should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

Homos should not be permitted to adopt children. I don't see it as any different to allowing two, single hetero males to adopt a child. We don't allow that the law is applied equally to heteros and homos. That should make all you homos happy ...ya' got equal rights. Oops, but wait, you want MORE than equal rights, don't ya'!

Baron Max
Homos should not be permitted to adopt children. I don't see it as any different to allowing two, single hetero males to adopt a child. We don't allow that the law is applied equally to heteros and homos. That should make all you homos happy ...ya' got equal rights. Oops, but wait, you want MORE than equal rights, don't ya'!

Baron Max

Baron, I'm getting the impression that you are a homophobe. Say it aint so!!
Homosexuals should NOT be allowed to adopt. The kids end up totally screwed up. They should not be allowed to marry either. Marriage is between a man and woman. Not two people of the same sex. That's disgusting.

Homosexuality is a choice. A bad choice.

that's funny cause i've never met any one who would chose to have the abuse heaped on them by intolerant people like you. its not a choice that its a choice has been disproven by science and commonsense
Because despite all the liberal arguments that homosexuality is ok, it's not. Most Americans do not want homosexual marriage or any kind of special homo rights. They still think it's an abomination.

Kids have enough problems growing up. They don't need 2 Moms or 2 Dads in the same home.

acually most americans are for everyone having the same rights and there not special rights there same rights everyone is supposed to have
This was almost too retarded to even respond to. I have plenty of confidence. Homo is not ok. It's freakish. Supporting freedom does not mean giving queer freaks the same rights as normal, decent Americans. I am not homophobic. I have no fear of them. Just disgust. That entire post was completely ridiculous.:rolleyes:

And there is plenty of evidence that Americans do NOT want homo marriage. We've voted it down plenty of times. The freaks on the east coast keep sneaking it through.:(

your a bigot this is not my opinion its just the truth i suggest you go for theropy
I never called you a freak. I never called you any names. I refer to homos as freaks because that's what they are.

We're not talking about dogs. We're talking about human beings. Big diff.:rolleyes:

I am not a sock puppet or hate monger. I know what is right and I obey the law. I do not do anything that God calls an abomination.

i call bulls**t you are a hate-monger
I think you're wrong about Sandy. And one thing that you seem to be missing is that she, like many people, don't hate the person, but the acts that that person does by choice, voluntarily.

Just a guy walking down the street is nothing to hate or fear or anything else ....but when he publically acknowledges his desires for homosexuality, he becomes something to be disgusted with, perhaps to hate.

See? You're trying to make the connection to the person's desires, his feelings, and the acts that he willingly does with another man. As you might guess, there are many persons in the world who "might" be murderers, but until they actually murder someone, we don't konw it, so we might even like the guy! Big difference between feelings, desires, and giving in to those feelings and desires.

I don't think Sandy hates the person, I think she, like most people, hate the acts of homosexuals. And that, the acts, are their choice ...which they willingly make!

Baron Max

homosexuality is not a choice
No. I vote for Bush because I know him. I know he is Christian, honest, decent, wise, of good character/integrity, incorruptable, funny, generous, and one of the most amazing men I have ever met. I also met other politicians including Kerry who gave me the creeps and Edwards who is nice as Bambi.

can i have some of what your smoking cause you clearly have the good stuff
So he has some misspeaks. No one said he was a rocket scientist. At least he didn't call our troops stupid like sKerry did.:mad: Or say "I did not have relations with that woman" like Clinton did. But Clinton did admit "Character doesn't matter." :rolleyes:

kerry never called the troops stupid
Bush's IQ is higher than you think. He had a better GPA than your elitist sKerry. Intellectualism doesn't make anyone a better president. 'Too smart' or the impression of too smart makes them unable to connect with the common folk.

Bush has had to deal with the deepest wound this country has ever suffered--muslims attacking us 911. He handled it perfectly.

He is an awesome man and better president. History will mirror that.:)

hiding in the deepest hole he could find is handling perfectly good you have some low standerds for the man
So you have to create 8(!!) posts to respond to my comments:confused: :rolleyes:

“Education” Kerry said “– if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.
So you have to create 8(!!) posts to respond to my comments:confused: :rolleyes:

“Education” Kerry said “– if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.

well yeah it took that many i don't like bigots and intolrence i feisty when i see it the heritage foundation is biased toward conservatives. you relieaze 40% of the lowest ranks of the milatary live below the powevery line right. its power and more urban people who are in iraq why cause there are alot of guardsmen their who have alot of people in there to get money to pay for college
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homosexuality is not a choice

Perhaps not, but acting on those desires is a choice.

Many people say that murderers and child molesters are born that way, too, but we don't like them acting on those desires/impulses either.

I, myself, for example, would love nothing better than to blow my neighbors brains out, but ya' know, I control those urges, as difficult as it might be.

Baron Max