The Bible is Bullshit

Seems his wife didn't want to spend another two days with him either.
Done, and if you believe it's true/coming true, you are as insane as Lori.

I don't care about his personal life: I care about his ministry. You're the science-worshipper who always demands proof. The proof is now. Revelation is happening. Ignore the evidence; I don't care. We believers find it all enchanting.
I don't care about his personal life: I care about his ministry.

So Benny and his ex-wife most likely said 'until death us do part' in their marriage vows, before God. Benny lied in that case.

You're the science-worshipper who always demands proof.

'Sandy', I bet in business, you demand proof too.

The proof is now. Revelation is happening. Ignore the evidence; I don't care. We believers find it all enchanting.

I don't see plagues, or many headed beasts. Maybe you see that when you look in the mirror each morning. I don't.

I love science:


Back at ya, Troll.
Revelation is more than plagues and beasts. I love science, too, but I worship Jesus. Who do you think designed that perfect heart? Hint; it wasn't Jarvis.
i have credibility because i'm honest

Ignore the evidence; I don't care. We believers find it all enchanting.

Believers will tell you they are credible and honest, as long as you're on the same page as them. Believers are not even on the same page with each other and will fight and kill each other over their beliefs, with credibility and honesty.

Of course, believers really don't care about any evidence whatsoever, why should they? They have their beliefs to fight over.

They find the charred remains of witches burned on the stake and the fields of dead bodies all "enchanting"
M*W: Okay, can you prove that everything happens for a reason, and that god is omnipotent and omniscient? Okay, just take the easy one first. Prove that everything happens for a reason. How do you know this? How would you teach this one to us? I'm not trying to be hateful to you, I just want to know your reasoning why everything happens for a reason.

Was there a reason the muscle tore in my leg when I was walking recently, trying to get a little exercise to be more healthy? Am I not supposed to exercise? (That was my thought).

i have no idea, and many times, you don't know what the reason is. sometimes you might get a glimpse of it in hindsight. john99 has his ideas about it which are cause and effect related, and that's one way to look at it. my ideas are more future oriented like perhaps it prohibited you from taking another walk where a car runs off the road and mows you down, or perhaps when you went to the doctor to see about your leg they find something else more serious that you wouldn't have known about, or perhaps you meet someone in the waiting room and get your groove on...

the reason i think this way is because when i went through the weirdness in 2005, all of these seemingly trivial things from my past were brought to mind, and they all seemed to be leading me up to, preparing me for, what i was experiencing at that time. it all seemed related. it's all about a path you're on...
M*W: Yeah, my body had an argument with that one, too, but I was determined to start eating right and exercising, even if it killed me.

you should MW, but start with little changes and add more little changes as time progresses. it'll make it less traumatic and you're more apt to stick with it.
x10 is the truth. I am not some soft little wimp Christian. I am an on-fire one who gets people churched/saved every day. It is not about religion with me, it is about Jesus Christ. The fact you mock Benny shows me how low on the pole of enlightment you truly are. How deceived.:(

you don't know that X10 is the truth because you don't know me. you're just being egotistical.

and the fact that you say "churched/saved" every day. you don't know that either sandy. you have absolutely no idea about another persons relationship with god. and the fact that you think the church is a building and that going there and saying some prayer gets you saved is exactly what i'm talking about. it's bullshit sandy.

and oh boo hoo about benny. i wasn't mocking him at all. he CAN'T sing worth a lick. truth is i don't have a problem with benny. i think he's cute, and amusing, because he sounds like elmer fudd when he sings. i honestly hope he's not a fraud, for his own sake. but to tell the truth, his act looks like a dog and pony show to me and to a lot of other people. and to tell the truth, so does your act.

see, it all seems like a campaign with you. and i could be wrong, but it seems egotistically driven. you know what i'd like to know about you? i'd like to know if you actually love people. because a lot of the stuff you post out here is not indicative of that.
Hilarious that our two little 'lambs of god' Lori and 'Sandy' are at each other's throats. Shows the rank hypocrisy in their shared God delusion.

and you're at everyone's throat. what does that say about you?
Seems his wife didn't want to spend another two days with him either.

Done, and if you believe it's true/coming true, you are as insane as Lori.

always remember phlog, that i will be laughing while you're shitting your pants. :)
Believers will tell you they are credible and honest, as long as you're on the same page as them. Believers are not even on the same page with each other and will fight and kill each other over their beliefs, with credibility and honesty.

Of course, believers really don't care about any evidence whatsoever, why should they? They have their beliefs to fight over.

They find the charred remains of witches burned on the stake and the fields of dead bodies all "enchanting"

everyone, and i mean everyone who knows me knows i'm honest, even if that's the only same page we're ever on.

and i don't find that stuff enchanting, you do. i find it sickening.
everyone, and i mean everyone who knows me knows i'm honest, even if that's the only same page we're ever on.

We know you, too Lori.

and i don't find that stuff enchanting, you do. i find it sickening.

It is the actions of believers, Lori, and I find it sickening too. The fact that you belong to the same organization that committed these acts certainly does not demonstrate any honesty or integrity on your part.
We know you, too Lori.

you don't know me Q. if you did you'd wanna fuck me. fact is, you want to believe i'm a liar, and that's the only reason you believe i'm a liar. because you have absolutely no substantiation for that claim.

It is the actions of believers, Lori, and I find it sickening too. The fact that you belong to the same organization that committed these acts certainly does not demonstrate any honesty or integrity on your part.

i don't belong to any organizations. i pay for the services of some organizations, but none are of the religious variety.
you don't know me Q.

Of course, I do. I know you by the words you've written here. In fact, I probably know you a whole lot better than those around you because you most likely don't reveal to them what you reveal here.

if you did you'd wanna fuck me.

Ewwww... gross. I threw up on my laptop.

i don't belong to any organizations.

Of course, you do, the organization of Christ.

Kristians Kausing Konflict.
always remember phlog, that i will be laughing while you're shitting your pants. :)

Care to put a date on that? I asked you before, but you became shifty, evasive, and dishonest, and made excuses for why God wouldn't tell you.

How many prophets of doom have given a date, only for the time to pass, uneventfully? Many. You are just another. There will be no shitting of pants, Lori, that's just your delusion.
Of course, I do. I know you by the words you've written here. In fact, I probably know you a whole lot better than those around you because you most likely don't reveal to them what you reveal here.

yes i do. most people aren't as jaded and angry as you are.

Ewwww... gross. I threw up on my laptop.

hey man, survey says....

Of course, you do, the organization of Christ.

Kristians Kausing Konflict.

funny...the people in my life often seek me to resolve conflict.