The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

So this is something He couldn't do, again?

Muslims don't say God can't do something because that's showing arrogance to God Muslims say it's absolutely impossible.

So how can He have any Aspects, let alone 99 of them?

The 99 names are derivations of God's attributes and God has literally infinite attributes. Attributes are not personalities.

So you put limits on God.

No I don't.

God occupying a mortal form is sheer contradiction for instance God is infinite and unchanging because changing involves having a beginning and that's what a mortal form is. God is outside of naturalistic logic because it's not sheer logic, sheer logic isn't something to be outside of.

It certainly is.

Logic isn't a framework of ideas and laws.

I did, above. There's no point pretending it's any different from the Christian model of forgiveness and punishment. Allah changes his mind all through the Quran. First it's each unto their own, then it's "kill the unbeliever". I mean, make up your mind.

The Quran has to be read as a whole in a manner that none of it's verses contradict each other, reading the Quran out of context is inappropriate.
Muslims don't say God can't do something because that's showing arrogance to God Muslims say it's absolutely impossible.

It amounts to exactly the same thing. Why do you put limits on God? What makes you think you know what he can and can't do?

The 99 names are derivations of God's attributes and God has literally infinite attributes. Attributes are not personalities.

Oh, I see.

Attributes like God the Father and God the Son? (Or do those not count, for reasons above?)

No I don't.

You just did! You told me He couldn't be in a person. So - can He or not?

Logic isn't a framework of ideas and laws.

You're using 'logic' to make claims about an eternal, omnipotent and omniscient being. Which laws is God bound by, incidentally?

The Quran has to be read as a whole in a manner that none of it's verses contradict each other, reading the Quran out of context is inappropriate.

So now context matters? But not when you criticize Christianity. What context makes this changing message of the Quran (the advocation of tolerance, then slaughter) non-contradictory, since you're ok with throwing stones at other religions?
Suppose I just say that I don't exactly know how god works, will you, G, question my belief? You don't have to be a PhD to 'know' god. If you won't believe in him till all your questions are answered then so be it. Apparently it is a choice he has given you otherwise he'll be telling a lie when he says that user is no compulsion in religion. Personally I say that I don't know. Too bad am of no help.
As non-believer regarding the question in the OP I would say from an objective POV that the main differences between islam and christianity is that christians seem more secure in their belief (don't feel the need to kill non-believers who speak their mind etc.). And as Geoff points out they don't limit the supposed powers of their god the way muslims do (maybe that has something to do with it?)
A Jewish lady once summed it up succinctly:

"Islam is all about the afterlife. What happens on earth is not all that important; only to the extent that it helps you get into heaven. The amount of suffering is irrelevant. If you kill a few babies it's no big deal; you're just helping them get into heaven a little bit sooner.

"Judaism is very much about this life. We believe that God's going to come down, reanimate the corpses, and send people to heaven and hell, but that might be a billion years from now. What counts is what people think of you now, and after you're dead. So we have to do our best while we're here. This is why it's so difficult for Jews and Muslims to communicate. We're literally not in the same place.

"Christianity falls exactly in the middle. They're concerned with heaven, certainly. But they have a strong imperative to do their best while they're here. God tells them that it's their duty to be charitable to everyone and alleviate their suffering, and that it's especially bad to cause suffering. Christians can talk to us, and they can talk to Muslims. Christians are the key to world peace."
Islam isn't about the afterlife if anything Islam is about God, He's infinitely great it's as if nothing else exists.
There are countries that are quite underdeveloped that's more tolerant to each other's faith than what I'd have expected from the developed ones. How sad.
There are countries that are quite underdeveloped that's more tolerant to each other's faith than what I'd have expected from the developed ones. How sad.

If you do some research you will realize that the opposite is true. Angry muslims have burned churches or christian property in nigeria, indonesia, malaysia, egypt, pakistan, turkey, philipines...etc. etc. pretty much everywhere except the west.
A Jewish lady once summed it up succinctly:

"Islam is all about the afterlife. What happens on earth is not all that important; only to the extent that it helps you get into heaven. The amount of suffering is irrelevant. If you kill a few babies it's no big deal; you're just helping them get into heaven a little bit sooner.

"Judaism is very much about this life. We believe that God's going to come down, reanimate the corpses, and send people to heaven and hell, but that might be a billion years from now. What counts is what people think of you now, and after you're dead. So we have to do our best while we're here. This is why it's so difficult for Jews and Muslims to communicate. We're literally not in the same place.

"Christianity falls exactly in the middle. They're concerned with heaven, certainly. But they have a strong imperative to do their best while they're here. God tells them that it's their duty to be charitable to everyone and alleviate their suffering, and that it's especially bad to cause suffering. Christians can talk to us, and they can talk to Muslims. Christians are the key to world peace."

Wait a minute - I thought there wasn't a hell in Judaism.
If you do some research you will realize that the opposite is true. Angry muslims have burned churches or christian property in nigeria, indonesia, malaysia, egypt, pakistan, turkey, philipines...etc. etc. pretty much everywhere except the west.

Kudos to the West. At least they don't sink that low. Their's is limited to verbal 'war'. In the countries you have mentioned, that's how it usually ends.:( . Generally the West has more freedom of expression. I dont know to who goes the credit. The secular government or the Christian forefathers.
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I forgot to add. I didn't exactly say undrdeveloped coutries are more tolerant, just that there are such counries that are. Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Makistan, Turkey are not actually underdeveloped. Just cause they are Third World does not necessarily mean they are underdeveloped, developing is more like what they are, and no. It is not just an euphemism of the former. Underdeveloped as in Mali, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Sao Tome and Principe, Belize (maybe that's west), Comoros, Sycheles, Tibet, Vietnam. (Zimbabwe has got its own unique intolerance issue, so is Kenya therefore maybe I'll strike them out, just maybe). Church burning vandals are quite a low yardstick to set standards with you'll agree. Let's preach tolerance like religion on paper does. Be blessed.
When the English "discovered" the Inuit of Canada they (the English), without provocation, killed and murdered as many as they could. Once, they caught an Inuit alive and decided to keep him confined in a cage, to be shown to the Queen - like an exotic animal. The Inuit bit through his tongue and was found dead the next day. On the next trip the English raided a village capturing a man, they then caught a young woman after slaughtering her husband and children, they placed the two in a special room built with little peep holes hoping to catch a glimpse of the two Inuits having sex together - which they did not. They instead were delivered to the English public for exhibition and died shortly thereafter of disease.

Because we were so f*cking evil in the past, we have a learned a lot of lessons on morality.
How hard is it to embrace One Creator?!!

No more, or no less, than it would be for you to embrace the Trinity, presumably.

Really. How ridiculous it is to hear a believer in a fabricated religion sit an tell others that they are wrong. And the reason? "Because I said so." It's only slightly less boring than listening to teenage girls debate over whether Prada or Coach makes the best purse. "Like, oh my Allah, you're--like--such an infidel. . . and stuff!"

Wake up. Your religion is an amalgamation of judasim, christianity and Arab paganism that long predates Mohammed. The whole business of dancing around the Kaaba is rooted in pagan moon worship. Like Jesus, Mohammed found a niche and created a new religion that masses of mindless sycophants get all emotional about.

May I live to the day when people get over this "my god is way better than your god!" dreck.

. . . like, gag me with a spoon.

Main difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christianity came before it. Since the establishment was left to "fester" without profit, time apparently gave way for a new man to take hold of some beliefs. Both have been here for a while thus they fester amongst themselves, going against the roots of their greatest beliefs. Which is in themselves.
Wait a minute - I thought there wasn't a hell in Judaism.
They're pretty vague about it. I don't really know any Jewish people who know a lot about the theology. Remember, Judaism is more a religion of laws than doctrine; you can be an atheist as long as you obey the laws. Especially if you belong to a Reform congregation.
Michael said:
When the English "discovered" the Inuit of Canada they (the English), without provocation, killed and murdered as many as they could.
The hostility of the English was, arguably, more due to the North American natives' Paleolithic, and in a few cases Neolithic, culture, i.e., Stone Age. They had no respect for people who were three or four Paradigm Shifts behind them in technology and culture, with no cities, metal, writing, etc. They felt the same way about the native Australians and New Zealanders, and the more remote Africans.
May I live to the day when people get over this "my god is way better than your god!" dreck.
Monotheism is a cancer, it's unnatural. Jung points out that the traditional polytheistic faiths were built around archetypal characters, which are instincts preprogrammed into our synapses by evolution. Each one of those 23 personalities lives inside each of us; some days you have to be the King, some days the Parent, other days the Warrior, and the rest of the time you get to be the Lover or the Healer or whichever one is slightly dominant in your own personality. When ancient tribes encountered each other the discovery that they had the same gods with different names surely made them stop and think before making war. But the monotheistic religions, each with its bizarre, man-made accretions, highlight the differences between people rather than their similarities, and more often lead us to war than peace. As Jung pointed out, "The wars among the Christian nations have been the bloodiest in human history." He forgot about Genghis Khan, who killed ten percent of the people he could reach with the transportation technology of the era, but statistically he was correct.
Main difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christianity came before it. Since the establishment was left to "fester" without profit, time apparently gave way for a new man to take hold of some beliefs. Both have been here for a while thus they fester amongst themselves, going against the roots of their greatest beliefs. Which is in themselves.
Was Christianity well established in the Arabian Peninsula at the time of Mohammed? I know it had metastasized to the northern reaches of Mesopotamia, but had the Arabs been introduced to Jesus?