should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

No, i could tollerate them if they shut up and stoped shouting for more rights,
heck they will want their own country next.
That is a reasoned and measured reply. It merits the same in response.
They merely ask that they be accorded the same rights as everyone else, including right wing bigots, evolutionists, creationists, Republicans, university professors, road sweepers, and actors.
If you are not accorded the same rights, is it not just to shout for them?
Shouting got women the vote. Do you think that was a bad idea?
They merely ask that they be accorded the same rights as everyone else, ...

No, gays want SPECIAL rights! As the laws now exist, it's extremely difficult if not impossible, for a young male to adopt kids. It's almost unheard of for two young hetero males living together to adopt kids. Gay males have exactly the same rights as hetero males ......but, see, gays want SPECIAL rights above and beyond that of normal males. Why can't you see that?

Baron Max
No, gays want SPECIAL rights! As the laws now exist, it's extremely difficult if not impossible, for a young male to adopt kids. It's almost unheard of for two young hetero males living together to adopt kids. Gay males have exactly the same rights as hetero males ......but, see, gays want SPECIAL rights above and beyond that of normal males. Why can't you see that?

Baron Max

Then by your logic a male and female couple have SPECIAL rights over everybody else. Correct?
Then by your logic a male and female couple have SPECIAL rights over everybody else. Correct?

No, they have the rights to marry if they're of the legal age. They've earned the right by being old enough, and be being paired as male and female. Males can't marry sheep or goats; females can't marry donkeys. See? There are certain requirements for all most any of our "rights". It's just like the rights to use public restrooms use the men's room, women use the women's room. Surely you don't call that special rights, do you?

Baron Max
They've earned the right by being old enough, and be being paired as male and female.

Baron Max

Male and female, that is the only pairing allowed to adopt children according to Baron Max. Special rights indeed.

Why bring non human animals into this debate?
M*W: I've never heard of a gay couple with adopted kids not be excellent parents. I know several.

Babies are often born to couples who don't know a rat's ass about taking care of their children. That's legal.

A gay couple is more prepared for parenthood, because they've put a lot of thought into it. Those kids are truly lucky to get those parents. They are richly desired. Even the best natural parents mean well but oftentimes don't have the time to give their children due to work commitments or older children. I'm all for gay parents. What's so wrong with two Mommys or two Daddys? It's the love and nurturing that counts.
No, they have the rights to marry if they're of the legal age. They've earned the right by being old enough, and be being paired as male and female. Males can't marry sheep or goats; females can't marry donkeys. See? There are certain requirements for all most any of our "rights". It's just like the rights to use public restrooms use the men's room, women use the women's room. Surely you don't call that special rights, do you?

Baron Max

Yes...and once upon a time "colored people" used the "colored restrooms". I'm sure you don't support that system even though it could also be justified under the "there are certain requirements for most any of our rights" line of argument.

There used to be laws that prohibited black people from marrying (each other), as well as laws prohibiting interracial marriages. Those were in the category of "certain requirements needed to exercise a right" once upon a time. America realized those requirements were hateful and unfair, and those laws were abolished. How is using sexual orientation and gender substantively any different from using race as a "requirement" in this context?
Priest can adopt children???? I don't think so ...and certainly not in the USA. Would you show me some examples or the law which states that?

Baron Max

Gawd- why wouldn't priests be allowed to adopt children? Anne Coulter wrote a very bigoted essay titled "SHOULD GAY PRIESTS ADOPT?" It's really less about priests adopting and more about her ridiculous belief system. But if you must have examples...
The Rev. George Clements does more than preach. He puts his words into action.In 1981, Clements became the first Catholic priest to adopt a child. He later adopted three more boys and founded One Church-One Child, a program dedicated to finding adoptive parents for homeless black and biracial children.
That is a reasoned and measured reply. It merits the same in response.
They merely ask that they be accorded the same rights as everyone else, including right wing bigots, evolutionists, creationists, Republicans, university professors, road sweepers, and actors.
If you are not accorded the same rights, is it not just to shout for them?
Shouting got women the vote. Do you think that was a bad idea?

No, as Baron said these people want special rights, they want to turn the world upside down.
But may be we should let them, eventually the gay population may die out.
No, as Baron said these people want special rights, they want to turn the world upside down.
But may be we should let them, eventually the gay population may die out.

how can the gay population die out when they all want to adopt children, if they adopt children surely we will have more gay people! (just a Thought)
So you have to create 8(!!) posts to respond to my comments:confused: :rolleyes:

“Education” Kerry said “– if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.

So what happened in Bush's case? I suspect brain damage due to alcoholism.
Why do these people even call themselves GAY, gay still means happy to me.
Is it just a psychological trick to gain acceptance in the community?

Maybe we are cruel around here, but we still call homosexuals bum bandits,
and eye them with suspicion.

I can only think that them getting married is another psychological trick to
garner their acceptance in the community.

There is no reason why they shouldn't be accepted, and they certainly are in many communities. You are cruel and immoral.
Why do these people even call themselves GAY, gay still means happy to me.
Is it just a psychological trick to gain acceptance in the community?

Maybe we are cruel around here, but we still call homosexuals bum bandits,
and eye them with suspicion.

I can only think that them getting married is another psychological trick to
garner their acceptance in the community.

Yes, it is all a conspiracy against you. In fact it is the goal of all gay and lesbian people to just irritate you.


See that beautiful thing? There are more important things going on on that blue sphere to crusade against. Trust me.
There is no reason why they shouldn't be accepted, and they certainly are in many communities. You are cruel and immoral.

You may think so, i have only had two experiances with gays.

One where this guy tried to chat me up, to start with i told him i was not interested, in the end i had to tell him to p___ off.

Another where i started what i thought was an online relationship with a nice sounding woman, only after two months being told the woman was a gay.

So my experiance tells me gays are not nice passive people just doing there thing between them selfs, they are intrusive and sly .
You may think so, i have only had two experiances with gays.

One where this guy tried to chat me up, to start with i told him i was not interested, in the end i had to tell him to p___ off.
I am willing to bet that he wasn't gay, but was rather somebody who enjoys annoying people.

Another where i started what i thought was an online relationship with a nice sounding woman, only after two months being told the woman was a gay.
I've used that excuse before. It gets guys to leave me alone

So my experiance tells me gays are not nice passive people just doing there thing between them selfs, they are intrusive and sly .
Your experience is incredibly limited. Gay people have the same variety as straight people. If you have any amount of friends and acquaintances in the "real world" you know gay people. They are just intelligent enough not to tell you.