The Bible is Bullshit

god is able to prevent him; he just chooses not to at this time.
M*W: How do you know god chooses not to do something? Exactly how do you know that? Can you teach others how you know that, so they may know how to do that? If this ability of yours to know what god can and cannot do can be replicated by others, then I would say you are onto something.
M*W: How do you know god chooses not to do something? Exactly how do you know that? Can you teach others how you know that, so they may know how to do that? If this ability of yours to know what god can and cannot do can be replicated by others, then I would say you are onto something.

no i can't teach others, but because of things i've experienced, i believe that everything happens for a reason, and that god is omnipotent and omniscient.
no i can't teach others, but because of things i've experienced, i believe that everything happens for a reason, and that god is omnipotent and omniscient.
M*W: Okay, can you prove that everything happens for a reason, and that god is omnipotent and omniscient? Okay, just take the easy one first. Prove that everything happens for a reason. How do you know this? How would you teach this one to us? I'm not trying to be hateful to you, I just want to know your reasoning why everything happens for a reason.

Was there a reason the muscle tore in my leg when I was walking recently, trying to get a little exercise to be more healthy? Am I not supposed to exercise? (That was my thought).
M*W, the reason is that your body is telling you to eat right first THEN think about exercising.
M*W: Yeah, my body had an argument with that one, too, but I was determined to start eating right and exercising, even if it killed me.
For me, eating right is not that hard to do. I am a smoker so i try and make up for that. I try and avoid cake and candy as much as possible.
Then Satan is more powerful than God if he's able to make disease and God isn't able to prevent him.
Yes! This needs a whole thread. Every single thing I ever hear from religiosos is how satan is interfering directly in every fucking thing we do and is responsible for every damned ill in the world. He's SNEAKY AND IS SEDUCING US WITH EVIL EVERY DAY!!!

Satan beats gods wipmy ass every day and twice on Sundays!

God of course is just leaving us to our god-given free will. 'Cause that's his way, right?

Ha! What a pie crust full of steaming Amish road apples! And I know steaming piles of road apples.
The Bible is not bs. Much of the prophesy in it has already come to pass. Just wait until the big stuff happens. It's gonna be SO awesome!
Where the hell did you get that from?

Shit, there are plenty of diseases that are genetic, that means God made them, assuming you believe the Bible's creation story. Or there are parasites that infect only humans and no other animal. Did Satan create those parasites?
I had no idea. Why would you come after me when you know I am the
same x 10? I just spent the last few days with Benny Hinn. What a MIGHTY man of God!

If by 'mighty man of god' you mean he is a shameless con man then I agree with you. :D

I'm amazed Americans put up with him, but I'm sure he's planned a nice retirement in some foreign tax haven or another.
The Bible is not bs. Much of the prophesy in it has already come to pass. Just wait until the big stuff happens. It's gonna be SO awesome!
M*W: What are these prophecies that have "come to pass." You are so sensationalisic. List them for the rest of us.
Because you say things like "X 10". You don't seem even remotely enlightened or loving. You are all about us and them. You alienate and you hate. It is so overwhelmingly obvious to me that it is not about the spirit with you. Its a power play, its religion, its politics.
Sandy when I was a young girl it was people just like you who turned me away from god and christ, and now that I know him, that really pisses me off. I take witnessing very seriously and you take his name in vain.
and why am i supposed to be impressed that you're hanging with benny? what did you guys do, go shopping for jewelry and cars? did you happen to mention to him that he can't sing?

x10 is the truth. I am not some soft little wimp Christian. I am an on-fire one who gets people churched/saved every day. It is not about religion with me, it is about Jesus Christ. The fact you mock Benny shows me how low on the pole of enlightment you truly are. How deceived.:(
M*W: What are these prophecies that have "come to pass." You are so sensationalisic. List them for the rest of us.

I asked her about that. She said she sees the stuff detailed in Revelations happening every day. If she does, she needs a powerful anti-psychotic prescribing.
Hilarious that our two little 'lambs of god' Lori and 'Sandy' are at each other's throats. Shows the rank hypocrisy in their shared God delusion.
Benny Hinn is awesome. Ever spent 2 days with him? Nah, I didn't think so.
Do your own homework on Revelation. It's as simple as google.