Students to be taught there isn't a God

Informed choice. I learned all that stuff in school, too. Except for Jews, we don't have too many of them. We had an ethics course called moral science and they gave us religious education.

Who wants to be a computer? We're moving into a multicultural world, we in the west and east will be better served by teaching our children the archeological evidence for the basis of humanity's belief systems. We already do so for mostly dead beliefs like Greek and Egyptian Pantheons I think children are capable of understanding the same is true for Christianity and Judaism.

In essence it's giving children information.

Lastly, it's often been shown that people who are depressed score higher on these tests about the real world. As if most people are pre-programed to tell themselves little white lies to get by in life. It may be the such people come to the conclusion there is no God simply because they have a more realistic outlook. So that could be the correlation. So it's not atheism that causes suicide but people who are depressed are mire likely to see the world for what it truly is and thus more likely to be atheistic. That's the likely correlation. If we want to stop people from committing suicide then simply make it a major social stigma to do so. Run TV ad campaigns and offer serious support networks. Don't teach people they'll burn in hell if they do and it's better they live a depressed agonizing life but instead teach people they can and must get help and it's OK to do so.

Seems simple enough to me
I come from a multicultural country, believe me, its not logic that keeps people together, its tolerance for differences.

So it's not atheism that causes suicide but people who are depressed are mire likely to see the world for what it truly is and thus more likely to be atheistic. That's the likely correlation.

These are the alcoholics and drug addicts in our society.
I come from a multicultural country, believe me, its not logic that keeps people together, its tolerance for differences.

I don't know about India, but I'm betting that it's not much different to all the other nations of the world ......people who are different live in their own little places in the cities and towns, like Chinatown, Little Italy, Little Mexico, etc. Others only come to visit those "different" places ...sorta' like going to the zoo!!

Tolerance? Oh, yeah, sure long as they stay in their own little area, but no one seems to want them to move in beside them!

Baron Max
Thats actually true only for Jews and Parsis, for some reason they prefer communities [and for the last 2000 years, did not marry outside it] The rest are pretty much organised by class. e.g. we were pretty much only three Muslim families in our neighborhood and the mosque three blocks away had as many Hindus and Catholics living in front of and behind it as Muslims. But you could see going from our block to the mosque, that we were in a better neighborhood.
... The rest are pretty much organised by class. e.g. we were pretty much only three Muslim families in our neighborhood and the mosque three blocks away had as many Hindus and Catholics living in front of and behind it as Muslims. But you could see going from our block to the mosque, that we were in a better neighborhood.

Is that true all over India? Or just in your own little community?

SAM, all over the world, in every country I've ever visited or read about or watched on tv, it's the same ........people of like to be with "their own kind".

How 'bout that slum Dharivi (or however you spell it?)? EVen in that major slum of Mumbai, they divide themselves by "their own kind". And it's the same all over the world.

......well, except, I guess, in your little part of India. Which I assume is something of a loving, wonderful fairy fuckin' tale, huh?

Baron Max
The funny thing about this is going to be that atheist/agnostic parents probably won't object to comparative religion studies for their children, but the religious parents will yank their children out of these classes. And that is because religion thrives on ignorance and fear.
I don't want to be a computer. I want to be a person. I like having the imagination that sets me apart from every other creature on earth. I like all the illogical things that make life worth living.

The school's mission is to teach facts, though.
Lastly, it's often been shown that people who are depressed score higher on these tests about the real world. As if most people are pre-programed to tell themselves little white lies to get by in life. It may be the such people come to the conclusion there is no God simply because they have a more realistic outlook. So that could be the correlation. So it's not atheism that causes suicide but people who are depressed are mire likely to see the world for what it truly is and thus more likely to be atheistic. That's the likely correlation. If we want to stop people from committing suicide then simply make it a major social stigma to do so. Run TV ad campaigns and offer serious support networks. Don't teach people they'll burn in hell if they do and it's better they live a depressed agonizing life but instead teach people they can and must get help and it's OK to do so.

Seems simple enough to me

I agree with this. I don't think that being an atheist makes people suicidal. I think that most depressed suicidal people are more likely to be atheists.
It is? Darn, I thought it was to teach them to think.

You can't really teach people to think. That's why some people are good at school and some people suck.
The school presents the facts. How you process them is what makes you a good or a bad student.
Well I must have a different experience than you. We were never taught facts, we were taught to think.
Of course they should, but killing yourself for a cause vs killing yourself because life is meaningless are opposite ends of the spectrum.

Would an atheist sacrifice his life for an idealogical cause, do you think?

So, back to my first question for you in this thread. Do you think that religion should be used as a measure to prevent suicide? Would any religion do the job?
I think religion is important for survival, so I don't think its a question of being "used", thats like saying should food be used to prevent death. It just is.
By exploring the same subject in several ways, by learning to approach the same issue through different points of view, by speaking and writing your own points of view. We had a lot of composition, essay writing, paraphrasing, reading comprehension, elocution, drama. History class was an airplane ride, English a singing or story telling lesson, biology was debate, french was acting. That sort of thing. It was a private school.