The Bible is Bullshit

she's just as money hungry as the rest of them. make no mistake about that. Scroll down a bit and read.

well, it's a shame she's blowing all that money on trivial things when she could be using it to help people. but honestly, i could say the same thing about myself, only to a lesser denomination. and regardless of how she spends her money, she has helped me, not with a donation, but with her words.
i don't get why you guys think she's such a freak.

She appeals to people in the same way that Las Vegas does. It's the worship of unearned riches, a disease of modern America (probably the result of ever decreasing real wages). Besides, it's not biblical:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. Matthew 6:24​
yeah, that's me. .

I wouldn't do you Lori. You're not very attractive. Not physically, not mentally. You're less attractive than the least physically attractiive woman I've bedded, and they were sane, and nice. Now Q, is clever. I reckon Q is smarter than me, and I know Q is better educated. Q wouldn't do you either. Q's getting better poon than you , Lori.
Why such hatred, phlogistician? Lori may be a bit special in her thinking, but she's a sweet and kind person as far as I can tell. If there really is some mental illness there, you can't very well accuse her of lying. I believe she really believes what she says.
You have personal attacked me since I got here. Christians don't do that.

Yes, they do.

I often use "turn or burn" when they're on their deathbeds and still are too prideful to accept Him.

Notice the Kristian will continue to Kreate Konflict and attempt conversions, at any cost, at any time, without a shred of morals or decency to stand in their sadistic way.

Keeping people out of Hell is good.

Unfortunately, the Hell Kristians have created on earth for the rest of us is bad enough, perhaps a real Hell will be a picnic in comparison. Hell may also be full of Kristians, though.

You go ahead and keep mocking mighty Kristians. I will be laughing when Jesus/God deals with you about that one.

It's very easy to visualize a Kristian standing at the edge of Hell laughing inanely with their bible in hand, righteous in their insanity as their god tosses us into a fiery pit to suffer unending torture and pain. The Kristian loves and adores their master for committing this act of malevolence.

All that for simply not having a "relationship" with their god.

Hitler, Stalin and Vlad the Impaler rolled into one would have nothing on Jesus.

People like me make you delirious. And we make Jesus proud. I have no ego.

No comment.

Of course, I love people.

Just as long as they're within the extremely narrow margin of standards you demand?

I do NOT love Muslim terrorists, criminal aliens, criminals, welfare hags, people who refuse to take self-reponsibility, personal attackers and fake Christians.

To name a few...
She appeals to people in the same way that Las Vegas does. It's the worship of unearned riches, a disease of modern America (probably the result of ever decreasing real wages). Besides, it's not biblical:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. Matthew 6:24​

Well I don't think that warrants freakdom.

And that's not why she appeals to me. She's been through a lot of painful crap and she's very honest about it. And she's no nonsense and funny at the same time.
I wouldn't do you Lori. You're not very attractive. Not physically, not mentally. You're less attractive than the least physically attractiive woman I've bedded, and they were sane, and nice. Now Q, is clever. I reckon Q is smarter than me, and I know Q is better educated. Q wouldn't do you either. Q's getting better poon than you , Lori.

They weren't sane if they screwed you!

And you look like a girl.

And you love Q.
The punchline in this video is - go read the bible it will significantly help your atheism.

Key points -

1. Really basic inconsistencies.
2. Many messiahs.
3. Moses? Huh!
4. Noah and the local flood.


But the bible is BS, right? Can anyone honestly dispute these points made by P and T?

Of course not, they are stories verging on fairy tales, with magic and mystery adding to their appeal.

We are supposed to be living in an age where we question these types of beliefs, especially when they fly in the face of not only sense and sensibility, but also with their ease to pass, they violate all known physical laws.

And then, we are supposed to give respect to these beliefs, the very same beliefs that would have us roast for an eternity in hellfire while the very same followers we're supposed to respect cheer with gleeful delight as their gods toss us in a fiery pit. The same beliefs that would kill an innocent person for working a particular day of the week or murder a son or daughter who talked back to their parents. Respect, indeed.

No, the bible is much more than just BS. It is a recipe for murder, hatred and every other poisonous evil it can entice its followers to commit heinous acts of violence in the name of a their god, which they've committed throughout history and have grown strong in reproach.

Or, maybe the Kristians are still just pissed at being thrown to the lions. :D
Oh btw, so called christians, Lori and 'Sandy'? Get your fucking story straight, and start singing from the same page, because disagreement makes you look like the attention seeking, self affirming losers you really are.

I don't agree with sandy from a practical standpoint, and I never will.
Revelation is more than plagues and beasts. I love science, too, but I worship Jesus. Who do you think designed that perfect heart? Hint; it wasn't Jarvis.
Perfect heart? It's a total piece of CRAP! I'm an engineer. I could have designed a better, more durable, less fault-prone heart with legos and silly putty.