The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

The Qu'ran is no more or less a moral guide than Buddhist literature?
To a religionist, there has to be a qualitative difference there. Buddhism is not a religion because it has no gods. Buddha figured all that stuff out logically because he was a good, insightful student of human nature and human civilization. He was no prophet.

The Koran (sorry folks I'm an American so I spell words in proper English) purports to be divinely inspired. Mohammed, like Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith, Zarathushtra, Bahaullah and Ras Tafari, are believed to have received inspiration from a god. That qualifies those Abrahamic and para-Abrahamic belief systems as religions, and those men as (alleged) prophets. (Isn't it interesting that one of the requirements for being a prophet is that you have to have a penis. My wife says that men invent religions so we never have to say, "I don't know.")

I call that a really huge difference between Buddhism and Abrahamism.
Scientology, the worship of Aliens, is equal to Islam?
Scientology is young enough that we have good records of its origin. It is a synthesis of Dianetics, which was a secular philosophy for self-improvement, and a science fiction scenario about the Thetans, central figures in Hubbard's novels. He craftily combined them into something that satisfies the Internal Revenue Service's definition of a religion, thereby evading income taxes. Members of the church rarely emphasize the aliens and all that crap; Scientology seems to be primarily a tool for gaining power.

I can't believe I, the most outspoken atheist on this forum, am saying this, but to call Scientology a religion is an insult to religion. Every legitimate, respectable religion on earth has a strong, solid core of sincerity.
Polytheism, the worship of many Gods and Goddesses, is equivalent with Islam?
Now that's a stretch. Jung reminds us that all of the traditional polytheistic religions had the same pantheon: "archetypes" that occur in nearly all societies and nearly all eras. The gods and goddesses are externalizations of the dimensions of our own "spirit" or psychological structure. This multidimensional model tells us a lot about ourselves. If you went out drinking Saturday night instead of going to your daughter's soccer game, it means that your Reveler might have been suppressed for a while, so it overruled your Parent. If your family are butchers but you decide to become a veterinarian, it means that your Healer is stronger than your Hunter.

Monotheism compresses this rich, useful model of our spirit into a pathetic one-dimensional spectrum, so that everything we do, think and desire falls somewhere between "good" and "evil," with no nuance and no extenuation. It's no wonder that monotheistic communities are so violent, half of their spirit is suppressed for so long that it festers and becomes part of what Jung calls the "Shadow," or what Lucas calls the "Dark Side," and eventually the pressure causes an explosion.

One of the first things the One God did, in his Ten Commandments, was to abolish polytheism, arguably authorizing war against the "heathens" or "pagans." And it's been downhill ever since.

So to compare Islam, Christianity or Judaism to polytheism is an insult to polytheism.
Thanks Shadow1, you've given me a glimmer of hope things are going in the right direction for some Muslim peoples.
Islam is roughly the same age that Christianity was when it entered its Reformation, followed by the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Some scholars see signs of Islam actually heading into its Reformation. Unfortunately, our Reformation was one of the bloodiest eras in European history. They had a war among the various Christian sects that lasted literally a hundred years. And none of them had nuclear weapons.

Let me make sure I have you correct. The Qu'ran is no more or less a moral guide than Buddhist literature?

Scientology, the worship of Aliens, is equal to Islam? Polytheism, the worship of many Gods and Goddesses, is equivalent with Islam?

Well, that is good to see :)

Thanks Shadow1, you've given me a glimmer of hope things are going in the right direction for some Muslim peoples.

on the personnal thing, no, but, on the general meaning, no body kares what's your relegion here, so what? i know some japanese, who are budhist, and i know some people who are christians and others jew. as a muslim, we don't consider other relegions equivalent to ours, but, we don't act with that on that perspective, means, we don't act to it as if it is an infirior or something. quran no more or less moral guide? not really, generally we don't have sex before marriage, but doesnt mean that we don't have relations before marriage, most of us don't drink alcoholics or eat pork meat, women here have a strong personnality, they are strong, also the usual; is that they don't wear too short, or, like, the unliked clothes, like the half naked, women and men are equal, yes, equal, we always like the different, we like foreigns, because, they are different, we don't kare what relegion do you follow, means, if you're not a muslim you wan't be treated differently than any other muslim. well, what more to know?
oh, and we don't have complexes about other cultures, or relegions, or races, like you do have in their.

That's fine, but you're wrong. Sorry. Sometimes people are right and sometimes they're wrong. This is one of those times. And more than just an admission of right and wrong, it needs redress - because, as Sam often uses as a marker, it's going on right now. To real people.

noo, i say you Are wrong, lol, see? we can continue like that forever, why don't you just say, we are both right, and we are both wrong.
noo, i say you Are wrong, lol, see? we can continue like that forever, why don't you just say, we are both right, and we are both wrong.

Except that I have evidence and you do not.

See the difference? No need to continue even for five minutes, let alone forever.
noo, i do have evidences too, honestly i do, but what i learned on sciforums, is, not to stuck on something, because it's like running in an empty circle, well, not all the time, but mostly :p (mostly when it comes about relegion)
You're free to believe whatever you like, shadow. I've been telling you the truth all along, but if you'd rather not believe it, I can't make you. How about that?
in other words, you mean anyoen who's not muslim or don't beleive in god is, idk, puted in jail or killed or tortured or something like that?
the easy answer: no, they don't, you are free to beleive in anything, like, who's going to know in what you beleive, and who's going to even care?it's your mind not other's mind, and do you think people having nothing to do rather to look for everyone in what he beleives? or something like that?
the hard answer(not recomanded): fu*k off (lol)
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oh, and i'm not waitingfor you to tell me how to think or to tell me the truth to you, or about where i'm living, and why are you stuck on each post i post?
in other words, you mean anyoen who's not muslim or don't beleive in god is, idk, puted in jail or killed or tortured or something like that?

Anyone? As in "all". Of course not. What a simplistic idea of this you have. Members of those religions may well be persecuted in a variety of ways; kidnappings, forced conversion, exploitation and societal hatred, and so on and so forth. Apostates certainly are "put in jail or killed or tortured or something like that". Non-Muslims accused of insulting Islam or Mohammed may also be persecuted in a variety of ways, much as simple libel was used against non-Catholics during the Inquisition. The latter I think you would have no problem condemning; societal pressure against minority religions you don't condemn, but rather deny. You make a lot of noise about a person being free to believe whatever he likes in the Islamic world, but the fact of the matter is that those not following the majority Islamic religion - Christians, Jews, Ahmadis, Sufis, Zoroastrians, and so on - are persecuted in any number of small ways; their right to practice their faith is blocked, here and there - Bibles torn up, churches burned down, beatings, intimidation, and so on - as I've already demonstrated to you several times; and this includes your precious Tunisia. In fact, all you profess is freedom of belief, and not of expression of that belief, meaning that you are defending a societal evil. Desist.

the hard answer(not recomanded): fu*k off (lol)

I couldn't honestly care less what your opinion of me is. Actually, that's not true: given what you're obliquely defending, the more you hate me the better.

oh, and i'm not waitingfor you to tell me how to think or to tell me the truth to you, or about where i'm living, and why are you stuck on each post i post?

I don't give a fuck, mostly, about what you think. You are free to think whatever nonsense you like. But if you try and drag points that are nonsense into the public field, I will call you on it every time. If you don't like that: tough shit. Get used to hearing the truth, and climb out of your cradle once in a while to see what's going on around you.
also, not like your sayings said and don, and you are always right, or that will make things like you just said. mate.
well, i ensure you mate, you are not talking about tunisia ;)
oh, yes, my precious tunisia

Oh, I assure you I have their number also. Tunisia is in no way exempt from my comments. Short form: yes, I am talking about Tunisia too.

also, not like your sayings said and don, and you are always right, or that will make things like you just said. mate.

You don't get it. Things are like I said; not because I said them, but because I see what's happening and I say so. Period. You don't like it? Change.
hmm, did you live in tunisia? and how do you know how things are here?
see how mucn you're no eligntened? you just judge by your own without knowing, and without disucssing, ok, anyway, i still have my point, and i'm still attached to all what i said, and say what you want, not my problem. :) ;)
I can read news, shadow. This seems to be more than you are willing to do.

You can be as attached to your folly as you like. It changes nothing, although it does signal that you are unwilling to change. The accomodation must all be on the other side. Right?
I can read news, shadow. This seems to be more than you are willing to do.

You can be as attached to your folly as you like. It changes nothing, although it does signal that you are unwilling to change. The accomodation must all be on the other side. Right?

also you're saying change nothing, and after i thoght you're someone that can be discussed with, no you're not, you're even more closed than i thought, well, you're saying wan't change anything, still got my point, i was right for puting you in my block list ;)

should i remind you about the 6000 russian who runed from russia when the soviet ruling started? and stayed in the sea without a home land? living on boats, when tunisia opened it's dorrs to them? they lived in tunisia, some could go home, others stayed, that's their church

and should i remember you of the jews who runed from europe and came to tunisia and other maghreb countries, when the hitlar started to kill them? and we welcomed them? and still their jews here?


in algeria too

and also other churches and synagogs, and effcorse mosques, in all maghreb.

TUNIS � In Tunisia, synagogues and churches stand side by side with mosques. Jewish and Christian minorities freely practice their religious rituals. This tolerant climate is ensured by the constitution which provides for habeas corpus, guarantees freedom of conscience and protects freedom of religious practice. But this open atmosphere for religious practices has been challenged in recent years by the rise of radical Islam in the Arab-Muslim world.

and that's how muslim communities were in the past before their dark ages.

want more?