The flood has really taken place!

Scienists found a sea of green glass in the very area they spoke of, and they say only the heat of a nuclear explosion could cause the phenomena.

I have addressed this fully on the other thread. There seems little point in repeating the same thing more than once for someone that is clearly incapable of understanding very simple things.

Good day.
I don't consider a "one-liner" as addressing anything.
And while you think you did, you haven't even got your sources straight.
What you quote as the Sumerian texts with references of long lived aliens and the annanuki - is nothing but that modern day plantet X, so-called channeled spirit writings.
Nothing they predicted happened.
They just kind of faded away and shut-up.....
Hey, they might have even passed the kool-aid like the heavens gate guys....I don't know.
I have tried to show you how it's demonic inspired, and completely wrong but you refuse to listen to reason.....
The Bible is the only absolute that changes not...the Word is God.

This you haven't adressed........

The world before the flood never saw rain, or a cloud.
It was balanced perfectly like a terarium, the water evaporated in the heat of the day and condenced and fell as dew at night.
There was so much water vapor in the air that when the earth was knocked off it's axis by a large nuclear explosion, it rained for 40 days striaght.....thats why they find mammoths with fern leaves still in their mouths frozen in solid ice.... the axis of the earth changed so quick.
God usually uses man, when he said "I'll destroy the earth with water"......
He let man push the button.
When He said "I'll destoy the earth with fire this time".....
We, ( The U.S. and The Russian Federation) have 60, 000 hydrogen bombs, each 1000 times more powerfull than the ones used on Japan in WWII.
My money's on He'll let man push the button again.
If you're not right with God or whatever you worship as God, I'd be getting there fast.
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Visitor, I'll agree with others here: you're delusional. Your "lengthy" posts (they aren't) only have your speculations and the repeated speculations of the deluded. None is backed with citation to any verifiable data or reproducible test to support them. You say "science" discovered a "sea of green glass...." Perhaps you could cite that scientific source? What peer-reviewed journal did it appear in. As an archaeologist/anthropologist, I'm greatly interested in its content.

And if "[t]he bible is the only absolute that changes not..." why do we no longer stone to death adulteresses? Do the religious pick and choose what in the bible is worthy? Of course they do. Its time for religious nutters to accept that the flood myth of the bible is a retelling of older mythologies of other Near Eastern cultures.

People chose to live near water sources for economic/subsistence reasons. Rivers flood. People die. Shit happens. The grief stricken tell stories about it. The believers write myths and pass them off as exaggerated embellishments of reality. Nutters in modernity fall victim to the Wisdom of the Ancients fallacy.
I don't consider a "one-liner" as addressing anything

Me neither. Having just gone and checked my explanation on the other thread, I found out it is 449 words in length. I would hardly call that a "one liner". You're either lying, your maths isn't up to scratch, or you're getting confused.

And while you think you did, you haven't even got your sources straight.

I'm sorry, now it seems we're both confused. What are you talking about?

What you quote as the Sumerian texts with references of long lived aliens and the annanuki - is nothing but that modern day plantet X, so-called channeled spirit writings

Not only are you making a highly inaccurate statement, I also fail to see what it has to do with your claims concerning desert glass - and my explanation concerning desert glass on the other thread. Did you sleepwalk down to your computer and "sleep-type" your post?

But to address this issue, it seems you've been caught up with Zechariah Sitchin's work. It's not really what you should be paying attention to.

I have tried to show you how it's demonic inspired, and completely wrong but you refuse to listen to reason.....

You have tried to show me how desert glass is demonic inspired? Hmm.

The world before the flood never saw rain, or a cloud

Addressed on the other thread. I suppose to prevent you from falling in to more confusion we should try and amalgamate all this into one thread. Of course that's very hard to do when you go into multiple threads typing the same old nonsensical bollocks.

There was so much water vapor in the air that when the earth was knocked off it's axis by a large nuclear explosion it rained for 40 days striaght....

Unfortunately you have not managed to substantiate any of this. I have explained the green glass issue in full on the other thread, and have also gone into an explanation concerning rain.

God usually uses man

So man does not have free will?

If you're not right with God or whatever you worship as God, I'd be getting there fast

I'm sure you would, because you're a religious nut. I wouldn't. K?
SkinWalker said:
Visitor, I'll agree with others here: you're delusional. Your . As an ,archaeologist/anthropologist I'm greatly interested in its content.

That figures , as an official archaeologist/anthropologist, I know your duty bound to tote the party line....their atheist agenda.
You can't even have an original thought of your own or they will pull your membership.
You won't find what I'm telling you in some scientific journal...!!!
The journal is straight from Gods mouthpiece to my ears.
If you don't have the subscription, maybe you're supposed to hear it from someone who does.
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Original thought of my own.... hmm. You mean "freethinking?" Something about kettles, pots and several shads of black come to mind.

So you aren't going to cite where "science" has discovered a "sea of green glass?" Can we assume that the remainder of your drivel here will include only the dogma and doctrine of bible cults and be without objective thought? The very crime you accuse those who criticize you of?
So you aren't going to cite where "science" has discovered a "sea of green glass?"
I can't remember.
It's there to be found if you need it, but I'm not doing the gruntwork for you.
I'm not even saying that it's the very spot the preflood bomb went off...
It's just a very old bomb-site.
The source I have is from a vindicated prophet of God....
If you don't accept that as a source, thats your issue not mine.

-From the message "End time evangalism" 1962-

Now, just before the antediluvian destruction and the flood time, well, we find out that they had a greater civilization than we have today. I believe that they had control of atomic power. I think that's what shook the world from its orbit. I've stood in the British ice fields; dig down five hundred feet, bring out palms, where there used to be palms there, and many hundreds of years ago. And we're taught and know that the world stood upright.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man"
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TheVisitor said:
I can't remember.
It's there to be found if you need it, but I'm not doing the gruntwork for you.
When someone presents a controversial view, it is common practice for them to provide the evidence or references that they believe support their position.
This is common practice for several reasons:
a) it is practical - the presenter of the view is much more likely to know where the source is.
b) it is beneficial to the presenter of the controversial view - the sceptic has little motive to go on what they suspect is a wild goose chase
c) it is polite

You, by your action, appear to be impractical, impolite and foolish. Would you believe someone who had all these characteristics and seemed proud of them?

TheVisitor said:
I've stood in the British ice fields; dig down five hundred feet, bring out palms, where there used to be palms there, and many hundreds of years ago.
Excuse me - what exactly are the British ice fields. I have been living here half a century and the only ice fields I have encountered have been in the Cairngorms or Lochnagar. Dig down 500' there and all you find is more granite.
TheVisitor said:
And we're taught and know that the world stood upright.
Where are you taught this? Who taught you this? Why do you believe fairy tales? What trauma in your life distorted your ability to reason? Why are you throwing away one of the key talents (given by God) that distinguishes us from the animals: the capacity for detailed reasoning? Why are you sinning against your God by failing to use the tools he has given you?
TheVisitor said:
So you aren't going to cite where "science" has discovered a "sea of green glass?"
I can't remember.
It's there to be found if you need it, but I'm not doing the gruntwork for you.
I'm not even saying that it's the very spot the preflood bomb went off...
It's just a very old bomb-site.
The source I have is from a vindicated prophet of God....
If you don't accept that as a source, thats your issue not mine.

-From the message "End time evangalism" 1962-

Now, just before the antediluvian destruction and the flood time, well, we find out that they had a greater civilization than we have today. I believe that they had control of atomic power. I think that's what shook the world from its orbit. I've stood in the British ice fields; dig down five hundred feet, bring out palms, where there used to be palms there, and many hundreds of years ago. And we're taught and know that the world stood upright.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man"

M*W: Surely you could find a link to post. Oh... but you "can't remember." "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man," is clearly an astrological reference. Basically, everything you cite refers to astrology, but you can't even see it.
is clearly an astrological reference. Basically, everything you cite refers to astrology, but you can't even see it.
Sorry, no astrology, witchcraft, vodoo, crystal balls, ect..
The people in the new testament, burned all the books of the "black arts", at Gods request.
the sceptic has little motive to go on what they suspect is a wild goose chase


The skeptic is the wild goose......

Why are you throwing away one of the key talents (given by God) that distinguishes us from the animals: the capacity for detailed reasoning


The bible says cast down reason, affection, imagination, or anything that exalts itself against the word of God....
Thats the gift God gave born again christians....Your reasoning against the word of God is evidence of the hold demonic spirits have on you...just like any animal.

Satan is called the prince of the power of the long as you try to use your reasoning alone...he will beat you.
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spidergoat said:
That's some good fan fiction, TheVisitor. Are you published anywhere?

You ever hear the truth is stranger than fiction, this isn't fiction - what you take everyday for reality is.......
It's the wool that's been pulled over your eyes....
Yes it can be hard to accept the truth- that life on Earth has existed in a relatively stable state for millions of years, that great floods have come and gone, that God isn't there to press the reset button when things get weird, that scientific knowledge requires rigorous observation, experimentation, and peer review, that solid matter consists of rapidly moving atoms in largely empty space... can be easier to invent a story people can relate to.
TheVisitor said:
The bible says cast down reason, affection, imagination, or anything that exalts itself against the word of God....
Job 13:1 Lo, mine eye hath seen all [this], mine ear hath heard and understood it.
Job 13:2 What ye know, [the same] do I know also: I [am] not inferior unto you.
Job 13:3 Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God.
Job 13:4 But ye [are] forgers of lies, ye [are] all physicians of no value.
Job 13:5 O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom.
Job 13:6 Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips.
Job 13:7 Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him?
Job was going through a hard time and tryng to reason why....
That doesn't make reasoning a crime to God or a sin.
Reasoning that is against the word of God is what is asked to be cast down.
Since we can't usually see the devil, God gave us some guidelines to steer us clear of his traps. Those are in His word.
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Very good, so you can hardly object to the application of reason, or will you speak wickedly for God and talk deceitfully for him? Remember, what ye know, the same do I know also.

Now, be good enough to address my points and questions of 16th February.
No, the flood stories are a remarkable, if distorted recollection of the last time the planet suffered serious rises in sea level as a result of glacial melting.


The water level was recorded above the peaks of the tallest mountains in the world for one year.
This was not glacial melting, but a tilt in the worlds axis to the sun of 23 1\3 degrees causing water vapor in earths atmosphere at tropical "paradise" levels to be reduced to seasonal levels we have today.
The world was thrown of it's "axis" by a large nuclear explosion, aprox. 4500 years ago.
TheVisitor said:
The water level was recorded above the peaks of the tallest mountains in the world for one year.
Evidence please.
TheVisitor said:
This was not glacial melting, but a tilt in the worlds axis to the sun of 23 1\3 degrees causing water vapor in earths atmosphere at tropical "paradise" levels to be reduced to seasonal levels we have today. .
Evidence please, both of the event and the validity of the proposed mechanism.
TheVisitor said:
The world was thrown of it's "axis" by a large nuclear explosion, aprox. 4500 years ago.
Evidence please, both of the event and the validity of the proposed mechanism.