The Bible is Bullshit

Since the Bible was written. We are closer now than ever. SO many prophecies have come to pass. I don't care about any other books. No one knows when Jesus will come back. It will be like a thief in the night. The born-again group I hang with is joyfully awaiting His return. Whether it be in our lifetimes or not, it will be awesome! Have you read the Book of Revelation? Any of the "Left Behind" series?

Oh puh-leaseeeeeee. You know you can keep looking for "signs" and claim something as prophecy but that doesn't make it so.

Yes, I've read the book of Revelations. No, have not watched the Left Behind series but I have watched some similar movies eons ago. Fortunately, I gave up all that mumbo jumbo cultish stuff up a long time ago.
lmao nah, remember I am the one that had a dream I stopped the "rapture"

how did you do that again? i can't remember...

heart, you know the shit's about to hit the fan, you just have a unique perspective, that's all.
hahaha Yep. I'm surrounded by the religious money makers here.

did you hear? sandy lives in an all white gated community where she segregates herself from all the people she hates. praise the lord!
no....hadn't heard that. I thought that was just a part of being an on-fire-born-again christian?
I know enough by reading your posts. You have personal attacked me since I got here. Christians don't do that. You may have the people here fooled but you don't fool me, Jesus or God.
Getting someone to church, saved, and then involved in the church is what I do as well as getting them saved. I often use "turn or burn" when they're on their deathbeds and still are too prideful to accept Him. Keeping people out of Hell is good. Saying the "sinner's prayer" is how you get saved. You accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, believe he died on the cross, rose from the dead, and establish/have a personal relationship with Him is EXACTLY what gets you saved. Nothing else.
You go ahead and keep mocking mighty Christians. I will be laughing when Jesus/God deals with you about that one.
I have no act. I am like Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, John Hagee and all the best combined. People like me make you delirious. And we make Jesus proud. I have no ego. It was surrendered to Jesus years ago. I post facts, and that makes people flip out charging "racist!" "Bigot!" "Hater!"
Of course, I love people. I do NOT love Muslim terrorists, criminal aliens, criminals, welfare hags, people who refuse to take self-reponsibility, personal attackers and fake Christians.

AND don't you dare compare yourself with joyce meyer. that woman would eat you for breakfast. so would hagee, but for very different if he ran out of chicken fried whatever.
AND don't you dare compare yourself with joyce meyer. that woman would eat you for breakfast. so would hagee, but for very different if he ran out of chicken fried whatever.

dude....joyce myer is nobody to brag about being like-
joyce myer is like nails on a chalkboard-
Saying the "sinner's prayer" is how you get saved. You accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, believe he died on the cross, rose from the dead, and establish/have a personal relationship with Him is EXACTLY what gets you saved. Nothing else.

So, if a murderer says the sinners prayer on their death bed they get to go to heaven and rub shoulders with Jesus?
