starter.
Originally Posted by TheVisitor
The journal is straight from Gods mouthpiece to my ears.
The term "God's mouthpiece" refers to a prophet of God.
There was a vindicated prophet that lived from 1909-1965, and His public sermons were all recorded from 1947 on.....
Thats were the "Nuclear explosion info came from, there and the bible that states the world will be today as it was in Noah's day...
To those of you who don't believe in biblical "prophets".....
Even the secular world has Edgar Cayce who said he saw a vision of a great explosion from some technical power station that destroyed the world in the flood in Noahs day.
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TheVisitor said:
Carbon dating has been proved false
Not it hasn't. It has been thoroughly validated by calibration against dendrochronology, varve and ice core data. If the proper sampling and analytical tehcniques are used the method is highly accurate.

What gave you the idea that it had been proven false? A very, odd, unfounded idead for someone to have. Perhaps you would progress more rapidly if you were to consult properly researched material, rather than self indulgent fantasy.
TheVisitor said:
in the news they just found pre-historic mammals that contradict scientist's atheist agenda veiws.
Scientists don't have an atheist agenda. Many scientists are deeply religious.
Please explain how these new mammals contradict this alleged atheist agenda? [I can hardly wait for your explanation.]
TheVisitor said:
Humans desended from Adam's lineage have only been here 6000 years.
We know this is nonsense. Can you confirm your only evidence for this is the Bible?
TheVisitor said:
Read the book.
I take it you mean The Book written by God. I have. It tells me that the Universe is over 12 billion years old; that the Earth is over four billion years old; that life evolved into ever more complex forms over eons; that humans emerged within the last two hundred thousand years from apelike ancestors. All of that is in The Book, for anyone willing to take the time to read it. You should give it a try.
Monkeys , apes and serpents as humaniod host forms have been here longer than Man....
Cain's lineage started science and technology, because they lacked the faith to operate the gift of the power of the spoken word.
So scienentist and apes are related in a way, through the serpents seduction of Eve.
God chose to create animals from one form on up higher and higher, but each was given the power and drive to only "reproduce with and of it's own kind"

The creation of Man was one distinct event, 6000 years ago.
Man was created perfect, but where you think there is evidence of evolution is really hybridization.
Man as he was created was poluted in his stock with the bloodline of the serpent.
The serpent was a giant humaniod, like the bigfoot, or ape-man missing link.
It was the closest animal in the assention of creation to man, cappable of interbreeding with man.
All animals can interbreed with the next closest animal species, but it's not natural for them to do so.
The serpent was possessed, and it's offspring are still cappable of being.
Hence Cain and his legion of faithless "scientists"
True faith and life as it was created and will be again is so far above science and technology that there is no comparison.
Travel as a thought, creation by speaking the word.
This is what Adam had that we fell from.
Man today is a weak hybrid cross with an animal, not as he was created in the beginning.
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If the above was a response to my queries you will have to do a better job of explaining yourself. Please answer my earlier questions:

What gave you the idea that it (radiocarbon dating) had been proven false?

Please explain how these new mammals contradict this alleged atheist agenda?

Can you confirm your only evidence for this (humanity descended from Adam) is the Bible?

And would you also care to address my implicit question: where does it not say in The Book that the Universe is over 12 billion years old; that the Earth is over four billion years old; that life evolved into ever more complex forms over eons; that humans emerged within the last two hundred thousand years from apelike ancestors.