Stun guns and cops.

Should cops use stun guns?

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and not a single one due soley to the use of the taser.
in 27 deaths in florida from tasers 20 had cocaine or some other amphetamine in their blood.

have no idea.

don't know what you mean by this.

classic herd mentality.
so without researching any of the facts you pass judgement on me like this.

Herd mentality?
That's sort of what the authoritarian personality's like. You're close.

Here's a test for you:
my score on the first attempt was:
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

explaination of the score:
3 to 4.5 Within normal limits; an appropriate score for an American. (The overall average score for groups tested in the original study is listed in the 1950 publication as 3.84, with men averaging somewhat higher and women somewhat lower.)

put that in your fascist pipe and smoke it fuck face.
my score on the first attempt was:
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

explaination of the score:
3 to 4.5 Within normal limits; an appropriate score for an American. (The overall average score for groups tested in the original study is listed in the 1950 publication as 3.84, with men averaging somewhat higher and women somewhat lower.)

put that in your fascist pipe and smoke it fuck face.

3.7666666666666666 You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

jesus christ..i dont want to even be an american
That you think a cop warning an eight month pregnant woman he will taser her justifies this, is beyond my comprehension.
what's so hard to understand? refusing to sign a ticket is an automatic arrest.
it's really simple, the woman thought she could use pregnancy and/or race as an excuse.
little do you realize that SHE put herself in that situation, the cops did not tell her to refuse to sign the ticket.

Why should he have to taser her?
like i said refusing to sign is an automatic arrest. the cops decided against physical force and tased her instead.
Over refusing to sign a ticket?
next time you get a ticket sam refuse to sign it and see where you end up.
Over refusing to get out of a car?
as soon as the cops determined that she wasn't going to sign it is resisting arrest, you can call it anything you want.
He tasers her three times? How is this justified?
the answer is obvious, she was tased twice and still resisted.

face it sam refusing to sign isn't the cops fault.
resisting arrest is not the cops fault.
the cops warned her she was going to get tased.

I do know some insane people, yes, and I do believe mental health officials can do anything humane to keep the psychotic from hurting themselves and others. Tasers may or may not be used in hospitals, but I do know large, strong men are routinely used.
Here's an idea: Don't hassle the cops.

Have the cops ever falsly arrested you? You don't think some of them are crimminals? Have cops ever played at pulling you over and pulling guns on you then later saying they thought you had an escape prisioner in your car?
Or maybe they beat a friend of yours in the head with billy clubs and he is to this day insane. And oh the best, when one of these things happen to you you have to go to them to make a complaint and they laugh at you and won't take it. Or if you get them to take the complaint the same cop falsly arrest you? I don't think so.
Have the cops ever falsly arrested you?
have you ever been falsely arrested?
if so give some details.
You don't think some of them are crimminals?
i would imagine that there are a few, but they are dealt with as soon as they are found out.
Have cops ever played at pulling you over and pulling guns on you then later saying they thought you had an escape prisioner in your car?
what's wrong with that?
Or maybe they beat a friend of yours in the head with billy clubs and he is to this day insane.
i suppose your freind was in his house minding his own business.
And oh the best, when one of these things happen to you you have to go to them to make a complaint and they laugh at you and won't take it.
what complant do you have, give some details.
Or if you get them to take the complaint the same cop falsly arrest you?
again give some details
I don't think so.
i don't think so either that's why i'm asking you for details.
Forget Tazing I've been attacked by Lrad and put in the hospitol. And you wouldn't beleive their denile technology( microwave hearing affect). Do a search they have a lot of technology that they don't admit to.
have you ever been falsely arrested?
if so give some details.

i would imagine that there are a few, but they are dealt with as soon as they are found out.

what's wrong with that?

i suppose your freind was in his house minding his own business.

what complant do you have, give some details.

again give some details

i don't think so either that's why i'm asking you for details.

Do you really want to know? It will take days to elaborate but I am willing if you are serious or can help.
Trouble is, they can use the tasers where shootings aren't appropriate and where they did just fine without using weapons.

No, that's not true, the officers didn't do just fine! When officers of the law are forced to wrestle with suspects or arrestees, they're often hurt, often with broken bones, and often with required hospital stays.

There's no reason for a suspect to resist arrest, even if he thinks or feels that he's innocent ...that is to be determined by a court of law, NOT the individual. People should learn that lesson, and learn it well .....or get tazered or shot!

Baron Max
i feel that tasers are a viable alternative to batons, pepper spray, fists, dogs, and bullets.

i found out that the manufacturers of tasers are refusing to settle out of court over taser deaths because there is no evidence that tasers are the sole cause.