The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

oh, and one more thing, geoff, to where did jews espace from nazis? they escaped to the arab world in general, they welcomed them, in plastine they were living side by side with muslims, intill zionists started a war (not me or a muslim who said that, but some jews, and a jewish relegion man, yes, jews said that)
also you're saying change nothing, and after i thoght you're someone that can be discussed with, no you're not, you're even more closed than i thought

I want to see the end of the legalized persecution of religious minorities - even in Tunisia - and I'm the closed one? I see.

well, you're saying wan't change anything

Certainly not, if you prefer not to listen. I'm sure you won't read these either.

i was right for puting you in my block list ;)

Oh, well that certainly means you're open to discussion. It's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "I can't hear you! I can't hear you! I can't hear you!" Very open and mature.

should i remind you about the 6000 russian who runed from russia when the soviet ruling started? and stayed in the sea without a home land? living on boats, when tunisia opened it's dorrs to them?

And are tolerated, within very small limits: bans against new churches, being unable to marry Muslim women (although the reverse is legal of course), bans on public displays of religion, and all the other little hallmarks of a theocratic democracy.

what? did the cat ate your thong?

Never worn one, actually. Impatient, are we? Shadow, I have a life. I'm not always on here. Get used to it.
hih! i have a life too, don't worry, i'm not dying here, i am used to it...
and i can clearly see your post is filled with bullshits
None so blind as will not see, none so deaf as will not hear. Tell me, shadow, before you run off and hide again: what bullshits?
Difference: One is primarily in countries where that particular religion isn't the rule of law.
The other is in a country where that religion is the rule of law.
what bullshits? hmm, you find that byyour self ok?

Sorry. I don't have your facility with it. Maybe you could point out those bullshits, ok? Maybe some of them are even in the shape of a scarecrow. Nicht wahr?

Sorry. I don't have your facility with it. Maybe you could point out those bullshits, ok? Maybe some of them are even in the shape of a scarecrow. Nicht wahr?

no no, it's ok, really, it's ok, i will leave that honor to you.
besides i'm busy to explain now, bye. :p
See, here's the thing: you're calling bullshit on my arguments. I'm asking you to explain your comment. You're refusing. So, by running away, you're admitting that you're a liar, and full of shit.

So, thanks for the cowardice. You can just put me back on ignore if it's all too scary for you.
no geoff, i do have arguments, and i do have reasons, and i don't just say things, but, i'm busy now, i have many tests, also i want waste my time in a useless thing, i mean, am i changing the world with this?
also, i noticed somthing, you're being mad and angry, why?(not now, but in the others previous posts) as you see, i'm not.
knowing that geoff is atheist.

Geoff is Catholic. Just ask Bells.

no geoff, i do have arguments, and i do have reasons, and i don't just say things, but, i'm busy now, i have many tests, also i want waste my time in a useless thing, i mean, am i changing the world with this?
also, i noticed somthing, you're being mad and angry, why?(not now, but in the others previous posts) as you see, i'm not.

Well, you kind of are, actually. Or maybe scared. You call my points bullshit, because you're angry or scared, and then you run away, because you're scared. Tell you what: take some time and decide what your evidence is, and come back.

Geoff is Catholic. Just ask Bells.

ah, ok.

Well, you kind of are, actually. Or maybe scared. You call my points bullshit, because you're angry or scared, and then you run away, because you're scared. Tell you what: take some time and decide what your evidence is, and come back.
i'm not scared, and defferently not angry, you are