The Bible is Bullshit

So were the sacred texts of every ancient civilization you can name, only a handful of which remain today (heavily modified of course, e.g. bible, quran).

And if I had an equivalent tool, say a hammer, that had to be so intensely scrutinized and interpreted for proper use, I'd b e bashing my thumb every time.

Oh, right. That's what religion does. Bashes humanities collective thumb almost every day in a billion different ways. Yay for poorly designed hammers and instruction manuals.

well, like any other phase of evolution, some just can't or weren't meant to keep up with the rest. the rest progress, and the some become extinct.
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Human beings have to put up with his stupidity every day, there are genetic disorders, diseases, parasites, back problems, mental illness... it's like he hates us or something.

lol...and then there are so many who say "oh, it's fine! it's not that bad!"

it is bad.

that's actually the whole point of the bible and the reason for christ.
So he sets us up to suffer, then offers the solution to that suffering. Sounds like your typical crack dealer.
the bible isn't meant to be a fairy tale, or a history book, or a textbook, or the topic of debate for that matter. the bible is meant to be a tool that is used by the holy spirit to teach individuals in conjunction with a relationship with god. people don't even understand what the bible is for, how can they hope to understand it?

so you believe a guy parted the see magically healed everyone he ran into and walked on water sounds like a fairy tale to me
so you believe a guy parted the see magically healed everyone he ran into and walked on water sounds like a fairy tale to me

i don't know about that stuff; i wasn't there. i do however know what god's done to me, and in light of that, don't doubt the whole parting of the sea, healing, walking on water thing...

i did succeed, because what i said is true.
You haven't yet said anything in response to the actual statements made in the video so we are unable to assess what you say succeeds or not.

I actually have a personal relationship with god that was accomplished through christ.
This is not verifiable and is a fantastic claim with no precedent. There is no reason to believe this could be true. Since this cannot be shown to be true then using this claim as evidence of truth to other claims simply denies you of any credibility.

i don't know about that stuff; i wasn't there. i do however know what god's done to me, and in light of that, don't doubt the whole parting of the sea, healing, walking on water thing...
It is known as rank gullibility.

as a matter of fact it states in the bible that those who do not receive interpretation in regards to it by the holy spirit will not understand it.
The tactic is well known. Probably the best example is the story of the emperors new clothes.

I hope you know it but just in case.....

The swindling tailors convince the emperor that they have made some exquisite new clothes for him but they are magical and only the intelligent and wise people can see them. Not wanting to appear foolish he of course agrees that they are indeed beautiful clothes. They, of course, do not exist.

Salesmen throughout time have used variations on the same theme to convince people to buy their products. The bible myth writers are no exception. They know they have created total gibberish, but of course if you are not favored by an almighty god then of course the texts will appear gibberish. Not wanting to appear as if they do not understand these supposed mystical writings the gullible saps, like yourself, agree that the bible is truly wonderful.

You've been well and truly conned kiddo.

The bible is probably the greatest story ever SOLD. And it was true thousands of years ago as it is today - there is a sucker born every minute willing to believe anything they are told.

Since you cannot show that any part of any of the fantastic claims made in the bible have any truth, then really, what makes any of your assertions believable?
So he sets us up to suffer, then offers the solution to that suffering. Sounds like your typical crack dealer.
M*W: Kind of like, I set myself up to stump my toe. So I stump my toe, but I have a system of belief or action that will take away the sore tore, and offer a solution to mend the broken toe bone. Voila! No more stumped toe!

The tactic is well known. Probably the best example is the story of the emperors new clothes.

I hope you know it but just in case.....

The swindling tailors convince the emperor that they have made some exquisite new clothes for him but they are magical and only the intelligent and wise people can see them. Not wanting to appear foolish he of course agrees that they are indeed beautiful clothes. They, of course, do not exist.

Salesmen throughout time have used variations on the same theme to convince people to buy their products. The bible myth writers are no exception. They know they have created total gibberish, but of course if you are not favored by an almighty god then of course the texts will appear gibberish. Not wanting to appear as if they do not understand these supposed mystical writings the gullible saps, like yourself, agree that the bible is truly wonderful.

You've been well and truly conned kiddo.

The bible is probably the greatest story ever SOLD. And it was true thousands of years ago as it is today - there is a sucker born every minute willing to believe anything they are told.

Since you cannot show that any part of any of the fantastic claims made in the bible have any truth, then really, what makes any of your assertions believable?

That question would be better suited for the people in my life who know me best.

For example, they know I'm not an ignorant, arrogant, egotistical, patronizing asshole.
Yeah, I can. I actually have a personal relationship with god that was accomplished through christ.
I had no idea. Why would you come after me when you know I am the
same x 10? I just spent the last few days with Benny Hinn. What a MIGHTY man of God!

I always look at the bible and interpreted it. I am a reform Jew, so I believe in evolution and homosexual marriage. The stories in the bible might not be meant to be taken word for word, but read, questioned, and thought about. In Hebrew school, Leviticus, the long book of commandment roughly the biblical equivalent of law book, is taught before the interpreted stories in genesis and exodus.

The Bible is full of scripture against homosexuality.

she is one of faith you cant touch someone who believes in a fairy tail.

Fairy tail?

Human beings have to put up with his stupidity every day, there are genetic disorders, diseases, parasites, back problems, mental illness... it's like he hates us or something.

He gave us free will. We have been fcking that up ever since. Disease is not of Him. It is of Satan whose goal it is to steal, kill, and destroy. Steal your health, faith, happiness, peace, joy etc... Jesus/God loves all of us--even atheist liberals.
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Then Satan is more powerful than God if he's able to make disease and God isn't able to prevent him.
I had no idea. Why would you come after me when you know I am the
same x 10? I just spent the last few days with Benny Hinn. What a MIGHTY man of God!

The Bible is full of scripture against homosexuality.

Fairy tail?

He gave us free will. We have been fcking that up ever since. Disease is not of Him. It is of Satan whose goal it is to steal, kill, and destroy. Steal your health, faith, happiness, peace, joy etc... Jesus/God loves all of us--even atheist liberals.

Because you say things like "X 10". You don't seem even remotely enlightened or loving. You are all about us and them. You alienate and you hate. It is so overwhelmingly obvious to me that it is not about the spirit with you. Its a power play, its religion, its politics.

Sandy when I was a young girl it was people just like you who turned me away from god and christ, and now that I know him, that really pisses me off. I take witnessing very seriously and you take his name in vain.

and why am i supposed to be impressed that you're hanging with benny? what did you guys do, go shopping for jewelry and cars? did you happen to mention to him that he can't sing?
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This is not verifiable and is a fantastic claim with no precedent. There is no reason to believe this could be true. Since this cannot be shown to be true then using this claim as evidence of truth to other claims simply denies you of any credibility.

it would indeed be verifiable if it happened to you. and it is not a fantastic claim without precedent. it happens to be what the entire bible is about, and there are many, many who make the same claim, you just ignore and dismiss that.

i have credibility because i'm honest, and the people who know me know that, and have witnessed a very real transformation in me over the years. that is never in dispute, whether those around me believe in god or not.