
Didn't you feel awkward? Or was it someone you already knew?

no not awkward, we ahve a very good relationship anyway, and we talk about everything and anything! i just said "dear, have you ever considred swinging?"
I've been reading this thread with the word "swinging" which sounds like a

very fun thing to do. If you just use that word over and over it would seem

people will come to think "swinging" is something good but in actuality it is

really..."Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person

and one who is not his or her spouse. Some legal jurisdictions have defined

it as "crime against marriage".

So if people are married and they aren't happy with their partners why then

don't they just divorce and find someone that is their style without marrying

them. I'd think that married couples should stay loyal to each other and not

commit adultery for that means they are not satisfied with who they are

with. It would tend to show that the marriage isn't working out ,to me, and

should file for divorce.

I know that others will say that what they do as a married consenting adult

should be their right and no one should prevent them from doing whatever in

their marriage. I just find it rather hard to imagine letting someone I truly

loved and admired having sex with others that I don't know that well . I

could not let my marriage ever deteriorate to that point, I would divorce her

before I'd put her through anything as "swinging" is. Call me old fashioned

but that's just me.
no not awkward, we ahve a very good relationship anyway, and we talk about everything and anything! i just said "dear, have you ever considred swinging?"

Ah, as easy as that huh? Do either of you ever feel jealous or threatened in your relationship? What about emotional attachment with the other person(s)?

/sorry, warned you I have a prurient interest.:eek:
It's like cheating together and with each others consent lol
I see nothing wrong with it perse though.
It's like cheating together and with each others consent lol
I see nothing wrong with it perse though.

Even if your wife contracts some diseases? Or if you contract something

and give it to her? Is that also fair?:shrug:
Even if your wife contracts some diseases? Or if you contract something

and give it to her? Is that also fair?:shrug:

Well, I said 'perse'. Of course it's always wise to use protection.
People contract STD's all the time.. even when not swinging..
who here thinks that this is a excpeted lifestyle, and also if you were friends with someone for years and you found out, that they were "swingers" then would you mind? Or would you never talk to them again?
It's ridiculous that there are people who would end a friendship over something so trivial.
so should people accept this has a lifestyle choice or should we be encouraged to not swing and live a straight life?
People should be open-minded.
I'd never allow it with my wife, I wouldn't want to have her catch something

and die from it or myself either. No matter how much protection you use

there's always a chance of breaking or slipping off during intercourse. :eek:
I'd never allow it with my wife, I wouldn't want to have her catch something

and die from it or myself either. No matter how much protection you use

there's always a chance of breaking or slipping off during intercourse. :eek:

Yeah but, typically, you have each others consent so... :shrug:
Yeah but, typically, you have each others consent so... :shrug:

Remember in a court it is aldutry not swinging. Keep saying aldutry all the

time and then see how you think about it. Consenting adults shouldn't be

married then if they have to find someone else to fulfill there sexual desires

and romantic interludes. Just get divorced and have all the fun you want.
It definately isn't for me, for a A LOT of reasons. I have seen a few shows about it, where ppls marriages fell apart. One or either of the partners, started to develop feelings for another person they were swinging with. Jealousy stepped in and things would be brought up and thrown in the other partners face, causing arguments. One partner wanted to stop doing it but the other didn't........etc.

Personally I don't think it is a very responsilbe thing to do especially if you have kids. You are taking a risk in fuking up your marriage, or maybe even getting sick (diseases).
Ah, as easy as that huh? Do either of you ever feel jealous or threatened in your relationship? What about emotional attachment with the other person(s)?

/sorry, warned you I have a prurient interest.:eek:

we dont get attached with the other people. we stay friends but not close friends, and we never feal jealous.

and for the people who say: couples should stay true to one anouther, its not about the marrage being unhappy, its about being able to have fun, with other couples/singles, and not have your partener judge you for it, has long has we are both happy and content with the lifestyle then why not?
its about being able to have fun, with other couples/singles, and not have your partener judge you for it, has long has we are both happy and content with the lifestyle then why not?

Fun by having sex which could lead to diseases being spread? Fun by

committing adultery, because that what swinging is really all about? I'd think

that the type of fun most people have is trying to enjoy each other as a

family rather than committing adultery but hey that's just my old timers

point of view. :itold: