The Bible is Bullshit

Care to put a date on that? I asked you before, but you became shifty, evasive, and dishonest, and made excuses for why God wouldn't tell you.

How many prophets of doom have given a date, only for the time to pass, uneventfully? Many. You are just another. There will be no shitting of pants, Lori, that's just your delusion.

why do we need a date? as i understand it, god doesn't do anything in futility.
yes i do. most people aren't as jaded and angry as you are.

Actually, I do now remember when you mentioned that everyone around you wanted you to get professional psychiatric help. I guess I was wrong, you do tell them... :D

So, I should happy and ecstatic that the invisible and undetectable sky fairy that you love and worship will send me to an eternity of agonizing pain? Should I be respectful of your beliefs that I am pure evil?
yeah, that's me. but you make a good and (Q) would make great butt buddies.

Kristians Kausing Konflict

Ah yes, the love and respect of the Kristian is overwhelming.

Of course, that's the turning of another cheek, right Lori? :D
Actually, I do now remember when you mentioned that everyone around you wanted you to get professional psychiatric help. I guess I was wrong, you do tell them... :D

So, I should happy and ecstatic that the invisible and undetectable sky fairy that you love and worship will send me to an eternity of agonizing pain? Should I be respectful of your beliefs that I am pure evil?

wow, you just admitted you were wrong. :eek:

i don't believe that you're any more evil than anyone else Q. i believe that you decide where you go and what happens to you when you die.
Kristians Kausing Konflict

Ah yes, the love and respect of the Kristian is overwhelming.

Of course, that's the turning of another cheek, right Lori? :D

no, that's me giving you shit.
...or perhaps you meet someone in the waiting room and get your groove on...
M*W: As a matter of fact, when I was in the waiting room there was a soldier about to be deployed to Afghanistan. I went up to him and shook his hand and thanked him for his service. He seemed rather shocked that anyone would do that, but then, I'm not just "anyone." I should have gotten his name, so I can hope I will never have to read it on some wall.
why do we need a date? as i understand it, god doesn't do anything in futility.

I want you to pick a date, so it can pass like all the other proposed dates for Armageddon have, and then maybe you'll question your 'source'.

Or you can not give a date and carry on being shifty, dishonest and evasive.
I want you to pick a date, so it can pass like all the other proposed dates for Armageddon have, and then maybe you'll question your 'source'.

Or you can not give a date and carry on being shifty, dishonest and evasive.

i don't know the date phlog, and i'm not going to lie to make you happy.
you don't know that X10 is the truth because you don't know me. you're just being egotistical.
and the fact that you say "churched/saved" every day. you don't know that either sandy. you have absolutely no idea about another persons relationship with god. and the fact that you think the church is a building and that going there and saying some prayer gets you saved is exactly what i'm talking about. it's bullshit sandy.
and oh boo hoo about benny. i wasn't mocking him at all. he CAN'T sing worth a lick. truth is i don't have a problem with benny. i think he's cute, and amusing, because he sounds like elmer fudd when he sings. i honestly hope he's not a fraud, for his own sake. but to tell the truth, his act looks like a dog and pony show to me and to a lot of other people. and to tell the truth, so does your act.
see, it all seems like a campaign with you. and i could be wrong, but it seems egotistically driven. you know what i'd like to know about you? i'd like to know if you actually love people. because a lot of the stuff you post out here is not indicative of that.

I know enough by reading your posts. You have personal attacked me since I got here. Christians don't do that. You may have the people here fooled but you don't fool me, Jesus or God.
Getting someone to church, saved, and then involved in the church is what I do as well as getting them saved. I often use "turn or burn" when they're on their deathbeds and still are too prideful to accept Him. Keeping people out of Hell is good. Saying the "sinner's prayer" is how you get saved. You accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, believe he died on the cross, rose from the dead, and establish/have a personal relationship with Him is EXACTLY what gets you saved. Nothing else.
You go ahead and keep mocking mighty Christians. I will be laughing when Jesus/God deals with you about that one.
I have no act. I am like Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, John Hagee and all the best combined. People like me make you delirious. And we make Jesus proud. I have no ego. It was surrendered to Jesus years ago. I post facts, and that makes people flip out charging "racist!" "Bigot!" "Hater!"
Of course, I love people. I do NOT love Muslim terrorists, criminal aliens, criminals, welfare hags, people who refuse to take self-reponsibility, personal attackers and fake Christians.
The proof is now. Revelation is happening. Ignore the evidence; I don't care. We believers find it all enchanting.

You guys (christians) have been saying this same thing for how long now????? Seriously, I remember there was some guy that came out with a book called something like 88 Reasons why Jesus was to come back in 1988. Fanatics started selling their businesses, homes, etc all because of that book. Rather silly.

Perhaps Christians are the ones ignoring the fact that they have spouted this is end times crapola for so long that it should have lost meaning for you guys by now.
You guys (christians) have been saying this same thing for how long now????? Seriously, I remember there was some guy that came out with a book called something like 88 Reasons why Jesus was to come back in 1988. Fanatics started selling their businesses, homes, etc all because of that book. Rather silly.
Perhaps Christians are the ones ignoring the fact that they have spouted this is end times crapola for so long that it should have lost meaning for you guys by now.

Since the Bible was written. We are closer now than ever. SO many prophecies have come to pass. I don't care about any other books. No one knows when Jesus will come back. It will be like a thief in the night. The born-again group I hang with is joyfully awaiting His return. Whether it be in our lifetimes or not, it will be awesome! Have you read the Book of Revelation? Any of the "Left Behind" series?
I do NOT love Muslim terrorists, criminal aliens, criminals, welfare hags, people who refuse to take self-reponsibility, personal attackers and fake Christians.

then you are not a christian.

oh, and forgot about the homosexuals.
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You guys (christians) have been saying this same thing for how long now????? Seriously, I remember there was some guy that came out with a book called something like 88 Reasons why Jesus was to come back in 1988. Fanatics started selling their businesses, homes, etc all because of that book. Rather silly.

Perhaps Christians are the ones ignoring the fact that they have spouted this is end times crapola for so long that it should have lost meaning for you guys by now.

hey baby! you know damn well the shit's about to go down. don't front.
It is, but not for any direct religious reason, except perhaps the sense of entitlement many Christians have towards raping the resources of the Earth.
It is, but not for any direct religious reason, except perhaps the sense of entitlement many Christians have towards raping the resources of the Earth.

atheists and buddhists do it to. we're all going down for the same reasons.