Students to be taught there isn't a God

Less religious people in schools is good, less lies, less deception, less fanatical devotion to an imaginary friend and more people caring about people.

I dig it :D
Thats what they have in Russia now, I believe. The suicide rates and alcoholism is not encouraging.
Being forced to sit through religious lessons at school was a nightmare for me (boring and as dumb as heck). You just look around at all the people lying to themselves and you cant help to wonder ... why they are so broken.

No more being persecuted in your classroom. No more sitting around people who think God loves the smell of their farts. Really really wish I had this at school.
SAM, arbitrarily blaming all of Russia's problems on your view of atheism is neither correct nor accurate.
The main cause of Russia's current problems, IMO, is their poor implementation of a capitalist economy.
Being forced to sit through religious lessons at school was a nightmare for me (boring and as dumb as heck). You just look around at all the people lying to themselves and you cant help to wonder ... why they are so broken.

No more being persecuted in your classroom. No more sitting around people who think God loves the smell of their farts. Really really wish I had this at school.

I liked Religious Education classes at school. It proved to me what a load of bollocks religion was. Firstly, it demonstrated clearly that there was no truth in any of it, of there would be some agreement (in science, we repeated things to get similar results, but religions varied). Second, that Religion was nearly always a tool of social control. Third, people always profited by selling religion. Fourth, that is capitalised on xenophobia and other fears to entrench itself and gain political power. Fifth, religious people are ubiquitously hypocrites.

As long as R.E. teaches all world religions, I'm fine with it (as long as it's restricted to one period a week). People laughed when Jewish Phylacteries were demonstrated, until I asked about Christian practices that were equally stupid (communion wafers and wine, church collection plate, incense to blot out the stench of the congregation, choir boys), so I think demonstrating how ludicrous is all is is great. It just needs teaching the right way.
.... You just look around at all the people lying to themselves and you cant help to wonder ... why they are so broken.

And yet those same people have, throughout history, have worked and built the great civilizations that exist today. It's kinda' hard to argue against any method of raising such kids, ain't it?

Baron Max
And yet those same people have, throughout history, have worked and built the great civilizations that exist today. It's kinda' hard to argue against any method of raising such kids, ain't it?

Baron Max

Not hard to argue against at all. China, technically atheist, one of the largest populations, economy on the rise, and technologically advanced.

Oh, and the USA, technically a secular society, thanks to separation of church and state, so that doesn't count amongst the 'great civilisations' list either. In fact, the USA and China show what can be achieved when you shitcan religion!
And yet those same people have, throughout history, have worked and built the great civilizations that exist today. It's kinda' hard to argue against any method of raising such kids, ain't it?

Baron Max

Now I know why society is so fked up, why we had the dark ages, and why our social and technical evolution has being held back.

Ill quote some of those great leaders for you:

Seneca the Younger 4 b.c.- 65 a.d. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

Ferdinand Magellan The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church

Napoleon Bonaparte Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet

Thomas Jefferson I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology.

Great civilization neh? Lol.. The Egyptians and many people also thought they were Gods.

Religion is used to control the simple masses. Leaders and rulers know this. They know what a stunning tool it is to use against already easily manipulative people.

If you cant see that.. then chances are you are one of those people.
Religion is used to control the simple masses. Leaders and rulers know this. They know what a stunning tool it is to use against already easily manipulative people.

Yep, and now that the USA is moving past "religions", look at what is transpiring all over the nation. Crime is high, the economy is fucked up, the environment is heavily polluted, there is argument over almost everything, there is little or no consensus about what to do about almost everything, people are divided more now than ever before in history. We're even divided on whether or not we're divided!

And you applaud all of that? You're proud of all of that?

Baron Max
Yep, and now that the USA is moving past "religions", look at what is transpiring all over the nation. Crime is high, the economy is fucked up, the environment is heavily polluted, there is argument over almost everything, there is little or no consensus about what to do about almost everything, people are divided more now than ever before in history. We're even divided on whether or not we're divided!

And you applaud all of that? You're proud of all of that?

Baron Max

If it takes a period of unrest to lose the shackles of religion, so be it.
SAM, arbitrarily blaming all of Russia's problems on your view of atheism is neither correct nor accurate.
The main cause of Russia's current problems, IMO, is their poor implementation of a capitalist economy.

Yeah, its all that atheist indoctrination from the League of the Militant Godless. Destroyed the country, completely. Been going downhill ever since. They lost the capacity to be imaginative, keep going around in fruitless circles, fragmenting the society. :(

S.o.G. embraced workers, peasants, students, and intelligentsia. It had its first affiliates at factories, plants, collective farms (kolkhoz), and educational institutions. By the beginning of 1941, S.o.G. had about 3.5 million members of 100 nationalities. It had about 96,000 offices across the country. Guided by Bolshevik principles of antireligious propaganda and party's orders with regards to religion, S.o.G. aimed at fighting religion in all its manifestations and forming scientific mindset among the workers. It popularized atheism and scientific achievements, conducted individual work with religious people, prepared propagandists and atheistic campaigners, published scientific literature and periodicals, organized museums and exhibitions, conducted scientific research in the field of atheism and critics of religion. S.o.G.'s slogan was "Struggle against religion is a struggle for socialism", which was meant to tie in their atheist views with economy, politics, and culture. S.o.G. had vast international connections; it was part of the International of Proletarian Freethinkers and later of the Worldwide Freethinkers Union.

The League was a "nominally independent organization established by the Communist Party to promote atheism." It published newspapers, journals, and other materials that lampooned religion; it sponsored lectures and films; it organized demonstrations and parades; it set up antireligious museums; and it led a concerted effort to persuade Soviet citizens that religious beliefs and practices were "wrong" and harmful, and that good citizens ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview.[

Russia is full of Christians, Muslims and Jews.

How about the religious education? Is there any? And the atheist indoctrination?

You probably had a Russian education eh? Brainwashed from birth. Explains the literalist worldview. Very sad. :(
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Being forced to sit through religious lessons at school was a nightmare for me (boring and as dumb as heck). You just look around at all the people lying to themselves and you cant help to wonder ... why they are so broken.

What about sitting through Maths classes, Science? etc. Most of the lessons at school were boring (depends on the teacher as well though) doesn't mean they are wrong and should be brought to a halt.

Learning about the religious traditions of other people doesn't mean you have to follow them, did you consider every lesson about a certain religion as being propaganda? We learnt about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism and all other belief systems. Wasn't really a big issue, Religious Education is worth half a GCSE in the UK (at least back in 2001), that basically means its worth half as much as Maths, English, Science etc. We had one lesson a weak and it wasn’t something taken seriously, yet some Atheists seem to be taking this whole thing way too seriously.

Do you feel left out?

You just look around at all the people lying to themselves and you cant help to wonder ... why they are so broken.

You think others are broken. That means absolutely nothing.
Yeah I don't understand what the issue is either. We had one moral science class a week. We did some religious history in history. It was no big deal.
Great civilization neh? Lol.. The Egyptians and many people also thought they were Gods.

Religion is used to control the simple masses. Leaders and rulers know this. They know what a stunning tool it is to use against already easily manipulative people.

If you cant see that.. then chances are you are one of those people.

We are in the 21st century, not the middle ages.

What you speak of is irrelevant.

If you cant see that.. then chances are you are one of those people.

Because we believe in God we are automatically deaf, dumb and blind?!?! Seriously mate, get off your high horse. You shoot yourself in the foot when you put all those that believe in a deity into one large box and dismiss them outright.
Just look at history at the great civilisations on earth. How many atheist? Zero, null, nada, none.