The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

Basically we need a time machine so we can send a sniper back to take out the snake in the Garden of Eden. Or even Eve.
Basically we need a time machine so we can send a sniper back to take out the snake in the Garden of Eden. Or even Eve.

Why not just send a lumberjack, to cut down that tree that seems to have been the cause of all of this?

Just a thought... Or, a sniper is fine too.
Or begin the process of progressing socially past Bronze Age superstitions. We can start by not teaching monotheism and promoting respect for all the Gods and Goddesses and move on from there.
Except that when I mentioned apostates from Islam, you just about had a freakout.

Edit: and, in the larger sense, you're talking complete bullshit. When "your" legal systems confer equal legal and social rights, call me. Otherwise STFU.
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But they contradict each other.

how do you know? muslims and christian live together in palastine, and lebanon, sirya, and tunis, and others, jews and muslims live together in djerba, jews and muslims, lived together side by side before the zionists started a war in palastine(not me who said that, but a jew relegion man, other jews people, and others)
how do you know? muslims and christian live together in palastine, and lebanon, sirya, and tunis, and others, jews and muslims live together in djerba, jews and muslims, lived together side by side before the zionists started a war in palastine(not me who said that, but a jew relegion man, other jews people, and others)

But when one looks a little deeper at that earlier, "undisturbed" relationship, one finds that it was not nearly so rosy as the likes of the unwashed and starchless Armstrong like to present: a little darker, a little more tense and a little less tolerant under the surface, like a street that only runs one way, watched by angry, suspicious eyes.

But when one looks a little deeper at that earlier, "undisturbed" relationship, one finds that it was not nearly so rosy as the likes of the unwashed and starchless Armstrong like to present: a little darker, a little more tense and a little less tolerant under the surface, like a street that only runs one way, watched by angry, suspicious eyes.

in that case, it wasn't also rosy between all humans, neither between atheists, neither between countries, etc etc....
in that case, it wasn't also rosy between all humans, neither between atheists, neither between countries, etc etc....

Actually, it means that your specific example of mutual tolerance is crap. It might have been at intervals, but not really, and it isn't now.

I love it when supremacists start up with the "oh yeah, well how come there are still religious minorities alive in the ME today", as if it would be impossible for them to have been persecuted because a few still persist. By the same token, Native Americans haven't been persecuted either.
ok you said your point, but it doesnt mean you're right and everyone is wrong, neither the contrary. and i'm still attached to my point.
and believe that ‘Eesa (Jesus – peace be upon him) was a human being.

also the prophet mohamed(pbuh) was a human being, all prophets are human beings, and eesa, or, jesus, the son or mary(pbuh), are also prophets(pbuh), and they are humans (islam prespective)

1. The Christian belief that the Messiah is the son of God.

2. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) is a god alongside God and that he is the second person of the holy trinity, according to their beliefs.

3. The belief that divinity may be incarnated in humanity.
we beleive that all the prophets that both muslims and christians beleive in, are humans, and not any super beings, but they are prophets. and we don't beleive in the eternety material life.

4. The belief that God is formed of three Persons, which is known as the doctrine of the trinity.

we beleive that there's only one god, no partener, no son, no fother, no mother, nothing, only god.

5. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) was crucified by the Jews on the command of Pontius Pilate, and that he died on the cross.

6. The Christian belief that the Messiah died on the cross as a ransom for mankind and as expiation for original sin.
idk about this subject, i'll try to google about it later :p
Let me make sure I have you correct. The Qu'ran is no more or less a moral guide than Buddhist literature?

Scientology, the worship of Aliens, is equal to Islam? Polytheism, the worship of many Gods and Goddesses, is equivalent with Islam?

Well, that is good to see :)

Thanks Shadow1, you've given me a glimmer of hope things are going in the right direction for some Muslim peoples.
ok you said your point, but it doesnt mean you're right and everyone is wrong, neither the contrary. and i'm still attached to my point.

That's fine, but you're wrong. Sorry. Sometimes people are right and sometimes they're wrong. This is one of those times. And more than just an admission of right and wrong, it needs redress - because, as Sam often uses as a marker, it's going on right now. To real people.