
Negative... as in the fact that it is hard to classify me into a stereotype...

The homosexuals at my university appeared very anally retentive.

They seemed to want to hang on to things and had trouble spending money on others.

To me it appeared like a form of selfishness. (Selfishness.... obsession with the self....love of the self?).
Well, i'm masculine, hardly any stereotype, but i'm terrible with money... It's nothing to do with sexuality... or maybe it has?
Just because something is a bit stranger than the norm, or slightly distasteful to ones own self, does not make it wrong, bad or evil... It makes it misunderstood.
Just because something is a bit stranger than the norm, or slightly distasteful to ones own self, does not make it wrong, bad or evil... It makes it misunderstood.

I never said anything about evil did I? Why are you putting words, that I

didn't say, onto this screen? Do you feel hurt in some way? :shrug:
No not at all.

I included evil because if something is considered bad, it is on the verge of evil, and i think it isn't at all. It is highly misunderstood, thus ignorance prevails.
No not at all.

I included evil because if something is considered bad, it is on the verge of evil, and i think it isn't at all. It is highly misunderstood, thus ignorance prevails.

I never said the word "bad " eirther did I? Are you trying to tell me that I'm

wrong in my statement that people are strange? Why?
Yes, you are partially wrong.

First, there is nothing strange in this world (within reason)... If anything is found strange like swinging, it might be found to be an error in the eye of the beholder.
People are strange and they get stranger everyday.

Yeah, and what's worse is that very few people seem to recognize that trend.

It's also odd that the stranger people get, the more people try to justify and pretend to accept the behavior.

Baron Max
Yes, you are partially wrong.

First, there is nothing strange in this world (within reason)... If anything is found strange like swinging, it might be found to be an error in the eye of the beholder.

Now you are changing your response from a negative one to a more

questioning one. If there's someting wrong in my statement that is

upsetting just ask me to explain it better so that you can make a better

understanding of it. People ARE strange and if you doubt me just look

around at all the violence, mayham and stupidity there is in this world.
(violence, mayham and stupidity)

This is why i gave reserved answer by saying ''within reason''.

I am sorry if my post sounded personally negative towards you. I refrane from that.

Instead, take me. I am gay... i expect you are not. I propose that you are straight, because logic would conclude that you are. Do you find my escapades a bit strange?

If so, then it is only strange to you. To me, it is perfectly natural.
(violence, mayham and stupidity)

This is why i gave reserved answer by saying ''within reason''.

I am sorry if my post sounded personally negative towards you. I refrane from that.

Instead, take me. I am gay... i expect you are not. I propose that you are straight, because logic would conclude that you are. Do you find my escapades a bit strange?

If so, then it is only strange to you. To me, it is perfectly natural.

Your lifestyle doesn't bother me whatsoever. You do what you want

because only you have to live with yourself no one else does. Asking me

about your lifestyle would make me think you might be questioning it

yourself, are you?
''questioning it

yourself, are you?''

I didn't need to question myself. You answered it for me.

''Your lifestyle doesn't bother me whatsoever. You do what you want

because only you have to live with yourself no one else does.''

In that case, then swinging is a lifestyle which does not concern you either.
''questioning it

yourself, are you?''

I didn't need to question myself. You answered it for me.

''Your lifestyle doesn't bother me whatsoever. You do what you want

because only you have to live with yourself no one else does.''

In that case, then swinging is a lifestyle which does not concern you either.

Nope, it's just one more of those "strange" things out there.
Then so must being homosexual. Perfect example.

Never said that, there you go again. Do you make a habbit of putting your

words into other peoples statements? That's a very bad thing to do as you

ought to know by now, do you?
I interpret the work as it is presented.

You think swinging is strange.

I said it was a misunderstanding, and that it is a normal lifestyle choice for some. I gave you an example of a misunderstood lifetyle, and that was homosexuality.

You then said homosexuality was different somehow.

And i showed it was no different, by explaining that it was more or less the same in the public view.

You said it had nothing to do with you, my lifestyle choice.

Then i said the same thing could be said about your choice to find swingers lifestyles strange...

I rest my case.