Students to be taught there isn't a God

No, believing in God makes you gullible and needy. It also makes you a threat to free thought, and freedom in general.

How odd you say that ....when some of human civilization's greatest achievements came from religious people. In fact, virtually all of human civilization was built by religious people and societies. Can you say the same about any atheistic people or societies?

Baron Max
some of human civilization's greatest achievements came from...

...people who needed a shower,
...people who would today be considered clinically insane,
...people who beat their wives and children,
...people who thought nothing of murder,
...people who used religion to enrich themselves,
How odd you say that ....when some of human civilization's greatest achievements came from religious people. In fact, virtually all of human civilization was built by religious people and societies. Can you say the same about any atheistic people or societies?

Baron Max

Max, are you senile or something? I already cited the USA and China as secular societies.
How odd you say that ....when some of human civilization's greatest achievements came from religious people. In fact, virtually all of human civilization was built by religious people and societies. Can you say the same about any atheistic people or societies?

Baron Max

Odd you used the word "some" instead of "most". Not a very strong statement the way you put it.

Especially weak considering the short time period in which it was safe to be non-religious. You crazy people used to kill us for being vocal about our lack of superstition. That sort of emotional duress means that even your "some" sample size is tainted. We can't know how many of those people would have not been sane atheists were it not for the bullying.

You may as well claim that some of the great achievements in history have been made by people with two arms.

P.S. We can read your name at the top of all your posts.
Max, ...? I already cited the USA and China as secular societies.

Don't know much about China's history, but the USA was built/designed by religious people. Religion was a major part of USA society in the early days, and it's still a driving force in the society. To deny it is pretty foolish.

Baron Max
Actually more people were deist than xian, in regards to early American history there was a wide skepticism regarding any institution that tried to rob people of freedom. look at the fight Thomas Jefferson had with the church, he ended up writing his own version of the Bible, where he took out all the bits that he thought were bullshit.

I suppose my point is, early Americans were much more skeptical and gave careful consideration to things that today we've seemingly forgotten about. I do it too. I said to my Japanese friend, $6000 for a driving liscence!?! Shit, in the USA it's free. She said, no you pay twice as much in tax as we do and so you are paying for it, probably even more. I hadn't thought about it really. We get used to thinking some things, and assume we're thinking correctly about them.
Don't know much about China's history, but the USA was built/designed by religious people. Religion was a major part of USA society in the early days, and it's still a driving force in the society. To deny it is pretty foolish.

Baron Max

Completely false. Our founding fathers were the most secular men of their day. Their language and homage to "god" was a literary florish. Look at their private writings and they expressed their fear and dread of superstitious people like you.

Check out a book called "2000 Years of Disbelief" if you want to read the direct quotes of the great doubters throughout history. Or not, if you want to keep spouting non-truths the way SAM does.

The choice is between your dogma and the truth. Brainwashing and reality.
Completely false. Our founding fathers were the most secular men of their day. Their language and homage to "god" was a literary florish.

I didn't say one word about "the founding fathers". What I said was "..., but the USA was built/designed by religious people. Religion was a major part of USA society in the early days, and it's still a driving force in the society. To deny it is pretty foolish."

... Look at their private writings and they expressed their fear and dread of superstitious people like you.
Check out a book called "2000 Years of Disbelief" if you want to read the direct quotes of the great doubters throughout history. ....

The people who built this great nation were too busy working to write some garbage for a book! They were building the nation ...not pussies with a pen and ink!

Baron Max
Anyone can go carve out a farm in pastoral land. what made the USA great were those pussies with the pen and ink.
Anyone can go carve out a farm in pastoral land.

Railroads, highways, factories, mines, automaking, airplane construction, ship building, houses, office buildings, utility construction, lumber mills, lumber cutting, telephone/electric transmission lines, ..., geez, it just goes on and on, don't it.

what made the USA great were those pussies with the pen and ink.

Yeah, sure ....and they won World Wars I and II using those pens in ink, didn't they?

Baron Max
Anyone can go carve out a farm in pastoral land. what made the USA great were those pussies with the pen and ink.

I agree. Except they weren't pussies. They were defying the most powerful empire in the world. They pushed the limits of freedom further, in one step, than has ever happened at any other time in human history.

Baron Max's brain has turned to rubbish. When I spent more time here two years ago I used to respect his opinions. Now he is just another LG or SAM, trolling in every thread.
Originally Posted by Michael
"Anyone can go carve out a farm in pastoral land. what made the USA great were those pussies with the pen and ink."

I agree. Except they weren't pussies. They were defying the most powerful empire in the world. They pushed the limits of freedom further, in one step, than has ever happened at any other time in human history.

And they did all that with just a pen and some ink? No hard, rough men using weapons or anything? ...just pen and ink beat the British and won American independence? No weapons, no battles, no cannons, no hard, rough men fighting the British? The British saw a few words on paper and gave up?

Baron Max
The fact that you think believing in God makes you gullible and needy makes you a threat to free thought.

Sorry, but I doubt you came up with the ideas you hold by yourself. I suspect you wer fed them. I was raised christian myself, but saw through the bullshit.

So, like I said, you are either too needy to abandon your beliefs, or too gullible to see through what you've been sold.

Let me put it simply; If you were right, you'd be part of a single religion. There are many religions because it's all just opinion. Holding that opinion does not imply you have free thought. Questioning people that sell you their opinion does.
Don't know much about China's history, but the USA was built/designed by religious people. Religion was a major part of USA society in the early days, and it's still a driving force in the society. To deny it is pretty foolish.

Baron Max

To deny that the US constitution mandates a separation of church and state is foolish Max. The USA is a secular society. I know you rogues like to tell lies and say America was founded on Christian principles, but that I'm afraid, is a downright lie.
To deny that the US constitution mandates a separation of church and state is foolish Max.

Yes, a separation of church and STATE ...but not a separation of church and the people! Big fuckin' difference.

The USA is a secular society. I know you rogues like to tell lies and say America was founded on Christian principles, but that I'm afraid, is a downright lie.

Isn't there a little blurb in the Constitution about "...we are endowed by the Creator...." (or something like that)? A lie? A downright lie?

A secular society? No, I don't think so. They might have said it, but that didn't make it true. The church and belief in God was a powerful force in the early days of the USA, and did much to further the advancement of society and economic progress. Without the basics of religious teachings, it's doubtful that the USA could have survived as a nation.

Even if you don't believe in God or in religion, you should still give it the due it deserves. You might not like guns and war, but you should at least acknowledge that guns and war is what brought about many great changes for the good in human society. It's no different.

Baron Max
Yes, a separation of church and STATE ...but not a separation of church and the people! Big fuckin' difference.

The USA is a political entity Max. It is not a religious entity.

Isn't there a little blurb in the Constitution about "...we are endowed by the Creator...." (or something like that)? A lie? A downright lie?

The only lie is your statement Max. The words 'God' and 'Creator' do not appear in the constitution. A quick google could have saved you there.

A secular society? No, I don't think so. They might have said it, but that didn't make it true.

It's the 1st amendment Max. Do you not know, or uphold the very constitution that makes America what is is? Are you a fucking commie, Max?

The church and belief in God was a powerful force in the early days of the USA, and did much to further the advancement of society and economic progress. Without the basics of religious teachings, it's doubtful that the USA could have survived as a nation.

I refer you again to the 1st amendment.