should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

Bush's IQ is higher than you think. He had a better GPA than your elitist sKerry. Intellectualism doesn't make anyone a better president. 'Too smart' or the impression of too smart makes them unable to connect with the common folk.

Bush has had to deal with the deepest wound this country has ever suffered--muslims attacking us 911. He handled it perfectly.

He is an awesome man and better president. History will mirror that.:)

And what has this got to do with gay couples adopting kids? Are Bush and Cheney thinking of adopting?
Evil muslim terrorists hijacking OUR planes and crashing them into OUR skyscrapers killing thousands and injuring more was horrendous. We still haven't recovered. That wound is still gaping. :mad:

We're not at war with ourself. We just have stupid liberals who don't get the whole war on terror. They think it should be a law enforcement issue.:mad:
Evil muslim terrorists hijacking OUR planes and crashing them into OUR skyscrapers killing thousands and injuring more was horrendous. We still haven't recovered. That wound is still gaping. :mad:

We're not at war with ourself. We just have stupid liberals who don't get the whole war on terror. They think it should be a law enforcement issue.:mad:

And what the fuck has this got to do with gay couples adopting kids??
Bush has had to deal with the deepest wound this country has ever suffered--muslims attacking us 911.
One point of information. You were attacked by international terrorists who claim to be muslims, yet whose actions fly in the face of the principles of Islam.

Now as to 911 being the deepest wound, that seems to be something of a slap in the face for the 50,000 young Americans who died in Vietnam; the dead at Pearl Harbour (a day that clearly hasn't lived in infamy for you); or patriots who died in violent revolution against British rule.
Oh for God's sake, get real. These were devout muslims who were praising allah until they crashed and burned. Get a freakin clue.:mad:
Bush has had to deal with the deepest wound this country has ever suffered--muslims attacking us 911. He handled it perfectly.

Yeah, reading 'My Little Goat' and making war with two countries that weren't Saudi Arabia, where all but two of the hijackers came from.

Also, he ceased the strikes against Taliban camps in Afghanistan allowing them to regroup.
Evil muslim terrorists hijacking OUR planes and crashing them into OUR skyscrapers killing thousands and injuring more was horrendous. We still haven't recovered. That wound is still gaping. :mad:
Who hasn't recovered? I was fine later on the day it happened(btw, we bombed two COUNTRIES, I think that should be revenge enough).

We're not at war with ourself. We just have stupid liberals who don't get the whole war on terror. They think it should be a law enforcement issue.:mad:

Well...first of all, terrorism IS a law enforcement issue. At least in the only form it can do any major damage in America it is. Also...nevermind.
Originally Posted by kenworth
a choice?
can you consciously decide that you are going to start being attracted to mexican people? ”

“ Originally Posted by sandy
When hell freezes over. ”

“ Originally Posted by kenworth
so you would say that your sexual preference is pretty hardwired?
could you change who you found attractive by will power? ”

“ Originally Posted by sandy
My sexual preference is for the opposite sex because I am normal. I haven't chosen to be a freak. ”

“ Originally Posted by kenworth
but within the opposite sex do you think you could change your preference? ”

“ Originally Posted by sandy
You mean could I change my attraction to dark/graying-haired, tall, slender guys into an attraction to fat, bald, short guys? Um, no. ”

“ Originally Posted by kenworth
can you see how the same thing might apply to people who find members of the same sex attractive?

and that to a gay man having sex with a woman would be as unappealing as having sex with a woman is to you? ”

“ Originally Posted by sandy
You're exactly right Baron and you are one of the few here who really get it. I don't hate the person. I think what they've chosen is despicable but I don't hate them.

can you please address my line of reasoning?
Oh for God's sake, get real. These were devout muslims who were praising allah until they crashed and burned. Get a freakin clue.:mad:
I see. So if I claim to be a Christian, go out and murder twenty three people, then those murders have been carried out by a Christian? An interesting concept, but one that is logically flawed.
Please feel free to hate anyone you wish. Feel free to stereotype religions, classes, ethnicities. Go for it. But please don't try to pretend that is anything but deep prejudice powered by gross ignorance.

I notice you had absolutely no response to my remarks on the depth of the wound.
You EXPECT death in war. You don't expect it while minding your own business at work. How you could defend these scum is beyond my comprehension.:mad:

Fred Phelps is a freakshow. No one claims him. Not even the satanists.:rolleyes:
Ophiolite said:
I see. So if I claim to be a Christian, go out and murder twenty three people, then those murders have been carried out by a Christian?

sandy said:
You EXPECT death in war.

So if 23 self-proclaimed christians attacked Tehran it would be legitimate for Iran to start a war on the US?
Or would Bush and co disown them and ask for a law-enforcement investigation and response?
You EXPECT death in war. You don't expect it while minding your own business at work. How you could defend these scum is beyond my comprehension.:mad:
could you take the time to identify where I have defended the 911 terrorists? I have, in fact, done quite the reverse. I have condemned these terrorists for wrapping themselves, unjustly, in the cloak of Islam.
Expect death in war? I guess Gaddafi's daughter wasn't expecting the bomb that US warplanes dropped on her in the 1980s. Perhaps you feel America was at war with Libya at the time. I don't recall any declaration to that effect. Feel free to enlighten me.

I likely won't be able to respond to any reply you may make in the next day or two. That doesn't mean that you have driven me off. (Fat chance.:p )
Fred Phelps is a freakshow. No one claims him. Not even the satanists.:rolleyes:

He shares your views about homosexuals, and he also claims to be a Christian, like yourself.

Anyways, moving back to the subject. I thikn gay people have as much right to adopt as straight people. Why? Because there is NO evidence to suggest that children raised by a gay couples suffer any more than children raised by a straight couples.
Anyways, moving back to the subject. I thikn gay people have as much right to adopt as straight people. Why? Because there is NO evidence to suggest that children raised by a gay couples suffer any more than children raised by a straight couples.

Do you also think incestuous couples, say father and daughter, should be allowed to adopt ....for the same reason that you've stated?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

Oh, geez, are you saying that being gay is not natural and normal? I got an infraction for saying that same thing!

Uh, Baron? How does the one lead to, well, your point?

Question: Are you doing this because you think it's somehow funny, or was that intended as a legitimate point?
You EXPECT death in war. You don't expect it while minding your own business at work. How you could defend these scum is beyond my comprehension.:mad:

Fred Phelps is a freakshow. No one claims him. Not even the satanists.:rolleyes:

oi, answer my question.
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Evil muslim terrorists hijacking OUR planes and crashing them into OUR skyscrapers killing thousands and injuring more was horrendous. We still haven't recovered. That wound is still gaping. :mad:

We're not at war with ourself. We just have stupid liberals who don't get the whole war on terror. They think it should be a law enforcement issue.:mad:

still havent recovered? and i suppose iraq is going to recover just dandy is it?

bush is a war mongering tyrant, he has spilled more innocent blood than any terrorist attacking the usa in its entire history has.

sandy do you lack the listening skill? it seems you just spout a constant pile of bushism while not reading anybody elses posts,

its supposed to be a debate you know, your supposed to counter peoples arguments with your own arguments, your not supposed to just dissregard and push aside everything that is fired at you, and respond with the same broken recod shit.
