should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

gay people shouldent be allowed to have kids, neither should interracial couples.

only white straight people should be allowed to have kids,

Why do these people even call themselves GAY, gay still means happy to me.
Is it just a psychological trick to gain acceptance in the community?

Good question.
The correct, neutral term is "sodomites."
M*W: One in four children raised by heterosexual couples will end up gay.
Really? I can't seem to find any links to validate either statistic. I read in class several years ago that it's estimated at 1 in 10.

Good question.
The correct, neutral term is "sodomites."
Do you feel it is ok to use terms that are hateful? I believe Westboro Baptist Church also refers to homosexuals as "sodomites"- do you believe what they believe?
The people of Sodom:

Were uncharitable and abusive to strangers, the poor, sick, and disadvantaged. In that society, a person had a very strong obligation to protect any guests in their home. Many liberal Christians believe that this is the meaning behind the story of the destruction of Sodom. This belief has considerable support in the many other references to Sodom in the Bible and Jewish literature.

Wanted to humiliate their visitors by engaging in "an act of sexual degradation and male rape...These are acts of violence that are committed by parties seeking to show their hatred for those they are degrading. It is not an act of love or of caring" 1 Perhaps the sin of Sodom was the threat of mass rape.


Wanted to adsorb the power of the angels: In ancient times, sacred sex was very common. People would engage in sexual intercourse with temple prostitutes who represented a god or goddess. By doing so, the people believed that they would receive a blessing from the deity. If the people of Sodom realized that angels sent by God were present in their city, the men of Sodom may have concluded that raping the angels might give them supernatural powers. 2

Ok... so some of the people of Sodom engaged in homosexual behaviors. But I definately believe the other sins they committed were more major than consentual homosexuality, if that is actually a sin. How are you not a sodomite if you are being uncharitable and abusive to gay men who are strangers and often disadvantaged in our society?

Ezekeiel 16:49-50:"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."
[/url] How are you not a sodomite if you are being uncharitable and abusive to gay men who are strangers and often disadvantaged in our society?

A review of the definition of "sodomite" is relevant:

American Heritage Dictionary - sod·om·ite (sŏd'ə-mīt') Pronunciation Key
n. One who engages in sodomy.

WordNet -sodomite
someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)

Hey guys, i am a middle of the road guy, i do not shout my preferences over
the Internet , not intentionally any way, if the homos quieten down, i am sure
every one else will, it is not rocket science, the more a subject is debated the more polarised people will get.
Put it to the vote, as long as i retain the right to defend my ass with what ever force neccesary, i do not care
what you homos get up to, so long as you can prove in a court of law that you are not corrupting others to your ways.
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Really? I can't seem to find any links to validate either statistic. I read in class several years ago that it's estimated at 1 in 10.

M*W: I think that was a statistic I heard on TV a few years ago. I can't swear to it.

Also, I think your definition of 'sodomite' is true and correct. Sodomy is not about anal sex, it's about man's inhospitability to strangers i.e., as in the story of Lot's visitors. Unfortunately, christians have been misled to believe it is homosexual sex, but they are wrong.
Gay people shouldn't have kids, since they are incapable of having any.

But since someone keeps throwing kids away, why not give them to gay people? It's not like gay people are going to overpopulate everyone else. So if there are normal parents who refuse to be parents, why shouldn't responsible gay people take care of it?
But since someone keeps throwing kids away, why not give them to gay people?
Finally- a realistic view of adoption. It's not about politics, it's about give disadvantaged children stable homes. We are in desperate need of homes for these children

M*W: I think that was a statistic I heard on TV a few years ago. I can't swear to it.
Ok. I'll look into it further and see what I can dig up.

A review of the definition of "sodomite" is relevant:

American Heritage Dictionary - sod·om·ite (sŏd'ə-mīt') Pronunciation Key
n. One who engages in sodomy.

WordNet -sodomite
someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)

Sodomites were originally the people of Sodom. Dictionaries are often poor sources for word usage because it follows popular culture. The word Gay has been used since the 1920's- I am willing to guess "sodomite" is an older and more hateful word like "fagot" (which means a bundle of stick used to burn people at the stake).

Sodomites can refer to people who behave like the people of Sodom. Now, same gender sex was just *one* characteristic of the people of Sodom, and not really that important of one. The people of Sodom did much worse than have same gender sex. Did you know that parts of the bible refer to homosexuals in happy relationships? Often these parts are "sanitized" in translation.
Gay people shouldn't have kids, since they are incapable of having any.

If they want children, perhaps they should rethink their choices?!

But since someone keeps throwing kids away, why not give them to gay people? It's not like gay people are going to overpopulate everyone else. So if there are normal parents who refuse to be parents, why shouldn't responsible gay people take care of it?

Because "we, the people" don't want gays to have that much influence on our kids.

If you feel the way you claim, then would you also support giving the little kids to pedophiles, too? And drug addicts? And give little girls to single men?

No, I'm sure you wouldn't. But see, by not doing so, you're placing limits on where the children are placed. And that's no different to how most people feel about gays ...just different limits.

Baron Max
If they want children, perhaps they should rethink their choices?!

Because "we, the people" don't want gays to have that much influence on our kids.

If you feel the way you claim, then would you also support giving the little kids to pedophiles, too? And drug addicts? And give little girls to single men?

No, I'm sure you wouldn't. But see, by not doing so, you're placing limits on where the children are placed. And that's no different to how most people feel about gays ...just different limits.

Baron Max

Baron I'm getting the sense that you are just a troll. All of these arguments have been utterly demolished over and over again in this and the gay marriage thread and still you cling to them. Please re-read those threads to refresh your recollection as to why (i) homosexuality is not like pedophilia and (ii) there is *nothing* wrong with letting a single man adopt a little girl, so long as he wants to be a parent and demonstrates that he will provide her with a good home (which is the same standard a gay adoptive parent would have to meet, and the same standard a streight married couple would have to meet.

Granted, I would not allow *you,* as a single-man, to adopt a little girl, but mainly because you have a perverse facsination with pedophilia and your belief that pedophilia is only "bad" because the law says so, and not based on the intrinsic morality of having sex with small children.

As for the drug abuser point...drug abuse is not like homosexuality either. I could explain why, but if you don't see it yourself, then you are probably not smart enough to understand mt answer.

I don't think you really really are that stupid, because so few people in this world are as obtuse as you pretend to be. (At least, I *hope* it's a pretense, as I'd hate to think there was some mentally retarded guy perusing the sensitive topics often discussed on these boards.)
If they want children, perhaps they should rethink their choices?!

Like hetero couples who can't conceive? They should split up and find new, more fertile partners?

Because "we, the people" don't want gays to have that much influence on our kids.

Max, how to children become gay, if they are born to heterosexual parents? Are you asuming kids brought up by homosexuals will turn out gay?

If you feel the way you claim, then would you also support giving the little kids to pedophiles, too?

Ah, back on your favourite topic!

And give little girls to single men?

You wish.
Like hetero couples who can't conceive? They should split up and find new, more fertile partners?

They go through a lengthy, involved process to determine that issue. I think gays should have to go through the same process, don't you?

Max, how to children become gay, if they are born to heterosexual parents? Are you asuming kids brought up by homosexuals will turn out gay?

Unlike you and many others, I think homosexuality is influenced. I think it might be sometimes a natural curiosity, but if it's allowed to continue, then those influences just might sway the individual to become a homo ...not unlike bi-sexuals who see it as a way to have more sex!

You wish.

Ahh, so you, too, think there should be limits on adoption processes? See? It's just that your limits are different to mine that we're even having this little discussion. I think single, "dirty old men" should be permitted to adopt little girls ....but you don't think so?! Why? :D

Baron Max
If they want children, perhaps they should rethink their choices?!
Please do not derail this thread with another argument about how flawed your reasoning is.

Because "we, the people" don't want gays to have that much influence on our kids.
This is a personal opinion.

If you feel the way you claim, then would you also support giving the little kids to pedophiles, too?
Just stop. You either have a sick fascination with legalising child sexual abuse or you have a hamster like habit of doing the same thing over and over again with the expectation of different results.
And drug addicts?
Wow- a DIFFERENT argument. I'd give you a gold star if it wasn't so very flawed.
And give little girls to single men?
We do. Regularly actually. Why does giving a little girl to a single man insinuate that he would harm her? Oh- I forgot, this is *your* world where all men have pedophilic obsessions.

No, I'm sure you wouldn't. But see, by not doing so, you're placing limits on where the children are placed. And that's no different to how most people feel about gays ...just different limits.
No, we support preventing people who would abuse children from having children. You have yet to demonstrate in any meaningful manner that the children of gays and lesbians are less psychologically stable or are more likely to be subjected to abuse and neglect. Again, I could argue this better.
Just stop. You either have a sick fascination with legalising child sexual abuse or you have a hamster like habit of doing the same thing over and over again with the expectation of different results.

Notice how disgusted you get when the subject of pedophilia is raised? Yet you can't see how others can be disgusted by the actions of gays and lezzies? Why is that?

And as I've said before, the only thing that makes a pedophile a pedophile is the laws of consent. All we have to do is lower the age of consent, like the gays want to change laws which affect them, then a pedophile would not be a pedophile. See? It's just changing a law ...which is exactly what the gays want to do. You support one, but not the other? Why are you so discriminatory?

You have yet to demonstrate in any meaningful manner that the children of gays and lesbians are less psychologically stable or are more likely to be subjected to abuse and neglect.

Their lifestyle would subject the kids to undue psychological harm if from no other source than the harsh teasing at school. And please don't give me the bullshit about the other kids being "wrong" or whatever doesn't matter! If the kids will be subject to such mental abuse, then it's unfair to allow a child into that environment if we can help it ...and we can help it.

And by the way, have you noted the rules of the forum about personal attacks? If not, please check it out before you respond to this post.

Baron Max