should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

Oh, I know ye're going to come back with the tired ol' line of "consenting adults", but that's not addressing the issue of attraction, is it?

Consenting adults who are attracted to each other, yes, that nails the attraction part.

Nope. Nor does it address the human ability to resist his impulses and attractions.

Why should they resist if both parties are consenting? It's the Priests that molest choirboys that need to be able to resist, not consenting adults.
I never called you a freak. I never called you any names. I refer to homos as freaks because that's what they are.

We're not talking about dogs. We're talking about human beings. Big diff.:rolleyes:

I am not a sock puppet or hate monger. I know what is right and I obey the law. I do not do anything that God calls an abomination.

Again, same as the illegal immigration issue, the problem for you is cultural, not practical.
Consenting adults who are attracted to each other, yes, that nails the attraction part.

Why should they resist if both parties are consenting?

So, if we changed the laws so that 13-yr olds were consenting adults, you'd go along with some old fart talking her into consenting to having sex with him? I.e., it's only the law that makes it "wrong", isn't that correct? And so if your 13-yr old daughter wanted to have sex with a 40 yr old man, you'd be okay with that? You wouldn't ask her to resist her attraction at all?

Baron Max
So, if we changed the laws so that 13-yr olds were consenting adults, you'd go along with some old fart talking her into consenting to having sex with him? I.e., it's only the law that makes it "wrong", isn't that correct? And so if your 13-yr old daughter wanted to have sex with a 40 yr old man, you'd be okay with that? You wouldn't ask her to resist her attraction at all?

Baron Max

the law does not define right or wrong.

"I can see how men might be attracted to 12-13 year old girls, but when they act on those attractions, it's a big, big no-no, ain't it?

Oh, I know ye're going to come back with the tired ol' line of "consenting adults", but that's not addressing the issue of attraction, is it? Nope. Nor does it address the human ability to resist his impulses and attractions.

this has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.its just another one of your tenuous (tenous) connections,which make me almost physically sick.
the law does not define right or wrong.

Yes, it does! It defines how a society thinks and feels about "right n' wrong". Our society feels that homosexual marriage and adoption is wrong, thus, in our society, it's defined as wrong!

Baron Max
Let me share a story with you.

I was watching MSNBC one time, there was a piece on a guy who'd adopted a young girl. You see she needed a father, and while this gentlemen was all nicey-nice and stuff, they just kinda let him take her.. they never followed up really like they should've, and he basically raped her the first night she was there. He said "let me come into your bed for a minute" and things...

That makes it clear homos are probably better to care for kids than straight guys! Hell the fella raped her for years an years until she told her bf and by then she was 17 and he'd gotten the best outta her, he went to jail but she certainly won't be forgetting that.

Let the homos adopt'm!
Let me share a story with you.

I was watching MSNBC one time, there was a piece on a guy who'd adopted a young girl. You see she needed a father, and while this gentlemen was all nicey-nice and stuff, they just kinda let him take her.. they never followed up really like they should've, and he basically raped her the first night she was there. He said "let me come into your bed for a minute" and things...

That makes it clear homos are probably better to care for kids than straight guys! Hell the fella raped her for years an years until she told her bf and by then she was 17 and he'd gotten the best outta her, he went to jail but she certainly won't be forgetting that.

Let the homos adopt'm!

that was stupid.

Laws define "legal" and "illegal" not right or wrong.

But within that same society, those terms are basically the same. To think otherwise is to be entirely ego-centric ...i.e., not giving a shit about ones own society.

Baron Max
This was almost too retarded to even respond to. I have plenty of confidence. Homo is not ok. It's freakish. Supporting freedom does not mean giving queer freaks the same rights as normal, decent Americans. I am not homophobic. I have no fear of them. Just disgust.

"Homophobia" does not mean "fear of homosexuals" end of sentence. It means "Fear of or contempt for homosexuals." Based on your posts so far, I think you are homophobic in that you clearly feel contempt for homosexuals.

Not all phobias are "fears," especially outside the clinical context. "Xenophobia," for example, is the state of being fear or contemptuous of foreigners or foreign things. "Hydrophobia" is an alternate name for rabies.
"Homophobia" does not mean "fear of homosexuals" end of sentence. It means "Fear of or contempt for homosexuals." Based on your posts so far, I think you are homophobic in that you clearly feel contempt for homosexuals.

I think you're wrong about Sandy. And one thing that you seem to be missing is that she, like many people, don't hate the person, but the acts that that person does by choice, voluntarily.

Just a guy walking down the street is nothing to hate or fear or anything else ....but when he publically acknowledges his desires for homosexuality, he becomes something to be disgusted with, perhaps to hate.

See? You're trying to make the connection to the person's desires, his feelings, and the acts that he willingly does with another man. As you might guess, there are many persons in the world who "might" be murderers, but until they actually murder someone, we don't konw it, so we might even like the guy! Big difference between feelings, desires, and giving in to those feelings and desires.

I don't think Sandy hates the person, I think she, like most people, hate the acts of homosexuals. And that, the acts, are their choice ...which they willingly make!

Baron Max
You're exactly right Baron and you are one of the few here who really get it. I don't hate the person. I think what they've chosen is despicable but I don't hate them.

Liberals don't seem to understand this. They want to keep attacking CCR's and calling them bigots, racists, homophobes, etc...:mad:

Thanks for clarifying, Baron. You are a true gentleman.:)
I don't think Sandy hates the person, I think she, like most people, hate the acts of homosexuals. And that, the acts, are their choice ...which they willingly make!

Baron Max

So you think her referring to them as "perverted freaks" is not hateful?Link

sandy said:
You're exactly right Baron and you are one of the few here who really get it. I don't hate the person. I think what they've chosen is despicable but I don't hate them.

Liberals don't seem to understand this. They want to keep attacking CCR's and calling them bigots, racists, homophobes, etc...

Thanks for clarifying, Baron. You are a true gentleman.
Don't thank him too much. He also thinks that women should never have been given the right to vote. Ergo, he also considers you to be a second class citizen.
Maybe most women shouldn't vote. The ones who voted for Clinton because he was attractive/had nice hair made me sick. The ones who voted for Kerry/Edwards because they thought Edwards was cute make me sick. The ones who vote for someone for ANY other reason than they are the best for the job, shouldn't be able to vote. Ann Coulter said something about women not voting. This is part of what she meant. I have to agree.
Maybe most women shouldn't vote. The ones who voted for Clinton because he was attractive/had nice hair made me sick. The ones who voted for Kerry/Edwards because they thought Edwards was cute make me sick. The ones who vote for someone for ANY other reason than they are the best for the job, shouldn't be able to vote. Ann Coulter said something about women not voting. This is what she meant. I have to agree.


You would deny your fellow women the right to vote because they vote for the democrats based on their looks? But you vote for Bush because you he believes in god? I won't even bother to point out the hysterical irony of your argument.

I guess you're one of those who also believes in denying people of certain areas and races the right to vote because they are likely to vote the other way.

But surely you aren't saying that society should go against the new testament and the law to deny women the right to vote? After all, as Sam said, once it is taken from you, you may not find it that easy to get it back.
No. I vote for Bush because I know him. I know he is Christian, honest, decent, wise, of good character/integrity, incorruptable, funny, generous, and one of the most amazing men I have ever met. I also met other politicians including Kerry who gave me the creeps and Edwards who is nice as Bambi.
No. I vote for Bush because I know him. I know he is Christian, honest, decent, wise, of good character/integrity, incorruptable, funny, generous, and one of the most amazing men I have ever met. .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no freakin way was that just said. honest? decent? WISE? good character? incorruptable? amazing?

he is a christian and he is funny though.

