Scientific proof that God exists

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Help me to get the proof. Help yoursleves. I dont have proof because I never signed a contract and Yamauchi has n soul.....

he may have no soul but you have no working brain, working without a contract, what are you retarded?:confused:

Help you get proof? dude wake up...:(

maybe you should contact Yamauchi on an open forum and confront him there, just let us know so we can come and check out how you crash and burn :D
I can't wait for someone to get hold of this physics engine and use it to accurately predict everything that's going to happen in the universe.

seriously? :m:

It’s the physics engine on GT3 on playstation, and that’s going to predict the future… :shrug:

If the engine is so powerful, as soon as you stick the Game disk in the playstation, your playstation will fry and all you'll heve left is a ball of molten plastic :eek:

-edit- a PS3 has 515mb ram, mij home PC has 4x as much and it can't even run a decent 3d design program!
What I can't quite work out is whay someone would use a physics engine from a game for a supposed serious project.
Why not use the solid-modelling software from the car manufacturer's CAD package? Just a thought...
oli, he say's HE broke through the fabrik of space and time while he was playing the game!!!!
The only connection betwean him and the ALL POWERFUL physics engine were his fingers! which where moving a car around a trak and he was Drifting!!! don't forget it only happens when he is drifting!!

so let me get this right... you travelled faster than the speed of light on your computer, something within which all components work or communicate with each other at slower speeds... and when you where travelling faster than light you saw MORE light, and a man sitting next to you... dude when the ear bud feels resistance please stop pushing!

And throwing a hole bunch of crap on the forum about inertia and drifting with a car ON A COMPUTOR and then a hole bunch of crap about information and your brain being able to do this…Feat of wonderfulness…, get your facts right! Newtonian laws are an approximation to the actual laws of physics, once you reach relativistic speeds (that’s the speed of light) the laws of Newton are insufficient to describe the effects that will occur, so go play same more GT on your Playstation and leave the forum for serious people.

Dude if your brain could work faster than the speed of light then your reaction time is …,00 times higher than that of Michael Schumacher, what the F***k are you doing on this forum become a F1 pilot and become a multi millionaire! … ow I forgot mental patients aren’t aloud near the track sorry

Dude, it happened. I made it happen with the speed and the japanese cryptographer was prepared. I didnt think everything was going to become light and I didnt believe it for sure until I saw the cross above the car. Also, Michael Schumacher is a long way down the tree when compared to me.

I've made this all very clear. You therefor understand what I'm saying but you cantt believe it. You fucking will when you see everything I'm saying is there and is true. peace.
Dude you are such a crackpot!

your brain workes faster than everyone els on the planet? faster than the greatest minds in the world?

it's so funny that it's actualy sad

i wish you so much happyness in your own little universe

Prove me wrong. If even in your own little universe. Try the real world after that with the real laws of physics that I'm talking about.
The more i think about your explination the more i start to think that while you where looking at the screen seeing these squares fly by the more you where actualy being hypnotised

I sugenst you go see a Doktor, or an exorcist which ever you prefer ;)

No. I saw the light and later proved and created it. My proof of this was stolen from me by a sad little japanese man, among other things.

Prove you wrong?
Erm no, you made the claim (with totally spurious "support"). you're the one that's supposed to provide proof.

It's one possible explanation... with little supporting evidence.

Again, no.
Anyone making the claim needs the proof.

Wow so you're you're smarter than those guys?
I doubt it very much.

The word you're looking for is "gullible" or "stupid" not "fast".

Typical Oli reply, blah blah, you have no proof, blah blah you have no proof. My typical response blah blah, a sad little japanese man stole it from me.
At least Reiku is using philosophy and not “factual testimony of a Royal nut job”

And yes you made the claim you carry the burden of proof.

But I’ll have a go at proving you wrong

Do you have a photo of the event? No
Was your leap through space time documented by an actual 3rd person who wasn’t part of the actual experiment? No
Do you have factual (black on white) proof that such an engine is being created? No
Appart from your word is there any documented proof when this event took place? No

Mmm it’s not looking good is it

Do you have any data from the period the event took place which can be analysed by an independent group of scientists? No
Is there any physical evidence of the event that can be observed by an outsider? No

It’s all a hole bunch of crap!

I cant argue with that, its not looking good. For what it's worth, my word is worth a lot more than that of Kazonori Yamuchi. Ok, there are 3 possibilities. 1. I'm crazy, properly doomsday crazy. 2. I have a agenda to take down a major corporation under false pretences. 3. I'm telling the truth.

I told people close to me about what was happening during this process, as it was happening. A few people observed me testing but not the test where I brought the code to C. You have to believe me, the code is there travelling at C. The system of inertia has been found but they cant make it work. Its all there. I've gotten myself into a right mess. Why didnt I sign a contract?
I can't wait for someone to get hold of this physics engine and use it to accurately predict everything that's going to happen in the universe.

Consider, thermal dynamics, carbon dynamics, the inertia, the mass, etc. all on the limits of physics that a car can be pushed to. When that is predicted, so will everything else.
he may have no soul but you have no working brain, working without a contract, what are you retarded?:confused:

Help you get proof? dude wake up...:(

maybe you should contact Yamauchi on an open forum and confront him there, just let us know so we can come and check out how you crash and burn :D

No paper contract. You see I only wanted to get paid initially. I didnt realise just how important bringing the code to M was until after. By that time they thought they had got the most out of me and nearly got rid of me sooner. I only just managed to make the code perfect 2 months before the old cunt fired me for the last time. This old man was like a second skin for a year. My job was hard enough.

help me get the proof, yes. can you think of a better way to force a corporation to do something other than a boycott?
seriously? :m:

It’s the physics engine on GT3 on playstation, and that’s going to predict the future… :shrug:

If the engine is so powerful, as soon as you stick the Game disk in the playstation, your playstation will fry and all you'll heve left is a ball of molten plastic :eek:

-edit- a PS3 has 515mb ram, mij home PC has 4x as much and it can't even run a decent 3d design program!

Can you please forget about video games. I was testing a physics engine not playing a video game.
What I can't quite work out is whay someone would use a physics engine from a game for a supposed serious project.
Why not use the solid-modelling software from the car manufacturer's CAD package? Just a thought...

Binary code travelling the speed of light can facilitate mathematical equations in 3D. This is way beyong anything any company has had before. No scientific progress will happen in the future without this code. I cant wait to see what the next generation of physicists does with it because this generation are useless.
I'll help you. We need some guns, some explosives, 3 lbs of butter, A leather briefcase, A duck, and 2 metric tonnes of dehydrated urine. PM me when you think you can get it. The watchword is Langthorpe. We can exchange phone numbers and adresses, and our first meeting should be no less than 73 and 5/8ths hours from now. I'm counting on you.

-The Ham-man
oli, he say's HE broke through the fabrik of space and time while he was playing the game!!!!
The only connection betwean him and the ALL POWERFUL physics engine were his fingers! which where moving a car around a trak and he was Drifting!!! don't forget it only happens when he is drifting!!

oli, he say's HE broke through the fabrik of space and time while he was playing the game!!!!

I broke through the fabric of space time while testing a physics engine.

The only connection betwean him and the ALL POWERFUL physics engine were his fingers! which where moving a car around a trak and he was drifting.

Grip had to be lost and it had to be after the moment of inertia. Thats what this process was all about, when the car flys. The physics engine and the code became accesible to me at this time.
"Inertia is the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics which are used to describe the motion of matter and how it is affected by applied forces. Sir Isaac Newton defined inertia in Definition 3 of his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which states:[1]

The vis insita, or innate force of matter is a power of resisting, by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavors to preserve in its present state, whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forward in a right line.

In common usage, however, people may also use the term "inertia" to refer to an object's "amount of resistance to change in velocity"..."

Pleae stop using the word inertia IT'S the wrong term!

you know nothing about what you are talking about, how the f*ck could you ever in your right mind expect anyone to think you are not completely insane

Kazunori Yamauchi (山内一典, born August 5, 1967) is a Japanese game designer who is the CEO of Polyphony Digital and creator and producer of the Gran Turismo series. He became the president of Polyphony Digital after creating his first game called Motor Toon Grand Prix, a cartoon racing game that was completely original and had a colourful, unique, and in every sense, "cartoony" feel.[citation needed] Since then, Yamauchi has fulfilled his dream of creating excellent car games with his massively successful Gran Turismo series. For his help with promoting Volkswagen(VW) models in the series, VW gave him a Golf R32.

He recently helped design the technology for Nissan's new GT-R which appears in the latest game in his franchise, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. He was given a Nissan GT-R for his contribution.

And stop slandering this mans name! for that matter stop wasting our forum space with your crap... if you are so "fast" prove that, give us the proof that you can react with such speed that you could beat someone like Micheal Shumacher? post a video on You Tube and send the Link...

Tell me something, what were you operating when you smashed through time and space?

When did these 'trials' take place?

…Try the real world after that with the real laws of physics that I'm talking about..

There are only the laws of physics and fantasy, you are talking about fantasy, until YOU PROVE US AND THE HOLE WORLD WRONG

No. I saw the light and later proved and created it. My proof of this was stolen from me by a sad little japanese man, among other things..

Booohooo don’t fucking cry about it steel it back! And show the hole world!

I made code perfect..

What code? The binary code, those 0110010010’s, explain how you did that? With the power of your mind? Then you should be typing these posts on the forum without a keyboard!

cant argue with that, its not looking good. For what it's worth, my word is worth a lot more than that of Kazonori Yamuchi. Ok, there are 3 possibilities. 1. I'm crazy, properly doomsday crazy. 2. I have a agenda to take down a major corporation under false pretences. 3. I'm telling the truth.

I’ll vote for option 1, you are a fucking crackpot, quickly go have your prescription refilled, and leave us alone

Consider, thermal dynamics, carbon dynamics, the inertia, the mass, etc. all on the limits of physics that a car can be pushed to. When that is predicted, so will everything else.

Dude it’s a car, the speed of which can’t even come close to C… C=299.792,458 km/sec that is around THE REAL WORLD 7.48078 times every second… a car will never ever ever be able have any effect on time space… ever!

And that cross you are talking about is on a SIMULATION thus NOT the real world
... after the moment of inertia. Thats what this process was all about, when the car flys. The physics engine and the code became accesible to me at this time.

You say moment of inertia as if it was a moment in time? when it is actually something used in mechanics to determine how an object would resist a force applied upon it.

the fact that you misinterpret the word "moment" show's us that you have no idea what you are talking about!
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