should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

But natural, so how can it be a perversion?

You and some others say it's natural, that doesn't make it so. I for one think that it's influenced at a young age by some/many various factors. I.e., it's a learned behavior, and one that for which they have a choice.

Baron Max
You and some others say it's natural, that doesn't make it so. I for one think that it's influenced at a young age by some/many various factors. I.e., it's a learned behavior, and one that for which they have a choice.
Baron Max

So it's taught to animals as well by... by... give me clue here.
So it's taught to animals as well by... by... give me clue here.

By other animals' behavior, of course.

What? Did you think that homosexuality just sprang forth from the womb one day? ...and all of the other animals thought it was cute, so they approved of it? ...LOL!

Baron Max
By other animals' behavior, of course.

What? Did you think that homosexuality just sprang forth from the womb one day? ...and all of the other animals thought it was cute, so they approved of it? ...LOL!

Baron Max

So how did the first homosexual animal become homosexual?
Notice how disgusted you get when the subject of pedophilia is raised? Yet you can't see how others can be disgusted by the actions of gays and lezzies? Why is that?
You know... firstly, I am saddened by sexual abuse. You demonstrate no substantial understanding of sexual abuse or the victims of sexual abuse. You also demonstrate no substantial understanding of consent. I am disgusted by people who are fascinated by it and who use the suffering of others to validate their own flawed claims.

And as I've said before, the only thing that makes a pedophile a pedophile is the laws of consent. All we have to do is lower the age of consent, like the gays want to change laws which affect them, then a pedophile would not be a pedophile. See? It's just changing a law ...which is exactly what the gays want to do. You support one, but not the other? Why are you so discriminatory?
Please stop trying to derail a reasonable conversation with more flawed arguments. The world does not revolve around flawed arguements or your probable homophobia.

Their lifestyle would subject the kids to undue psychological harm if from no other source than the harsh teasing at school. And please don't give me the bullshit about the other kids being "wrong" or whatever doesn't matter! If the kids will be subject to such mental abuse, then it's unfair to allow a child into that environment if we can help it ...and we can help it.
I have a few websites for you... and and . Find me a study on how it is psychologically detrimental to children. Find me an expert. Anything. Find some evidence that your domino affect theory works. Seriously- I keep saying that I could argue this better. There are studies on the children of homosexuals. LOOK THEM UP.

And- you know what, I was bullied during grade school because I had a lisp and coke bottle glasses. My parents were straight. It was the responsibility of the adults in my life to stop the bullying. Or maybe we should make laws against allowing children with lisps and high strength glasses from going to school.

And by the way, have you noted the rules of the forum about personal attacks? If not, please check it out before you respond to this post.
Then report me. I do not recall making any personal attacks, but rather attempting to question the validity of your argument and your need to reuse the same flawed argument on two threads. Have you read the rules about using valid arguments?

And you, dear sir, have been attacking gays and lesbians and comparing them to child molesters.
You know... firstly, I am saddened by sexual abuse. You demonstrate no substantial understanding of sexual abuse or the victims of sexual abuse.

Why do you automatically associate pedophilia with abuse? Why do you not give any consideration for love and kindness and attraction ...and all the other emotions associated with "love"?

Please stop trying to derail a reasonable conversation with more flawed arguments.

I would if I could think of another issue that points out the inherent special interests of gays that's as equally disgusting. If you can think of one, please enlighten me.

It was the responsibility of the adults in my life to stop the bullying.

So is that to say that you think adults should be with kids 24/7? Protecting them from anything and everything? Until they reach the age of consent?

How can a kid learn anything about taking care of himself if he's constantly sheltered from the hazards of life?

And you, dear sir, have been attacking gays and lesbians and comparing them to child molesters.

No, I've been showing that to allow special-interest groups to demand that laws be changed isn't always such a good idea. And you hatred of pedos is a good sign that it's worked. You don't want pedos to be allowed to change the laws, yet you seem perfectly happy to let gays have whatever they want. Why?

Maybe I could change it some ....Let's say that we allow big oil companies to change or make the laws about oil. Would you like that? Or say we have the food industry to change or make the laws about food in the USA? Is that good? I'll bet they could present as good a case for it as the gays can about changing the "gay laws". So ...why are you okay with one, but not the other?

There are studies on the children of homosexuals.

How many such kids can there possibly be in the USA??? Two? Five? Those studies prove nothing, or at the least, very fuckin' little.

Baron Max
Baron Max,
You the people also refuse to take care of them.

Pedophiles can't be trusted to be fair with kids. Drug addicts can't be trusted to be in their right mind all the time. Single men... Why not?

Nothing in the definition of gay declares them less capable of taking care of kids. It has little to do with feelings.
Baron Max, You the people also refuse to take care of them.

No, "we, the people" do, in fact, try to care for the kids. It's a daunting task because so many people consider kids as throw-away objects! And note that for that very reason, we should be careful who we allow to adopt the abandoned kids ...are they another couple/person who considers the kids throw-away objects? And how are we to know?

We, the people, do background checks in order to try to weed out the bad guys from the good guys ...which is no easy task! Drug addicts, prostitutes, pedophiles and other such examples are labeled as "risky" for adoption. Another one that's labeled "risky" is overly devote religious freaks. And, yes, another one is "gay". Why should we take the chance? Just to get rid of the kid? Just to take him off the roles of public care? Just ...throw him away towards someone else and wash our hands of him? No, I don't think so.

Pedophiles can't be trusted to be fair with kids.

Many, if not most, pedophiles have warm, loving families with children who are happy, cared for, loved and the pedophile would never, ever, harm or even be sexually attracted to his own child. So you see, pedophiles might actually make damned good foster parents or adoption parents.

Nothing in the definition of gay declares them less capable of taking care of kids.

But there's usually no "track record" of performance as a family, as parents. In exactly the same way as single people aren't good choices for adopting children ...they have no solid track record. Should we just use the kids as gambling chips ...just throw the kid to anyone who wants him, and take the gamble that everything will be fine?

No, gays, single people, prostitutes, and such are NOT good choices as adoption parents. Pedophiles are actually better choices!!

Baron Max
Many, if not most, pedophiles have warm, loving families with children who are happy, cared for, loved and the pedophile would never, ever, harm or even be sexually attracted to his own child. So you see, pedophiles might actually make damned good foster parents or adoption parents.

No, gays, single people, prostitutes, and such are NOT good choices as adoption parents. Pedophiles are actually better choices!!

Baron Max
It is estimated that at least two out of every ten girls and one out of every ten boys are sexually abused by the end of their 13th year. To protect all children, we first need to learn the facts.

Did you know that most children who are sexually abused, are abused by a family member or close friend? Did you know that "stranger danger," by comparison, is quite rare?

Are you for real?:bugeye:

Well, then that just shows that we should not allow kids to be adopted by ANYONE, EVER, NEVER!! It also indicates that we probalby should take all kids away from their birth parents 27 seconds after birth.

Thanks, Sam, I knew that you could find some link somewhere, that would settle this foolishness about allowing gays to adopt kids!

As for being "real"? No, Sam, I'm a figment of your vivid and hateful and vengeful imagination.

Baron Max
Ok well, im not about to sit here and read 12 pages but I will give an example in support of gay couples adopting.

One of my friends of the family, who is gay in a relationship and has been for nearly 40 years, adopted at kid. Due to the laws at the time, the adoption agency did not know of his sexual orientation or relationship status. As far as they knew, he was a single white male who made a good living. The child (a boy, we'll call him "Jake") was just over 1 year old at the time of adoption. Today that same kid is now a 31 year old man who, like is father, became a well respected, good hearted man. He is one of my closest friends. However UNLIKE his parents, he is a STRAIGHT man, now married with a second child on the way. If you did not know he was from a same-sex family, you would never guess because you can't tell. I've known "Jake" for most of my life back to my childhood and can tell you first hand that his bringing up in a same-sex home had little, if no effect at all on his childhood or adulthood. He's always known that he was attracted to the opposite sex and has always been comfortable with the fact that he has two fathers. There's alot less confusion that one may think.

So for those of you that being raised in a same sex home can make a child gay or have issues later on in life, please explain this case.