Simple Test for the quran

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Randolfo said:
I'm a zealot, what do you want from me? a kiss on your hand or your ring finger, showing subservience? not even in your dreams!

I want you to behave with decency. I want you to give you religion a good name.

Randolfo said:
"son of Mary" is a total islamic term, while correct physically,...

Tell that to the catholics.

Randolfo said:
Jesus was never known by that name to His followers, He was referred to as the Son of God, the WORD of GOD, Son of Man, Prince of Peace, Alpha & Omega, the Lamb, the Lion of Judah.

The word of God is a correct naming i guess. The son of God is a crime against the good man -peace be upon him.

Randolfo said:
No Christian knows this Maryam,...

You are wrong! All the arab christians call Mary, Maryam. ;)

Randolfo said:
who according to the quran is both the mother of Jesus & Moses' sister? wrong times, wrong people =false book
now everyone should know that Jesus & Mary (his mother) would have lived about 2,000 years ago, right? can we agree on that? so, when did Miriam live?

You have not been reading. Simply put, and as stated before; Surrender is my brother although we don't have the same parents.

Randolfo said:
you're right, but I didn't want everyone to think I was conceded, by telling you I was your 'superior', my child

How old are you??

path said:
Here is something that confuses me somewhat why doesn't god speak of himself in the first person?

To be precise. In this verse it is written:"SAY..." A command in the first person.

Randolfo said:
the quran, many cooks in the pot, many hands in the making, read this:

As for the first article which discusses how clear or not the Quran is. It is Clear. I already told you about the order of the Surah's. See earlier posts.

The second by the German "scientist" is a childish attempt.

Here is a rebuttal.

I am sorry for giving this man's rebuttal It is quite deep so take your time when reading it. I want you to let it sink first, k? good boy.

Bruce Wayne, alas, it seems you have been fooled for a time. Please do not stoop to pride.

Is the Qur’an from God?

Inasmuch as the Qur’an declares itself to be a revelation from God, we have every right to examine this claim. If the book does not meet the standard that one has a right to expect from a document that claims to be from Heaven, it must be rejected as false, and its weaknesses should be exposed.

Geisler and Saleeb review eight lines of argument that are employed to demonstrate that the Qur’an is sacred. These may be summarized as follows:

1. The Qur’an’s unique literary style is such that it could have been authored only by God (10:37; 17:88).

2. Since Mohammed was an “unlettered Prophet,” he could not have produced the book himself (7:157).

3. The claim is made that the Qur’an is the only book that has been preserved in its “exact original form” (Haneef, 19).

4. The Qur’an is believed to contain prophecies that demonstrate its inspiration.

5. Its alleged unity, or lack of “discrepancy” (4:82), is supposed to argue for its divine origin.

6. The Qur’an is allegedly marked by a scientific accuracy and foreknowledge that can be explained only in terms of inspiration.

7. Supposedly the Qur’an is characterized by a mathematical precision based upon the number nineteen.

8. It is argued that the Qur’an has changed lives, thus it must be sacred (pp. 181-203).

When these arguments are critically examined they simply do not establish the case. For example: The Qur’an does not have a profound literary style. It is characterized by numerous grammatical aberrations. Moreover, as McClintock and Srong observed, “it is exceedingly incoherent and sententious, the book evidently being without any logical order of thought either as a whole or in its parts” (V.151).

The so-called “prophecies” are merely vague political speculations that do not even begin to rival biblical prophecy – either in precision or in chronological proximity to the events they supposedly depict (cf. 30:2-4). Scientific accuracy can hardly be claimed when the Qur’an suggests that the human fetus results from “sperm” that changes into “a clot of congealed blood,” which then becomes bones, later to be covered with flesh (23:14).

The Qur’an is morally flawed in numerous respects. For example, those who oppose Mohammed should be subjected to “execution [i.e., decapitation], or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hand and feet from opposite sides . . .” (5:36). Women are treated shamefully in the Moslem religion. If a woman is guilty of “ill-conduct,” she may be admonished, deprived of sex, or beaten – in moderation (4:34).
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Bruce Wayne said:
You are wrong! All the arab christians call Mary, Maryam.
and what is the name of Moses' sister? & are they the same or diff people? did they live at the same time period?

You have not been reading. Simply put, and as stated before; Surrender is my brother although we don't have the same parents.
I think you missed something, probably an answer to another post? here is what you responded to:
Originally Posted by Randolfo
who according to the quran is both the mother of Jesus & Moses' sister? wrong times, wrong people =false book
now everyone should know that Jesus & Mary (his mother) would have lived about 2,000 years ago, right? can we agree on that? so, when did Miriam live?

How old are you??
old enough
Bruce Wayne said:

The second by the German "scientist" is a childish attempt.

Here is a rebuttal.

I am sorry for giving this man's rebuttal It is quite deep so take your time when reading it. I want you to let it sink first, k? good boy.
can't be too deep, :D

'k' short for "kifir"?, 'good boy', sub for dog? man, your getting sneaky & devilish
Randolfo said:
and what is the name of Moses' sister? & are they the same or diff people? did they live at the same time period?

The sister is mentionned but not by name. At least as far as I know. She is not the same as Jesus' mother -peace be upon him.

The virgin Maryam did not have the same parents as Haaroun-peace be upon them both yet they were brother and sister. She came much later in the time of Zakara and Yahya (John?) -peace be upon them.

Randolfo said:
false prophet, false book, sorry old friends, all lies,

here's a simple test for your quran, if it is from God, why is it out of order?

why did men put it from largest sura to smallest sura order? why does it have Meccan & Medinan suras jumbled out of order? did allah not know what order he wanted to tell men his truth, by doing chronologically ordered suras?

I alfready answered this.

Randolfo said:
is allah absent-minded?


Randolfo said:
has he got too many things on his mind, to bother with a short & sweet refutation of the Bible? or Christians?

By his grace he made it a sport for us. He told us in the Qur'an that it was corrupt, that it was written by men that twist truth and are untruthful. This is in the bible too. And He made it easy for us to refute it on our own. You know, the wrong historic and scientific accounts (the flood covering the entire earth, Moses -peace be upon him- lookig over a flat earth...and much more).

How can you say we (the Jews) are wise and the law of the Lord is with us, when in fact the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie? (Jeremiah 8:8)

Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread) 3: verse 13:

"But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind."
The Truth.​

Even the old testament admits that to the Qur'an. Simply beautiful.

Randolfo said:
so pre-ocuppied, that he obviously forgets truth,

He Is truth.

Randolfo said:
history, physics

You have not given a example that withstood my refutations. I have given examples of the bibles mistakes but you were unable to react to them.

Randolfo said:
& the name that God said would be His Memorial Name forever? "YHWH",

What?? So you mean He is not called "Jesus", "Emmanuel", the "lion of Judah". :eek:

By the way again the Arab christian use the word Allah for God. :p

Randolfo said:
So, why is it out of order?

Sufficiently answered already. So i tseems I met your challenge. hehe! :cool:

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Bruce Wayne said:
To be precise. In this verse it is written:"SAY..." A command in the first person.


That is a reasonable explaination
No one answered my question, here it is again if you please "what is the deal with abrogation in the quran? Is it the case that certain verses cancel out others or not?"
path said:
No one answered my question, here it is again if you please "what is the deal with abrogation in the quran? Is it the case that certain verses cancel out others or not?"

What led you to that question?

§outh§tar said:
Bruce Wayne, alas, it seems you have been fooled for a time. Please do not stoop to pride.

There are matters one must feel pride in. Do you no feel proud you believe??

§outh§tar said:
Is the Qur’an from God?

Inasmuch as the Qur’an declares itself to be a revelation from God, we have every right to examine this claim.

You have the right to refuse it.

§outh§tar said:
If the book does not meet the standard that one has a right to expect from a document that claims to be from Heaven, it must be rejected as false, and its weaknesses should be exposed.

Do tell me what those standards are.

§outh§tar said:
Geisler and Saleeb review eight lines of argument that are employed to demonstrate that the Qur’an is sacred. These may be summarized as follows:

let's see.

§outh§tar said:
1. The Qur’an’s unique literary style is such that it could have been authored only by God (10:37; 17:88).


§outh§tar said:
2. Since Mohammed was an “unlettered Prophet,” he could not have produced the book himself (7:157).


§outh§tar said:
3. The claim is made that the Qur’an is the only book that has been preserved in its “exact original form” (Haneef, 19).

good. Althug it doesn't exactly say that. It says it will be perserved and protected.

§outh§tar said:
4. The Qur’an is believed to contain prophecies that demonstrate its inspiration.


§outh§tar said:
5. Its alleged unity, or lack of “discrepancy” (4:82), is supposed to argue for its divine origin.


§outh§tar said:
6. The Qur’an is allegedly marked by a scientific accuracy and foreknowledge that can be explained only in terms of inspiration.


§outh§tar said:
7. Supposedly the Qur’an is characterized by a mathematical precision based upon the number nineteen.

Now here your guy lets you down. This testifies that this man doesn't know the simplest thing about Islam. If he can come up with this, how can he be trusted to explain the arabic accuracy of the Qur'an?? The number 19 is a tenet of the belief of one of the sects just like those that rap about "wholeness". Not Islam

§outh§tar said:
8. It is argued that the Qur’an has changed lives, thus it must be sacred (pp. 181-203).

No that is not true. It has changed lives because uit is true. But other -less truthfool- books, such as the bible or faust, have changed lives too as do many others book that don't even set to change lives.

§outh§tar said:
When these arguments are critically examined they simply do not establish the case.

Are you saying the claims are not correct or that they do not suffice?

§outh§tar said:
For example: The Qur’an does not have a profound literary style. It is characterized by numerous grammatical aberrations.

Now your man fails you again. The Qur'an is the basis on which the Arab grammar is derived. You should not be fooled by this charlatan.

§outh§tar said:
Moreover, as McClintock and Srong observed, “it is exceedingly incoherent and sententious, the book evidently being without any logical order of thought either as a whole or in its parts” (V.151).

I already explained this to Randolfo and It makes sense and it is precise.

§outh§tar said:
The so-called “prophecies” are merely vague political speculations that do not even begin to rival biblical prophecy – either in precision or in chronological proximity to the events they supposedly depict (cf. 30:2-4).

That is a claim that I see no arguments for. Do try and read about it and post.
Also that prophecy was clearly accurate. It even has a nice thing in it. It says that the battle area is the "adna al-Ard". Adna in Arabic means nearest and lowest. Now it has been proven to be the lowest point on the earth surface. ;)

About the biblical prophecies. Wasn't Jesus -peace be upon him- suppose to come back before hios adepts could go through the cities of Israel.

§outh§tar said:
Scientific accuracy can hardly be claimed when the Qur’an suggests that the human fetus results from “sperm” that changes into “a clot of congealed blood,” which then becomes bones, later to be covered with flesh (23:14).

Specialized doctors seemed convinced it was true. Since I have not studied the matter before I will opt to go with them (after all, I am biased too)

And who may I ask, gives christians the right to speak about science. After all the mutilation of science the bible commits. Dude, If your house is made of glass, don't throw stones at the house of others.

§outh§tar said:
The Qur’an is morally flawed in numerous respects. For example, those who oppose Mohammed should be subjected to “execution [i.e., decapitation], or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hand and feet from opposite sides . . .” (5:36).

Now this is funny. And let this be a lesson to you, never trust blindly! I do however appreciate you precision, albeith it is not complete. The verse indicates that when they shall meet God. Those that do not believe will want to give all the earthly to be spared the eternal punishment.

The verse:

Al-Maeda (The Table, The table spread) 5: verse 36:

"As to those who reject Faith,- if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, it would never be accepted of them, theirs would be a grievous penalty. "

§outh§tar said:
Women are treated shamefully in the Moslem religion. If a woman is guilty of “ill-conduct,” she may be admonished, deprived of sex, or beaten – in moderation (4:34).

Again it is funny that a christan can come up with stuff like this. Beware that glass house. You are referring to matrimonal problem solving. It is a tad more complicated than what you think.

Shortly, Marriage is based on religion. If man and women are Muslim they will conductordingly. This solves problems such as adultery, finacilal matters, the raizing of childeren and the such..

Now basically there are many protocols to solve problems. Of which is the important mechanism of bringing in one of her family and one of his family. So they can help solve the problem. It is quite intricate. Islam even specifies that how the women should behave when the man is telling her about what happened at work, i.e; listen and raise his moral instead of berating him. And calls for affection and many of the like.

AL-Baqara (the Cow) 2: 187

"They (your wives) are your garment and you are a garment for them."
Basically a religious Muslim family will not easily run in trouble.

If you want more info on this I' ll be happy to oblige.

Now comes the verse. And this is why you should quote the verse (completely)

An-Nisa (The Women) 4:verse 34

"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all)."

So if your wife is cheating on you. You don't just beat her up as many would do. But you should talk to her first... God this faith is beautifull!!

Note also, that Islam desn't blame Eve for Adam's action. Also the relation of men and women are equal before God contrary to what the bible claims, i.e; that man was created for God and the women was created for the man.

I'll refrain from breaking your glass house. :cool:

Peace be upon you.
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Bruce Wayne said:
So if your wife is cheating on you. You don't just beat her up as many would do. But you should talk to her first... God this faith is beautifull!!

What is this beautiful faiths prescribed method for dealing with adultery?
Come on, it is a simple enough question, you said the quran is easy to understand and precise.
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