
I think it should be excepted, and wholey tolerated. It is a union between two individuals, and if both parties accept that lifestyle, then it is no paradoxical than two homosexual consenting adults.
I just find it an odd lifestyle, thats all.

How do children figure in this equation?
They must be kept ignorant of their parents sexual inuendo's... just as they would in any relationship. Children are kept from such knowledges, until they can be allowed to know without damage to any of their mentality.
It seems to me that there are two contradictory trains of thought here:

1. swinging is alright when everyone is a consenting adult and free to explore his or her sexuality as they all freely consent to do.

2. swinging should be hidden from children as it would damage their mentality.

How do the two go together? Would it not be healthier for such parents to be more open about it to their children rather than keep it hidden like a dirty secret? Wouldn't keeping it hidden imply that there is something to be ashamed about?
I know it can work. Children of certain ages might make it difficult... but it can be done. I know of a family in America with a man that sleeps with three different woman, but only one of the woman are the mother of the children... but even though all three woman live in the same house, they have managed to make the children still believe that they have only one mother, and theother two woman are mearly friends...
And it has nothing to do with shame [from the parents behalf] - its the childrens lifestyles that must be thought about, because it is theirs that can change.
Thats what I mean, if its alright for the parents why consider that it will not be alright for the children?
Its alright for the children, because they will have perfectly good parents looking out for only their best ineterests.
Its alright for the children, because they will have perfectly good parents looking out for only their best ineterests.

Will they? Children are smarter than most parents realise.
My husband's brother and his wife were swingers for a while...about 5 yrs. Then the thrill of that wore off too I guess?? Anyways they quit. My husband and I have talked about it. Not whether or not to do it, but what each of us thought about it. He's the jealous type (even of my lesbian best friend) so he said he wouldn't be able to do it. I've never wanted to...yet. I don't think I would ever be able to with the kids still living at home.
But, who knows what may happen once they are gone. I'm not the same person I was 10 yrs ago, so who knows who I will be in 10 yrs from now.

If I found out a friend of mine swung, I would be full of questions, but they would stay my friend. I wouldn't even consider it something to end a friendship over. Why would I??? Why would anyone??
Im gay and I think swinging is unacceptable and dangerous. I'm very old fashioned in the fact that I believe in long term relationships and commitment... with only 2 people in the relationship lol. Im a firm believer that you don't have sex, or sexual acts unless your in a committed relationship and in love with that person.
If two adults consent, there should be no problem accepting this. If you do have a problem with this, you are ignorant, and might as well dislike any consemation.
Morally speaking, it should be for young hotties only, but it never is. It's always middle-aged senior accountants and their Rubenesque wives. Who wants to waddle over a mound of greying flesh, lifting folds, looking for genitals? Not I.

It's fine in principle but the reality never quite matches up to the vision. Think of the children.
Im gay and I think swinging is unacceptable and dangerous. I'm very old fashioned in the fact that I believe in long term relationships and commitment... with only 2 people in the relationship lol. Im a firm believer that you don't have sex, or sexual acts unless your in a committed relationship and in love with that person.

I agree it is dangerous if one does not take care sexually... but of all people i would have expected you MZ3 to be more open.
I would never do it myself. I would be too coward for so many reasons.

But we must remember, there is a couple here at this site who live this lifestyle; and since they have themselves been open to our sexual desires, we should pay the same respect.
Thats what I mean, if its alright for the parents why consider that it will not be alright for the children?

Uh, because it's two different maturity levels. It's the reason why it's alright for parents to drink alcohol, but not children, etc. It has nothing to do with shame, just that they aren't yet ready for it. Even normal sex between husband and wife isn't usually talked about in front of children. It's also why parents crave for the time little Billy or Sue has to stay over at a cousin's house or a friends so they can have some private whoopy time without the kiddos around.

- N